Shooting in Connecticut

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One student shot at a California school, another student in custody. God bless America.
Well the post I responded to talked about how Canadians shouldn't think they are the US and thats why any gun control debate should be contextually different... So yeah I thought the topic was gun control measures in Canada?

I think my point is fair - which is that debate should be about realistic proposals and outcomes, not things that is plainly not going to happen.

Typical, something happens in the US and a knee jerkoff wants to look for more ways to further regulate Canadians. The fact is, Canada is not a true democracy and the wealth of the country is routed for the benefit of the few, mostly politicians and bureacrats. This lack of democracy allows for whimisical laws. As I pointed to out, the right to bare arms in the US, is also about a display of force against the Government by the American people. Imagine if Canadians had guns to stand against the Conservative Government and a constitution to shield them from persecuting laws and actions by the Conservative Government perhaps Canada would be a very different country.

Arms is a broad definition, the attention is on assault weapons, the fact is arms could also include tanks and missles. What would you people think if a group pushes back against gun control at the US supreme court and ups the anti in paving the way of people aquiring tanks and missles? Think it can't happen, think again.
For those who think this is just another flash-in-the-pan gun control uproar that will subside; control

Notice also how the topic of gun control itself appears almost entirely contained within the US (and a bit in Canada) amongst all nations in the world. Even searches for quintessentially American terms like "Declaration of Independance", or "World Series", have a greater proportion of searchers from outside the US than for the term "gun control"!
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Get this, guns in Mexico are outlawed. The only possible way to obtain a firearm legally is if u own a gun range.

Guess what? All the drug cartels are armed to the teeth & kill people as they please. I dont see gun laws doing much there, lol. Law abiding citizens are obviously unarmed

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Get this, guns in Mexico are outlawed. The only possible way to obtain a firearm legally is if u own a gun range.

Guess what? All the drug cartels are armed to the teeth & kill people as they please. I dont see gun laws doing much there, lol. Law abiding citizens are obviously unarmed

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America's gun violence is caused by a lack of gun control.Mexico's gun violence is caused by the drug war, because they already have strict gun control. :cool:
Get this, guns in Mexico are outlawed. The only possible way to obtain a firearm legally is if u own a gun range.

Guess what? All the drug cartels are armed to the teeth & kill people as they please. I dont see gun laws doing much there, lol. Law abiding citizens are obviously unarmed

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and being next to the States has nothing to do with that? don't you think that illegality has to be paired with restriction in access?

laws without enforcement is useless, so lets not have laws? thats a pretty bad argument.
Get this, guns in Mexico are outlawed. The only possible way to obtain a firearm legally is if u own a gun range.

Guess what? All the drug cartels are armed to the teeth & kill people as they please. I dont see gun laws doing much there, lol. Law abiding citizens are obviously unarmed

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There are thousands of differences between any two countries. Even just looking strictly at your comparison between the US and Mexico, ignoring everything else we know about them, you have listed two variables; lax/strict gun laws, and effective/ineffective law enforcement. The only way to draw meaningful comparisons is to isolate one variable at a time and then evaluate the differences.

That's why it makes sense to compare against a number of developed countries as I did earlier, at least as a starting point. That way the major differences are minimized since they all have democratic governance, free media, strong economies, and effective law enforcement.
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So how do you guys explain Serbia? Twice as many guns per capita as in Canada, 25% unemployment, corrupt police (I may or may not have greased my way out of a ticket a couple of years back :cool:), democratic governance ok (choices as crappy as what we got), same story for the media, pisspoor economy, and the law enforcement is pretty useless - still our homicide rate is 33% higher than theirs :cool:
So how do you guys explain Serbia? Twice as many guns per capita as in Canada, 25% unemployment, corrupt police (I may or may not have greased my way out of a ticket a couple of years back :cool:), democratic governance ok (choices as crappy as what we got), same story for the media, pisspoor economy, and the law enforcement is pretty useless - still our homicide rate is 33% higher than theirs :cool:

I finally located Serbia on my table globe. So I think I can help you with this since you seem so insistent. Ever heard of stereotypes? They exist for a reason. If you turned every North American into the stereotypical Serb you might have something. A piss poor country with less shootings. Until then, what?
Don't respond to the trolling. He'll eventually piss off the wrong mod

Stereotypical response. Strait out of the "You are Nazi" playbook. Don't agree? Must be a troll!

