Stock up on that liquor!

Looks like the LCBO workers may be going on strike. May have to start stocking up this week (just in case)...

I love this tactic. Strike to protest other vendors being able to sell liquor.
In the publics eyes, the obvious solution to the union having the power to bar liquor sales is to have other vendors be able to sell liquor.

Good job unions.
I love this tactic. Strike to protest other vendors being able to sell liquor.
In the publics eyes, the obvious solution to the union having the power to bar liquor sales is to have other vendors be able to sell liquor.

Good job unions.
I don't even think it's's just beer, but their concern is that there will be job losses (which there will be).

Less work...same staff...the budget won't balance itself.
I read a Global article today about how the Liberals got to the $1billion price. They are absolutely ridiculous.

The priority when I buy a bottle of wine isn't to employ as many government workers as possible.
Looks like the LCBO workers may be going on strike. May have to start stocking up this week (just in case)...

Boozebus run? Easy for you as one leaves from erobicoke. I have been contemplating it. Wastes a day but all the rum and vodka I need for years acquired at a substantial discount.
Boozebus run? Easy for you as one leaves from erobicoke. I have been contemplating it. Wastes a day but all the rum and vodka I need for years acquired at a substantial discount.
I’d rather just drive and make a road trip out of it.

May have to get some additional luggage on the scrambler if I do the Lake Ontario loop…
Should be great for local breweries and vineyards. Not to mention the beer store is open, the wine shops are open, restaurants allow take-out alcohol now.
Drive to Gatineau!
Be careful with that. A bottle or two if fine but if you stock up, they can and do use the big stick for bringing booze across provincial borders. It's stupid but that threatens their cash cow so they don't play games.
I’d rather just drive and make a road trip out of it.

May have to get some additional luggage on the scrambler if I do the Lake Ontario loop…
Last time I was in the states, booze was substantially more than I remembered. That hurts the economics of the trip. It's worth checking out the boozebus model though even if you're driving. I've only done dutyfree booze before but their model has you bringing back 40L and paying duty. Still ends up far cheaper than LCBO.
Be careful with that. A bottle or two if fine but if you stock up, they can and do use the big stick for bringing booze across provincial borders. It's stupid but that threatens their cash cow so they don't play games.

It’s always been threatened but doesn’t usually happen. They are looking for minivans packed to the rafters if they do that.

I usually do a Costco booze run every few years if I’m up that way. I drive a stealth SUV at Mach 4 and remove the front plate though.
Gee another gov union going on strike, what a surprise.
Isn't the LCBO and the Beer Store an outdated, and over controlled, model of selling liquor?
Gee another gov union going on strike, what a surprise.
Isn't the LCBO and the Beer Store an outdated, and over controlled, model of selling liquor?

It is in a way but after experiencing what happens in Quebec I think I prefer the model we have in Ontario right now. The depanneurs are rip-offs more or less universally. In Ontario we have access to beer in several grocery stores so I don’t see the need for the Ford crap now to be honest. In Quebec unless you head to the SAQ the wine is mostly shite wine lake crap in the corner stores too. I’ve ordered a few different crates of things through the LCBO and that’s been a good experience, especially for hard to come by stuff.
Gee another gov union going on strike, what a surprise.
Isn't the LCBO and the Beer Store an outdated, and over controlled, model of selling liquor?
The Beer Store is an entirely different thing.
The reason that it used to be called 'Brewers Retail' is because it is owned by Labatt, Molson and Sleemans.
I believe that they see the writing on the wall because they seem to be selling locations where they own property and are not opening new locations.
The busiest location in Ontario was at Jane and Dundas. They sold that and did not open anything nearby.
I quit drinking years ago, the LCBO & Beer Store have enough of my money.
But not surprised to see them going on strike, I expect to see line ups soon as the panic sets in...
I recal seeing an investigation on how the LCBO operates. They noted that with the buying power the LCBO has since they are the only place to buy a product in Ontario. The prices shoild be on average 50% lower than they are. It was all a legal scam. They would price fix the products comming in from outside Ontario so we could subsidize the wine and liquor made in Ontario. Otherwise it wouldn't be competitive.
I suppose the only benefit in having the LCBO is that the profits go to the Provinical purse and hopefully that money gets budgeted back into the services we all use e.g. health care.
I suppose the only benefit in having the LCBO is that the profits go to the Provinical purse and hopefully that money gets budgeted back into the services we all use e.g. health care.
Partly. Also union salaries. When public sector pays far more than the equivalent private sector job (obviously no private sector booze sales but retail workers over 19 yo is a close enough equivalent), we are circling the drain and it is only a matter of time before the system collapses. Public sector should pay less than private sector but provide more stable employment. Let people decide whether to chase every dollar or sit back and enjoy stability.
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