I for one is not defending loose gun laws. There are certain laws in Ontario i do agree on, while others i disagree. Its certain things like a total ban that gets me fired up. Sometimes u have to put your foot on the ground & say enough is enough & just push back.
Sometimes people give a band aid soln. to a bigger problem
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Bans are dumb, defining an assault rifle is like defining a pit bull. A worthless exercise.
What I am talknig about is giving the ATF teeth to enforce rules that let them crack down on gun dealers that sell illegally (estimated 1 % back when the ATF did have this power). Closing background check loopholes, and controling secondary market sales.
none of these things would affect me at all. I walk into a gun store, show my pal. order something, they do what they do. I come pick it up later. I can't sell it to some guy on the street. WHATS THE PROBLEM WITH THAT?
Its a gun, the purpose of its existence is to kill whatever you point it at, that is its true nature. And in the US everyone freaks out the moment you want to treat it as something more than a box of candy. Simply put, because its a society where people are afraid, a paranoid, irrational fear that other people and the government are out to get them, that leads to people living in gated communities and building bunkers and buying billions of dollars of guns. And for what? crime that consistently goes down? The far far greater likelihood that a gun in the house is going to kill someone living there than someone breaking in?
the US has a problem, and guns are but a symptom of a disease of the mind that affects the nation.
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