shooting on college st

i honestly don't think i have ever debated about shoes this much with women! :confused:

I wear what I wear because I like it and because I'm comfortable and I like the way I look.

If one dude thinks my shoes are asking for attention then so be it... and if that's the case then I think I have achieved this goal judging from the several pages of discussion.

now... moving on... someone got shot? lmao
i honestly don't think i have ever debated about shoes this much with women! :confused:

I wear what I wear because I like it and because I'm comfortable and I like the way I look.

If one dude thinks my shoes are asking for attention then so be it... and if that's the case then I think I have achieved this goal judging from the several pages of discussion.

now... moving on... someone got shot? lmao

I don't think anybody got shot... but there was definitely a hot chick in flat shoes crying in there somewhere...
I think a kilt is juuuuuuust fine... Must be my Scotish blood, or the fact I'm a straight male with a pulse lol.

I get what mmmnaked is saying. No doubt you are confident in yourselves, but to put that confidence in yourself forward, dressing a certain way shows that... We all do it, both sexes. However, it's different for men as to women.
For men, if you think of the way we dress it's still in a way of showing "power". Clothes that accent the size of a guys shoulders, or showing he has money is a dominant thing.
For women, you're a bit sneakier, and the more attractive you are, the more likely you are to get what you want, so why not wear something that helps out with it? Already admitted in this thread of what heels can do for your sex appeal. The sexier a woman, the more desirable she is. The more desirable she is, the more she is "worth" in the mind of a male, and the more persuasion she has. That persuasion is the power behind your confidence when you feel good about yourself and you know you're desirable.

I don't differentiate much between the things you just said about men, and the dress/shoe/style choices of women. Both are essentially answers to our most primitive and natural needs.

Men don't accentuate their broad shoulders and show off their money and power for no reason. They don't spend hours at a gym to have "beach bodies" for their own amusement... they do that **** for attraction too. The difference is that most of us will readily admit it.
Explain where the confidence comes from, if it doesn't come from "looking good" please. Will you? Closely examine what exactly it means to "look good" first though, and what the implications are.

Never mind that attraction in subjective, and no one can possibly turn on the entire opposite sex at once ... high-heeled shoes provide more height, by definition. Height provides confidence. What was that **** from math classes? "QED"
You're not enjoying my 'language and writing ability' because you obviously don't understand it. That's fine.

Explain where the confidence comes from, if it doesn't come from "looking good" please. Will you? Closely examine what exactly it means to "look good" first though, and what the implications are.

And I have some idea about your attitude but I'll keep it to myself... who really cares, we're not interacting out there in the world and probably never will. But you've said a number of things in the thread that hint towards your feelings and your attitude, including your use of your clothing choices to "manipulate" men, because you can't use your stature and "power" to do it. It also doesn't help that you have a photo of your tits in your profile... is that to raise your own confidence as well?

Blah blah. Tell me again how you're not seeking attention.

Yeah, I don't understand it, because it's horrible!
You just go on thinking that all of womens confidence comes from their ability to attract men. How the **** can anyone think that?? It is the stupidest thing I have heard in a long time.
Yeah, I don't think I look good unless some one else verifies it for me because I can't see myself. :rolleyes:
Try being a broad and putting up with **** like this from people. You come up with tactics to move yourself along and sex appeal is a tactic. I won't be held responsible for the weaknesses of men. That does not mean one exclusively requires attention from the opposite sex to gain confidence. I take issue with you saying us women should "be more honest" about why we dress up. Not only are you talking down to women in general but you are assuming you know better then all of women.
As for my tits, glad you enjoyed them ;)
Heels = deviant sexual desires. I wish I'd clued into that years ago.



Think of all the money I've missed out on from Sugar Daddy's. Pooey. Here I was wearing them because they made my bum perkier, kept me from hemming pants and made it easier navigating in crowds.

It's why men are chivalrous enough to let ladies go first - we're busy watching the wiggle.

If shoes were the magic answer to instant sexy... Oh the things I could do.

They are, and you should.

Now someone explain the power of cleavage to me please.

Bewbs in general equal
Yeah, I don't understand it, because it's horrible!
You just go on thinking that all of womens confidence comes from their ability to attract men. How the **** can anyone think that?? It is the stupidest thing I have heard in a long time.
Yeah, I don't think I look good unless some one else verifies it for me because I can't see myself. :rolleyes:
Try being a broad and putting up with **** like this from people. You come up with tactics to move yourself along and sex appeal is a tactic. I won't be held responsible for the weaknesses of men. That does not mean one exclusively requires attention from the opposite sex to gain confidence. I take issue with you saying us women should "be more honest" about why we dress up. Not only are you talking down to women in general but you are assuming you know better then all of women.
As for my tits, glad you enjoyed them ;)

"You just go on thinking that all of womens confidence comes from their ability to attract men"

Who's generalizing now? I never uttered such a thing.. no wonder you're upset, you're reading something entirely different to what I've written.
Plus it makes the booty bounce when you walk.

And defines the lower calves with a certain something..mmmmm..but only if there's no stubble.

