Are RPG's legal for a Civilian to own?
If not then why not?
If not then why not?
Do you think a crazed psycho will lose sleep over breaking mag capacity laws? Do you think homey's gonna ask the CFO for an authorization to transport his Glock to go busta cap in dat suckaz ***? A person prepared to take a life is really gonna worry about equipment regulations?
The reason why we have less violence is that we have a more equitable society and less confrontational culture.
How hard will it be to get any capacity magazine once 3d printers are more common?
Anyway, back to the numbers.
Please refer to the USA Department of Justice report on Homicide, page 27:
All of the excitement lately has been regarding magazines and rifles, however, looking at the stats you will see that rifle homicide is about on par with knife deaths as well as other objects and other blunt objects. The majority of the firearm homicides were committed using handguns, which I can't think of any that have 'high capacity' magazines.
You may also note, from these statistics, that most firearm homicides are committed by 17 year old black males.
So maybe the focus should be on analyzing why young black men are killing each other rather than blaming the tool.
Stop looking at this problem emotionally. If you want to reduce firearm homicide consider where the majority of firearm homicides are occurring and solve that problem, not just a band-aid solution that primary effects law-abiding citizens -- not the ones committing the crimes.
No, we are saying what is the point of banning X when banning X will do nothing to solve the problem. The problem is not X, it is Y, so leave me and my X alone.
As embodied partly by our stricter gun laws.
Do you think there would be as many psychos and homies in if society didn't preach the ethos of every man for himself, as the US does?
Do you think there would be as many psychos and homies in if society didn't preach the ethos of every man for himself, as the US does?
The thing about trying to ban everything that can cause harm, is where do you stop? At what point do you accept that sometimes **** happens and bad people do bad things and no matter what bans you initiate **** still happens.
Sometimes large dogs kill people. People don't need large dogs so maybe they should be banned. Think of the children.
Motorcycles cause a lot of death and greatly impacts the surviving families. People don't need motorcycles and they should be banned, think of the children.
Alcohol causes a lot of death and greatly impacts the surviving families. People don't need alcohol and it should be banned, think of the children.
X cause a lot of death and greatly impacts the surviving families. People don't need x and they should be banned, think of the children.
Eventually we might as well all be locked away in a padded room to protect ourselves from ourselves.
There wouldn't be, but that's the crux of the matter.. The amount of violence in their society is caused by that mentality and socioeconomic factors, not by the abundance of guns.
I have some experience with this. No matter what I say to my neighbour, by way of conversation starter, he will point out that the exact opposite is also true. It's uncanny.
I don't wish to go off on a weird tangent but I cannot for the life of me recall, ever, a woman mass shooter. Is there something to learn here? is probably some FBI profilers working on that, out of the last 62 "mass shootings" in the US only one was female. They favor drownings and poison and historically try and get away with it unlike volume male shooters. Must be something to understand in there.
In Americuh??Are RPG's legal for a Civilian to own?
If not then why not?
Are RPG's legal for a Civilian to own?
If not then why not?
There are various grenade launchers available for public purchase, though getting real grenades for them is a challenge.
What's next, you're gonna compare tactical nuclear weapons to a rifle? LOL
Surely if we can't own nukes then we shouldn't feel entitled to rifles and shotguns right![]()
Now we're talking.
The stats indicate as you say, that the majority of gun homicides are due to handgun violence. The stats also strongly suggest as you say, that these are inner-city youth who perpetrate these murders. Gang violence, in effect. The fact is, controlling gang violence would be a much more effective way to reduce the homicide rate in the US, and by extension, presumably also the overall rate of violence. The thing is, that's still not enough.
This is a breakdown of the stats that you have linked to. As shown, overall rates of homicides from all types of weapons have declined over time, with only handgun homicides swinging wildly up and down over the years. This is an clear result of the effort to combat gang violence over that time, and that effort needs to be sustained.
However even in the most positive outlook, which is to assume that every single one of those handgun murders is attributable to gang violence, and that gang violence can be eliminated, that still leaves an unacceptably large rate of homicides in America. From the 4.5x greater rate that it is now (compared to the average of all other advanced economies), to 'only' 2.5x greater. In absolute terms, that would bring the US down from about 2nd worst homicide rate of all advanced economies, to 'only' 3rd worst (out of 32). Even in that rosy-glasses scenario where all handgun homicides are eliminated, they would still rank number one for firearm homicide rate.
So, there is more that needs to be done than merely eliminating gang violence.
Yes, Y causes X, X doesn't act on it's own. So if you're willing to look at causes, then how about what causes Y?
You've managed to point out the complete idiocy of legislating magazine limits, while in the same post confirming that you're in favour of such limits.
On that note, I am departing this thread... it has gone on far too long with far too much silliness.
I took a closer look at the Department of Justice Report on Homicides, and I am not convinced that any ban on guns in USA (like that is even possible) would change things much:
1. 49% of offenders were under 25 years old (p. 3) -- so maybe they should attempt to enforce safe storage laws as well as licensing and do not allow licenses to those under 25.
2. 78% of victims knew their killers and a lot of them were family (p 16). 2/3rds of spouse killings were with guns -- but without guns available, would these killings stop? Even in places where guns are not available, spouse killings still happen, and they happen often with a wide variety of methods.
3. About 4% of killings involved multiple victims. Less than 1% involved more than two victims (pg 24) -- so the whole issue of magazine size is barely relevant -- which is why I don't think that even if a magazine ban was possible that it would make any difference in the homicide rate.
4. Between 650 to 800 homicides were justifiable (pg 32) -- either people defending themselves or police defending themselves.
So, once you subtract the gang bangers with hand guns from the equation, once you remove the spousal or inter-family killings that many of which may still happen without guns (mothers drowning kids, dad's stabbing mom's, etc), and if you remove all of the justifiable homicides, what are you left with?
If you go the way Britain did and ban guns, what is next, banning knife sales like they have in certain areas to under 18s?
People kill people. In USA with their violent culture, Americans kill a lot of Americans.
Licensing may help to a degree provided you don't start a civil war trying to enact it. A total ban will never happen there.
On that note, I am departing this thread... it has gone on far too long with far too much silliness.
Not a damn thing.
I'm happy with Canadian gun laws for the most part. I don't see why anyone needs a handgun. And if people in rural communities need long guns to protect their property and family, God bless.
As for the U.S., their attitude about guns is bred into their culture. Expect more tragedies like today.
and yet another shooting by a teen (though not in school). family dead.