shooting on college st

On working in heels, Alex Pierson used to do assignments when she worked for CITY in 6" stiletto CFM boots all the time, all 4 seasons.

Heels = deviant sexual desires. I wish I'd clued into that years ago. Think of all the money I've missed out on from Sugar Daddy's. Pooey. Here I was wearing them because they made my bum perkier, kept me from hemming pants and made it easier navigating in crowds.

If shoes were the magic answer to instant sexy... Oh the things I could do. Now someone explain the power of cleavage to me please.
I know you said they are comfortable, but I just don't understand how.

From years (decades?) of wearing equally stupid footwear... no doubt started during the terrible teen period where most girls desperately seek the attention of boys by wearing skimpy dresses and high heels.
LOL how am I back pedaling? I don't deny saying those things, they're true...

What do you think "looking sexy" and "looking trashy" means? How exactly do you think men view strippers and hookers? With respect and admiration? Or with deviant sexual desire?

When you dress the part, what else are you doing besides submitting yourself to the opposite sex to be looked at and regarded as an object?

And you wouldn't be wearing them if men didn't find them sexually appealing. I find women's need to deny this simple fact laughable.. why does it bother you so much that the feeling of confidence you get from your high heels and sexy dresses is derived entirely from inciting attraction of the opposite sex? Why does that bug you? Why is it misogynistic for me to point that out? You've yet to argue it in any sensible manner...

I don't think you understand yourself. I'm not in the mood to argue right now, weird.
You are just dead wrong and you are generalizing and saying you are not. This isn't even worth discussing. You state women dress only to be sex object to men and for the sole purpose of attracting men and thus are submitting themselves to men. Based on what you believe I guess we should all expect that we could be raped. You say we wouldn't be wearing them if men didn't find them sexy. So by that rationale we would never wear anything unsexy to men?? And yes you are very misogynistic. Saying women submit themselves to men by dressing sexy is barbaric, or a very poor choice of words.
Now, I will state MY opinion, as you have stated your OPINION. I have all the lady bits so my opinion automatically trumps yours. Women do not dress sexy for the sole purpose of attracting men and further, sexy dressing does not equate to one submitting themselves to men (my opinions the opposite of yours ;)
There is no possible way to argue and disprove an opinion. Your opinion is based on your observation. My opinion is based on my experience and observation. Again, I win. And i am not even wearing heels, go figure.
From years (decades?) of wearing equally stupid footwear... no doubt started during the terrible teen period where most girls desperately seek the attention of boys by wearing skimpy dresses and high heels.

lol... dress shoes were mandatory in school and all the flats back then were hideous!

definitely not decades! lolz
I don't think you understand yourself. I'm not in the mood to argue right now, weird.
You are just dead wrong and you are generalizing and saying you are not. This isn't even worth discussing. You state women dress only to be sex object to men and for the sole purpose of attracting men and thus are submitting themselves to men. Based on what you believe I guess we should all expect that we could be raped. You say we wouldn't be wearing them if men didn't find them sexy. So by that rationale we would never wear anything unsexy to men?? And yes you are very misogynistic. Saying women submit themselves to men by dressing sexy is barbaric, or a very poor choice of words.
Now, I will state MY opinion, as you have stated your OPINION. I have all the lady bits so my opinion automatically trumps yours. Women do not dress sexy for the sole purpose of attracting men and further, sexy dressing does not equate to one submitting themselves to men (my opinions the opposite of yours ;)
There is no possible way to argue and disprove an opinion. Your opinion is based on your observation. My opinion is based on my experience and observation. Again, I win. And i am not even wearing heels, go figure.

It went over your head, obviously.

First of all, submission doesn't have to be physical, and it doesn't have to have anything to do with rape. I have no idea why you'd even bring that up. This reveals a little bit about your attitude towards men, actually. Frightening that you'd go there in the context of this discussion.

Secondly, not all women dress "sexy" in order to attract men. Some dress "sexy" to feel better about themselves, for the confidence, for the power... BUT, that confidence and power only exists because of physical attraction of the opposite sex. You don't have to have men on your mind one tiny little bit when you wear your heels, but ultimately it IS the reason you're wearing those heels. It's sexual attraction that makes those heels look good and give you confidence, whether you seek it or not.

