Shooting in Connecticut

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I wonder what Jane Crebas' real world opinion is. Can we not have one without the other? So far it sure looks like no.

Or to put it another way: carnage on the hiways I'll put up with because, you know, I got places to go but food I don't need to shoot that's what food courts are for.

Jane Creba was taken away due to an ILLEGALLY held, ILLEGALLY discharged fire arm, held in possession by some loser that wasn't brought up with respect for human life. That whole thing really ****** me off when it happened. Those gang bangers need to be taken behind the barn and well... u know...
Those are the type of people that wouldn't even be able to legally buy a gun in the first place, so they assume possession of what they can get.

You can make guns illegal in every sense of the manner, and yet people will still have them. It would be crazy to think that you could clear this entire continent of every single one of the millions of fire arms. So why not give criminals the fear that the next home they bust in to might just have an owner inside ready to blow them away?

Some of us don't always go to the supermarket for food. Some of us have gardens that provide us with veggies and fruit, and some of us have freezers full of deer, moose, birds, fish etc that we have gone out and harvested for ourselves... I see no difference between those two. I feel sorry for all the people that are stuck depending on others to bring them a plate of food. Why does someone have the right to essentially take the ability for me to feed me and mine the way I want to?

I could give off a list of things I don't like that kill people that serve no purpose, but I'm not the one to say people can't have them. It's their choice.
Chances are, if you're going to get shot it's someone that doesn't have a license and is carrying either a restricted hand gun or something that is completely illegal for nearly everyone in the country... Not one of us that has had guns as a focal point of our lives since childhood. I sure don't want to lose my privilege by anything foolish.

I've had bullets bouncing around me and guns don't bother me. I have friends that have been hit, or have holes in their gear from bullets and they still come out shooting with me on weekends. For the negatives that guns do bring, (which now we could never over come due to the sheer quantity of them out there in non legal possession) there sure are a lot of positives of having law abiding, responsible owners out there.
Jane Creba was taken away due to an ILLEGALLY held, ILLEGALLY discharged fire arm, held in possession by some loser that wasn't brought up with respect for human life. That whole thing really ****** me off when it happened. Those gang bangers need to be taken behind the barn and well... u know...
Those are the type of people that wouldn't even be able to legally buy a gun in the first place, so they assume possession of what they can get.

You can make guns illegal in every sense of the manner, and yet people will still have them. It would be crazy to think that you could clear this entire continent of every single one of the millions of fire arms. So why not give criminals the fear that the next home they bust in to might just have an owner inside ready to blow them away?

Some of us don't always go to the supermarket for food. Some of us have gardens that provide us with veggies and fruit, and some of us have freezers full of deer, moose, birds, fish etc that we have gone out and harvested for ourselves... I see no difference between those two. I feel sorry for all the people that are stuck depending on others to bring them a plate of food. Why does someone have the right to essentially take the ability for me to feed me and mine the way I want to?

I could give off a list of things I don't like that kill people that serve no purpose, but I'm not the one to say people can't have them. It's their choice.
Chances are, if you're going to get shot it's someone that doesn't have a license and is carrying either a restricted hand gun or something that is completely illegal for nearly everyone in the country... Not one of us that has had guns as a focal point of our lives since childhood. I sure don't want to lose my privilege by anything foolish.

I've had bullets bouncing around me and guns don't bother me. I have friends that have been hit, or have holes in their gear from bullets and they still come out shooting with me on weekends. For the negatives that guns do bring, (which now we could never over come due to the sheer quantity of them out there in non legal possession) there sure are a lot of positives of having law abiding, responsible owners out there.

My distaste for guns in general is balanced pretty evenly for your love of the kind of gunning you do. Is that fair?
I know the horses are out of the barn and it's to late for containment but I'd like to see Canada at least maintain the status quo and not slide to a US style gun culture. That's going to take a bit of effort but it's doable. You can continue doing what you've been doing. But as soon as you talk about fearing criminals into not invading your home for fear you might be armed, I know this is tough to swallow, you're into an endless escalation resulting in a US style scenerio. Most people don't want that, I think.
^^ You're so wrong.

Its easy to preach off the high horse, but i bet any money that if you had someone yelling for your murder and death trying to rip down the front door and a shotgun was next to you, you would pick it up in a second to defend your life. Who wouldnt? Who would lay down their own life and the lives of their family based on a "principle"

I asked my very anti-gun friend that exact scenario and she blinked at me and said "ofcourse i'd pick up the shotgun, who wouldnt?"

But hey, maybe you can talk to the guy, reason with him....:rolleyes:
^^ You're so wrong.

