Standup wheelie down the 403.

Well there was that guy in BC who got booked for something similar, they looked at his bike and found distinct markings that were also in the video.

Also cops lie, they'll come over and intimidate you and most people will fess up to things they haven't even done.

well, that was because he was stupid enough to post his own video and they traced it from that. But he didn't get charged or anything. His mom got hit for a couple thousand bucks in tickets and fines because the bike was registered to her and he got off...Buddy had 20+ tickets or something like that and a suspended license.

Guys if ever harassed by the cops other than for a legit traffic stop or after getting pulled over, don't fall for their ******** threats and tactics...If they had reason to arrest you they'd do it without asking questions. So if they do come snooping around they probably ain't got ****. All you ever say to the ****ers is "I will not be answering an questions or making any statements", also try to record it on audio or video, then they know they can't **** around with you as much.

They usually try and threaten you with an arrest or obstruction charges when you refuse to say anything, but that's all ********. If they're just wanting to ask you questions to begin with, they have no reasonable grounds to arrest in the first place and are hoping for you to give them a reason. Refusing to answer questions is our Charter right and they can't do diddly **** about it.

This has been tried and tested...
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Nice wheelie....but he shouldn't be doing it on busy public roads.

He also did the same thing going Eastbound on Burnhamthorpe near Square One.

....and he's running a stolen license plate.
(Don't ask me how I know)

Bottom line is this guy is an accident waiting to happen, whether it be from his stunts or if he runs from the cops, I just hope that the only person he hurts (if anyone) is himself.

Raul is that you??
...and for those that think if he did crash on the highway it won't be that big a deal.....if 99% of the ****** motorists out there saw a wheelie crash like this:

They'd all slam on their brakes and cause a pile up.
...and for those that think if he did crash on the highway it won't be that big a deal.....if 99% of the ****** motorists out there saw a wheelie crash like this:

They'd all slam on their brakes and cause a pile up.

YAY! It's not a GSXR for once!
...and for those that think if he did crash on the highway it won't be that big a deal.....if 99% of the ****** motorists out there saw a wheelie crash like this:

They'd all slam on their brakes and cause a pile up.

First thing I said at work when asked about this last night. "Don't care. Yay he can wheelie. Guess what though, cars can't stop any faster because he falls off on one wheel" At that speed with cars that close to him his chances of making it out if something happened are rather small. Time and place. 403 isn't either.

Edit: I've seen that video before. Doesn't that guy look like the coolest cat out there. :rolleyes:
well, that was because he was stupid enough to post his own video and they traced it from that. But he didn't get charged or anything. His mom got hit for a couple thousand bucks in tickets and fines because the bike was registered to her and he got off...Buddy had 20+ tickets or something like that and a suspended license.

Yes he did,
His mom got charged but they also charged him with dangerous driving.
...and for those that think if he did crash on the highway it won't be that big a deal.....if 99% of the ****** motorists out there saw a wheelie crash like this:

They'd all slam on their brakes and cause a pile up.

Sorry...just had to do it. WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK

Yes he did,
His mom got charged but they also charged him with dangerous driving.

I guess I was wrong. At first they had just nabbed his mom, but after reading the article it seems like the popo harassed his friends/family as well and he gave himself up...DENY TIL YOU DIE!
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Sorry...just had to do it. WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK

I guess I was wrong. At first they had just nabbed his mom, but after reading the article it seems like the popo harassed his friends/family as well and he gave himself up...DENY TIL YOU DIE!

Agreed. Deny, deny, deny! They couldn't tell who was riding that bike at that moment. He just got shook.
Stunters gonna stunt, haters gonna hate.
520 makes a big difference?

No lol

I don't really get why people do it, considering that longevity is sacrificed. If the machine was purely a track or stunt machine I guess I could understand.
How are people defending this guy? It boggles my mind how many people are blaming CityTV and bitching about the police, refusing to see how dangerous it is. He's putting everyone around him at risk, not just with a 500 pound torpedo flying across the highway if he loses control, but everyone nearby swerving and slamming on their brakes. Any accident he caused would be 100% his fault and totally preventable. Isn't this what tracks are for? **** that guy, totally irresponsible.
How are people defending this guy? It boggles my mind how many people are blaming CityTV and bitching about the police, refusing to see how dangerous it is. He's putting everyone around him at risk, not just with a 500 pound torpedo flying across the highway if he loses control, but everyone nearby swerving and slamming on their brakes. Any accident he caused would be 100% his fault and totally preventable. Isn't this what tracks are for? **** that guy, totally irresponsible.

It boggles my mind at how ignorant some people can be.

Have you ever pulled a wheelie? If not, how do you know it's dangerous? Because of the crash videos all over YouTube? But hey, super cars crash all over YouTube too, does that mean they're dangerous?

Also, did you notice the wheelie was being held at traffic speed and NOT something ridiculous like Ghost Rider's 200km/h wheelies? ....And did you know wheelies get you into massive **** on tracks?

To conclude, how often have you personally seen a rider doing a wheelie and causing an accident vs. a driver not paying attention and causing an accident? You do realize the rider is still looking straight and paying attention to his balance, control, etc. right?

I don' think what the rider did was smart behaviour...but overreactions are overreactions.
How are people defending this guy? It boggles my mind how many people are blaming CityTV and bitching about the police, refusing to see how dangerous it is. He's putting everyone around him at risk, not just with a 500 pound torpedo flying across the highway if he loses control, but everyone nearby swerving and slamming on their brakes. Any accident he caused would be 100% his fault and totally preventable. Isn't this what tracks are for? **** that guy, totally irresponsible.

Everything else aside, no, this is absolutely not what tracks are for.
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