Yeah, you "win" :lol:
lol... dress shoes were mandatory in school and all the flats back then were hideous!

definitely not decades! lolz

See I was right... physical conditioning from the teen years. And what about the flats was "hideous"? I'll answer: the boys weren't as attracted to them as they were to heels.

Ladies I'm not at all against you. I love the heels, I love the attitude and strength they inspire in a confident woman. I just think you should be a little more honest with yourselves about exactly why these items are in fashion, and why they make you feel the way they do.
It went over your head, obviously.

First of all, submission doesn't have to be physical, and it doesn't have to have anything to do with rape. I have no idea why you'd even bring that up. This reveals a little bit about your attitude towards men, actually. Frightening that you'd go there in the context of this discussion.

Secondly, not all women dress "sexy" in order to attract men. Some dress "sexy" to feel better about themselves, for the confidence, for the power... BUT, that confidence and power only exists because of physical attraction of the opposite sex. You don't have to have men on your mind one tiny little bit when you wear your heels, but ultimately it IS the reason you're wearing those heels. It's sexual attraction that makes those heels look good and give you confidence, whether you seek it or not.

Yeah, you "win" :lol:

I'm not enjoying your grasp of the english language or your writing ability. Okay, lets say your basic argument is women dress sexy to get confidence. Confidence, as you say, that can only be achieved by being attractive to the opposite sex. That's even worse and more wrong. You went over your own head. One minute your making generalized comments and then when you are called out on them you go into some diatribe about how it was taken wrong. Make up your mind already. Now you think you have an idea about my attitude towards men? And what might I be revealing, Sherlock? I am very interested to hear.
who wants to bet that mmmnaked is about to lace into me about the fact that i wore a kilt next! :lmao:
I think a kilt is juuuuuuust fine... Must be my Scotish blood, or the fact I'm a straight male with a pulse lol.

I get what mmmnaked is saying. No doubt you are confident in yourselves, but to put that confidence in yourself forward, dressing a certain way shows that... We all do it, both sexes. However, it's different for men as to women.
For men, if you think of the way we dress it's still in a way of showing "power". Clothes that accent the size of a guys shoulders, or showing he has money is a dominant thing.
For women, you're a bit sneakier, and the more attractive you are, the more likely you are to get what you want, so why not wear something that helps out with it? Already admitted in this thread of what heels can do for your sex appeal. The sexier a woman, the more desirable she is. The more desirable she is, the more she is "worth" in the mind of a male, and the more persuasion she has. That persuasion is the power behind your confidence when you feel good about yourself and you know you're desirable.

There are studies that show being taller and "better looking" in life leads to more opportunities and on average make more money. This is why women naturally go for tall guys, because that's just the way we are made.

The shoes... Some are trashy, they make me think of the kind of girl that I could get my way with on the first date, and then there are some that make me think "damn, this girl has class"... And I can't describe you the difference in shoes because I'm just not in touch enough with my feminine side to figure it out why.
I'm not enjoying your grasp of the english language or your writing ability. Okay, lets say your basic argument is women dress sexy to get confidence. Confidence, as you say, that can only be achieved by being attractive to the opposite sex. That's even worse and more wrong. You went over your own head. One minute your making generalized comments and then when you are called out on them you go into some diatribe about how it was taken wrong. Make up your mind already. Now you think you have an idea about my attitude towards men? And what might I be revealing, Sherlock? I am very interested to hear.

You're not enjoying my 'language and writing ability' because you obviously don't understand it. That's fine.

Explain where the confidence comes from, if it doesn't come from "looking good" please. Will you? Closely examine what exactly it means to "look good" first though, and what the implications are.

And I have some idea about your attitude but I'll keep it to myself... who really cares, we're not interacting out there in the world and probably never will. But you've said a number of things in the thread that hint towards your feelings and your attitude, including your use of your clothing choices to "manipulate" men, because you can't use your stature and "power" to do it. It also doesn't help that you have a photo of your tits in your profile... is that to raise your own confidence as well?

Blah blah. Tell me again how you're not seeking attention.
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