Why do you think people come to the Romper Room? Every subject discussed here has a multitude of websites to discuss that very specific subject in greater detail. We come here to banter. We don't all do it the same way. Have a nice day.
For what its worth, I just returned from our other house in the US and spent some time at the range where weapon controls are debated pretty heavily by regular Americans, most of them favor some sort of weapon control. Limiting of magazine capacity will likely be the first step, most states have stopped the sale of large capacity clips and magazines. The resale of mags has been allowed so 30rd and 50rd mags are worth a fortune. There is a fair amount of talk about banning all sales of magazines over 10rds and possibly the surrender of large capacity mags. Thats where it gets very complicated, in the possibility of taking away of ligitimately aquired product.
I think 10rd is plenty, but I'm not a full time resident.
For what its worth, I just returned from our other house in the US and spent some time at the range where weapon controls are debated pretty heavily by regular Americans, most of them favor some sort of weapon control. Limiting of magazine capacity will likely be the first step, most states have stopped the sale of large capacity clips and magazines. The resale of mags has been allowed so 30rd and 50rd mags are worth a fortune. There is a fair amount of talk about banning all sales of magazines over 10rds and possibly the surrender of large capacity mags. Thats where it gets very complicated, in the possibility of taking away of ligitimately aquired product.
I think 10rd is plenty, but I'm not a full time resident.

While our laws are even more restrictive, 10rds would still restrict sporting use, especially when it comes to action shooting events. It would just hinder legitimate sports shooters because the psychoids can EASILY break the law and if you're dead-set on shooting a bunch of people, you're not gonna be deterred by mag capacity laws. Let's put it this way. I could turn a neutered 5rd mag into a 30rd mag in under 5min with a Dremel. Other solutions along those lines would take a maximum of an hour per mag. I'm all for background checks for history of violence, history of mental disease, history of drug abuse (including alcohol) and criminal record.
So how do you guys explain Serbia? Twice as many guns per capita as in Canada, 25% unemployment, corrupt police (I may or may not have greased my way out of a ticket a couple of years back :cool:), democratic governance ok (choices as crappy as what we got), same story for the media, pisspoor economy, and the law enforcement is pretty useless - still our homicide rate is 33% higher than theirs :cool:

I try not to compare just one country, especially when all the variables haven't been isolated. Also, I question your stats;

Nobody can expect an exact match between gun laws an homicides, especially with such an off-balance comparison. So Serbians possess twice as many guns but have about the same overall homicide rate at last count. That's within reason and it doesn't inform us about the sustained problem in the US, with 4.5x more homicides than the average for a range of comparable countries, when the US has the least restrictive gun laws by far.
Limiting mags would be the top of a slippery slope. The Nazis started that with the invention of the six passenger microwave or was it the peoples car?
and being next to the States has nothing to do with that? don't you think that illegality has to be paired with restriction in access?

So you're saying that they're next to the states and the states have an abundance of guns, am I correct?
So when the law is in place, lets say to ban all assault weapons, do u think all assault weapons will magically disappear?
Illegal weapons will still be in circulation! Just like in Toronto, an illegal firearm goes thru many hands and is sold to another individual for another shooting. 5 people might be killed with the same gun who are different shooters.

Another point to make mention, America is one of the largest arms manufacturer, so it would be legal to produce assault arms, but not legal to own them? How are they going to prevent it from reaching a psycho? Like illegal drugs, if someone wants it, they will get it. Hence, that backs up my point about Mexico.

Chicago also have tough gun laws, I suppose there is not gun violence there...

laws without enforcement is useless, so lets not have laws? thats a pretty bad argument.
Not a bad argument, the question is would banning assault weapons lead to a decline in gun violence by assault weapons?
This is just an inconvenience of gun owners and infringing on other people's rights.

Question... since David Miller remove that gun range in Toronto, was there a decline in gun crimes?

There are thousands of differences between any two countries. .

So what makes you think it will work in the US and not in Mexico?
Please inform us, wise one...
You argue gun laws but its clear that you have no understanding of how the gun laws work in the states.

Unless you are agreeing with the fact that you can buy guns without background checks, you can lie on your background check when required, dealers can sell to criminals and help them lie on their background check, you can bascially sell to anyone you want.

Hell, you don't even have to take inventory of your guns.

Its harder to sell Beer in the states than guns, and if you think thats ok. Then you have to have your head examined. None of these laws would ever prevent a law abiding citizen from having arms. I thought that was the point. All you are defending is the right of the criminals and the crazies to get guns.

I got a a pal and a gun in Canada, It wasn't difficult, I went through a few checks.. whoop dee do. But you think its ok to not even have background checks?

Its a few gun dealers that ruin it for everyone and the ATF doesn't even have any enforcement power to catch the few. And somehow thats ok.. unbelievable.
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