Streetsville Sunday Rides

How far do you guys wana go 2morrow? I rided 2hrs around escapement 2day in the afternoon it's nice.
it all depends on the weather for me. if its nice out i will ride all day, if it is cold and dark out maybe only go for a couple hours.
I think I'd be up for a short ride tmr. I'll try to wake up at a decent hr
You guys should all buy N3WMAN coffee and donuts and whatever his little heart desires. It's his birthday today!
Ahhh guys are tooo funny!
I've been reviewing the pics takin by the birthday man with my camera and...I really wish this season wasn't slowin down. The videos are gold.
Ride was a little shorter than most but, was great....I always have soo much fun.
Hopin that we meet on Tuesday and...of course next Sunday as well!
Stupid cold blooded sv. Was too lazy to put on the tender the night before. Happy birthday newman!
You guys should all buy N3WMAN coffee and donuts and whatever his little heart desires. It's his birthday today!

Coffee and donuts...OK but, c'mon Anka.....not so sure we could afford

"and whatever his little heart desires."
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