Streetsville Sunday Rides

Anybodies wantin to meet up to go the bike show Sunday Dec 12 /10..?
GTAM will have a booth with goodies for sale...hoodies for $20 and Miss January.
i will be there. i am getting cabin fever already and the bike isnt even put away yet.

just let me know the time to be there.
i believe you are thinking of the wrong show. this one is down town, not at the international centre. this show has all the new bikes for us to drool over. the other show is a large flea market with a small bike show.
i'll be at the show volunteering / working the centennial college both in the aftenoon on friday ...
i believe you are thinking of the wrong show. this one is down town, not at the international centre. this show has all the new bikes for us to drool over. the other show is a large flea market with a small bike show.
Any idea if the new Triumph Tiger 800 is going to be there?
Triumph Motorcycles America Ltd is going to be in booth 1526. If you really want to see one give them a call and tell them to bring one down. Tell them Marc said it was ok.
You can all car-pool from my place, probably save a bundle on parking.

Can anyone seat more than five?
I will be in mtl for ufc and rioting that weekend.

Last yr I rode down to the show. It is *the* coolest posefest (no pun intended) for the year :D
Come on guys, I believe in youuu!
There is a bad case of the flu going around. It is always easier to ask forgiveness then permission.
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