Yesterday a man who I just met one other time asked me to choose which 500k condo unit he would buy and how much off the list price he should negotiate for and then thanked me for helping him. I don't know anything about condo's and I was just looking to buy myself. I had on a white blouse, a grey pencil skirt and 5" peep toe snake skin platform heels. If I was wearing jeans and t-shirt he wouldn't have cared to hear what I had to say.

Ok, here I'm going to be as kind as I can cuz I my upbringing instilled to always do the kind thing, when it comes to things in life, but especially women. Don't you see the irony in what you just quoted? You admit you don't know squat about condos and also assume he'd not ask you had you been in jeans, yet he listened to what you had to say even though you "don't know anything about condo's". This isn't rocket science here...pretty sure he simply wanted an excuse to engage with you.

I wear a lot of pant suits and majority of the time you cant even tell that my shoes are so high.

Oh, I'd beg to differ on this, love..heels poke the bum and an experience eye can get within a couple inches of the heel height unless you're overweight..which I think we have established even in other threads that you are not.

i dunno... but they are! believe it or not!

Probably because your feet have been trained to endure the extreme bent shape that makes the booty poke just right and define those lovely (assumedly at this point) calves. The other reason heels should never be taken for granted....or at least this man doesn't.

I will be the first to admit that I am not able to intimidate people or command respect with my physical presence like a man would so I use attraction.
If you are dealing with a fair man (fair is good right?) then his opinion of deserved respect or not, usually comes after we hear you speak..regardless of your attire.

When we go away on girls weekends do we lay around looking like slobs with no make up on? Nope. You have to stop generalizing.

Are u sure that isn't because you feel you guys have to look your best in front of the women so that they can feel potential envy in certain cases. In the end, it is always about sexual attraction and damned if I can figure out why so many of you express denial about this. If there were NO men at home or work or on the street when you all get back from the girls w/e at the cottage, I'm pretty sure the need to use make up and embrace those extra lengthy heels would get old pretty damn fast.
Now where'd I leave that cool polygraph machine I won at the cop auction last year?? Anyway, don't feel bombarded here, ok, cuz I have read through before posting this and saw that you and naked have sorta covered this at length and is doubtful that a meeting of the minds will ensue anytime soon. Which brings me to my next and last quote..

"You just go on thinking that all of womens confidence comes from their ability to attract men"

Who's generalizing now? I never uttered such a thing.. no wonder you're upset, you're reading something entirely different to what I've written.

Naked, while women have a tremendous and impressive skill set in other categories we seek, surely you realize how ridiculous your statement here sounds. Unfortunately, this is something they all universally excel at :(
Up until that point you were making so much sense..
How did this become a serious and somewhat heaed discussion about high heels? High heels are fine unless you're short like me (5'10) and your 5'7 gf is wearing 6 inch heels to prom >_>

Heels are sexy, and unless they're platforms I don't see how they're "hooker shoes". Just never piss off a girl with stiletto heels. I've seen them used as weapons :s

At least for me I'm motivated to try harder on a woman with heels dressed smartly instead of slutty. Flats are just disgusting though, I can't be bothered.
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How did this become a serious and somewhat heaed discussion about high heels? High heels are fine unless you're short like me (5'10) and your 5'7 gf is wearing 6 inch heels to prom >_>

Heels are sexy, and unless they're platforms I don't see how they're "hooker shoes". Just never piss off a girl with stiletto heels. I've seen them used as weapons :s

At least for me I'm motivated to try harder on a woman with heels dressed smartly instead of slutty. Flats are just disgusting though, I can't be bothered.

Blame Naked. He is argumentative and controlling ;)
How did this become a serious and somewhat heaed discussion about high heels? High heels are fine unless you're short like me (5'10) and your 5'7 gf is wearing 6 inch heels to prom >_>

Heels are sexy, and unless they're platforms I don't see how they're "hooker shoes". Just never piss off a girl with stiletto heels. I've seen them used as weapons :s

At least for me I'm motivated to try harder on a woman with heels dressed smartly instead of slutty. Flats are just disgusting though, I can't be bothered.

Dude, you feel short at 5'10"?! I'm 5'7" and it freakin sucks!
Dude, you feel short at 5'10"?! I'm 5'7" and it freakin sucks!

Ouch bro. I'm actually 6'0 but I have a spinal condition, makes me measure as 5'10. I only played rugby and lacrosse with guys that were 6'1-6'6 so yea, I feel short :p

Best year of my life was dating a girl that was 4'11. Ginger too, HOTDAMN! (when she wore heels, there was still a respectable height difference >_<)
Ouch bro. I'm actually 6'0 but I have a spinal condition, makes me measure as 5'10. I only played rugby and lacrosse with guys that were 6'1-6'6 so yea, I feel short :p

Best year of my life was dating a girl that was 4'11. Ginger too, HOTDAMN! (when she wore heels, there was still a respectable height difference >_<)
I'm just happy with anything under my height lol.
As far as sports go, I like them as rough as they can get, and the bigger the target, the harder I hit. My shoulders make contact lower than they can get so I usually just blow em over... I love finding the really tall lanky guys and showing them whats up lol. Had a nickname in highschool "Bulldog" just because of my size and attitude. Gotta find the advantages to what you were given.
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