So you are saying that because the majority disagrees with reason, facts and common sense, they should impose their will on the minority population in a tyrannical fashion? Guess what, that's precisely the reason why we also have constitutions. Thank God that the Americans have a specific provision in their constitution and that in Canada the minority is big enough to make the political parties think twice. They were able to push us up to a certain point, but now we're pushing back. Thank you for C-19
Yes and that is why we have mitigating factors like safety training, storage and transport regs (those go a bit overboard in severity, tbh) and background checks. We aren't banning Mustangs, aftermarket seats and Momo steering wheels before too many knuckleheads crash them.
No, but we do have safety standards that those items must pass before being placed for public use.
By your logic then we should allow formula 1 cars to drive around the streets.
We should also lower the driving limit to 13. Why are we taking away their rights to drive?
I am sure you have no problem with a 13 year old driving next to you in their Mustang or F1 car.
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