Its easy to preach off the high horse, but i bet any money that if you had someone yelling for your murder and death trying to rip down the front door and a shotgun was next to you, you would pick it up in a second to defend your life. Who wouldnt? Who would lay down their own life and the lives of their family based on a "principle"

I asked my very anti-gun friend that exact scenario and she blinked at me and said "ofcourse i'd pick up the shotgun, who wouldnt?"

But hey, maybe you can talk to the guy, reason with him....:rolleyes:

I wouldn't lay down my life on that principle, why would you even suggest that? But at this point it's abstract. Would you like to get T-boned at an intersection for being a wise guy? No, of course not. But you continue to ride knowing it's a very real possibility. So don't hold me to a standard you can't hold.

Three countries:USA, Canada, England. Adjusted for population, percentage wise, there's a vast difference in gun death. Canada's in the middle. Which direction do you think we should go? If we go to England side maybe there will be an increase in the type of situation where you can't defend yourself at home against a thug. In that context I'm willing to take the risk as you are willing to risk getting T-boned on a bike. I'm speaking for myself, obviously not everybody feels that way.
Why the drama with the high horse. What a laff.
Three countries:USA, Canada, England. Adjusted for population, percentage wise, there's a vast difference in gun death. Canada's in the middle. Which direction do you think we should go? If we go to England side maybe there will be an increase in the type of situation where you can't defend yourself at home against a thug. In that context I'm willing to take the risk as you are willing to risk getting T-boned on a bike. I'm speaking for myself, obviously not everybody feels that way.
Why the drama with the high horse. What a laff.

How about Serbia? Twice as many guns per capita as Canada and only 75% of our homicide rate per capita.
How about Serbia? Twice as many guns per capita as Canada and only 75% of our homicide rate per capita.

Ya, how about those Serbs? I had a Serbian buddy, he was a homicidal maniac. Three sheets to the wind 50% of the time. That reminds me, I gotta check my globe an' find out where the **** that is.
I wouldn't lay down my life on that principle, why would you even suggest that? But at this point it's abstract. Would you like to get T-boned at an intersection for being a wise guy? No, of course not. But you continue to ride knowing it's a very real possibility. So don't hold me to a standard you can't hold.

Three countries:USA, Canada, England. Adjusted for population, percentage wise, there's a vast difference in gun death. Canada's in the middle. Which direction do you think we should go? If we go to England side maybe there will be an increase in the type of situation where you can't defend yourself at home against a thug. In that context I'm willing to take the risk as you are willing to risk getting T-boned on a bike. I'm speaking for myself, obviously not everybody feels that way.
Why the drama with the high horse. What a laff.

Let's pretend here that T-boning is equivalent to being shot by an intruder. You can easily avoid being T-boned by staying off the road.
However, you live in the world with the rest of the population. Be it either the 99% of relatively sane people or those 1% that have a screw loose. You can't just "get off the road" and avoid the risk. So, why not be somewhat proactive, similar to how people ride properly, wear bright gear etc.

I don't think you have the right to say I don't deserve the chance to properly defend myself.
Now as per American gun culture... It is overboard in my eyes.

And yes, I believe that with my years of experience in either hunting and having a tour where I was very much on the front line, I could easily defend myself. Considering I know where all of my keys are and that I can do it pretty much by feel quietly and quickly in the dark, by the time they beat that door down there would be a loaded shotgun coming up the stairs.

And against what you might think, I live in pretty much no fear that I will ever come across an incident in Canada OR the US where I would ever need one of my guns for defense... No tin foil hat for me thank you. But hey, I wear expensive helmets, neck protectors, buy insurance etc so why not take other precautions? My guns aren't for defense, they are for the other aspects of my life but they are a tool that fits that job just as good as the baseball bat at the door and the kitchen knives on the counter.

And now that I know you're an anti-hunter... I had 2 incidences within a week from anti-hunters. One was a woman in a cottage yelling that she is calling the cops and yelled a couple more threats as I was walking in the water down the beach on the way back in from a hunt. My gun was unloaded, trigger locked and in a case which is well above what the law require for where I was and what I was doing, my quarry was in a sack so nobody could see what was in there, so I was doing my part for the sensitive people.

Saturday I was out Coyote hunting, waiting for the other part of the group to set up so I could get out of my truck and push a bush. I was on a public road, on the property line of the property I was hunting. The other property belongs to a woman that has caused issues before. Well she sees my truck from her home (about 500M down the road behind me), got in her car and parks in front of my truck. We decide to pull up next to her to see what she wants, and without warning (she still had her right signal on and was stopped) she floors it, swerves her car over as to hit my truck as I pulled along side her, it was aggressive enough my left tires were on the opposite shoulder as I slammed the brake to avoid a collision. She than goes up the road, turns around and I wave (yes, a legit wave) as she passes me to go back to her home. We hunted the property we have permission for, and she got a visit from the MNR.

This is the BS I put up with from the anti hunting party. I've had people insult me, waste their breathe on their false preaching, I've had threats made against me etc just for the fact that I hunt. And not once have I ever done the same back.
Live your life, I'll live mine, and if people could keep to themselves without interfering with someone else's way of life then just let them do it. So long as they aren't directly harming another person in their endeavors, then just leave them to it and we will all get along.

I think what all gun and hunting people want is just to be left alone as we are. We already (at least in Canada) have enough rules to follow to keep everyone safe and secure.

Despite what you think, hunters aren't blood thirsty. We aren't cruel. We aren't all stupid yoakels. I HATE to see animals suffer, but if you could see where your chicken, beef and ham came from you would see the suffering they deal with. I make a kill as quickly as possible, and do my business as out of sight as possible to not offend the sensitive types.
Ya, how about those Serbs? I had a Serbian buddy, he was a homicidal maniac. Three sheets to the wind 50% of the time. That reminds me, I gotta check my globe an' find out where the **** that is.

Yep, because one buddy that likes the drink is a great example of an entire culture... Hey isn't that roughly what started this entire new chapter in the fear of guns? One crazy mo-fo out of millions!
rmemedic, I appreciate your explanation of where YOU'RE at. I know hunters, I'm not against hunting (except from the side of the road by concussed ex-NHLers but that's for another day) I know gun clubbers. These are not people I worry about. Much. I want you to be able to carry on. I really do. I think we're talking about different things here. You mentioned the American gun culture, overboard. I don't want to head that way. You're not the problem.
The Serbian thing was just a gag. There's what?, some 170 countries on the planet? I only got 1 good typing finger.
And I think that growing up without being subjected to something in a real world environment leaves people to not understand things.
I can say that for myself I was at least given the exposure to make my own decision about it with seeing both the positive sides to it first hand, and also hearing from all the negative sources that everyone is exposed to.

Nobody actually hates the "things" themselves, even if that's how it comes across. You shouldn't feel put down by anti-gun folk because you're a gun nut. What people actually hate is their effect on society. Exactly like tobacco and alcohol. Restrictions are necessary, that is not in dispute. But all evidence is that US restrictions are insufficient to effectively limit the harmful effects of guns on society.

Let me know when you're ready to talk about that.
You can make guns illegal in every sense of the manner, and yet people will still have them. It would be crazy to think that you could clear this entire continent of every single one of the millions of fire arms. So why not give criminals the fear that the next home they bust in to might just have an owner inside ready to blow them away?

Flesh that thought out a little. Say you're a criminal, and you know everyone has immediate access to guns. Do you give up and go home with your tail between your legs and get a real job, or do you adjust your tactics accordingly? Is it still valid to call it a "society" when the central tenet that ensures personal safety is "every man for himself"? Is it an environment you want our kids to grow up in, where might makes right?

Pro-gun solution: Allow unlimited personal access to guns to ensure everyone's safety. Might work, might not.
Anti-gun solution: Ban all guns to ensure everyone's safety. Might work, might not.
Moderate solution: Restrict guns to the point where all evidence indicates that they provide the maximum safety benefit. Nawwwww, that could never work!

I could give off a list of things I don't like that kill people that serve no purpose, but I'm not the one to say people can't have them. It's their choice.
Chances are, if you're going to get shot it's someone that doesn't have a license and is carrying either a restricted hand gun or something that is completely illegal for nearly everyone in the country... Not one of us that has had guns as a focal point of our lives since childhood. I sure don't want to lose my privilege by anything foolish..
Again, ignore those who are saying you can't have them. Gun control is not an outright nban on guns, it is not a personal attack on your lifestyle. It is simply public policy that weighs individual rights against the safety of society.

Let me know when you're ready to talk about that.
^^ You're so wrong.

Its easy to preach off the high horse, but i bet any money that if you had someone yelling for your murder and death trying to rip down the front door and a shotgun was next to you, you would pick it up in a second to defend your life. Who wouldnt? Who would lay down their own life and the lives of their family based on a "principle"

I asked my very anti-gun friend that exact scenario and she blinked at me and said "ofcourse i'd pick up the shotgun, who wouldnt?"

But hey, maybe you can talk to the guy, reason with him....:rolleyes:

I'd use the gun to defend myself too, yet I am in favor of effective gun restrictions.

There is absolutely no contradiction in those two statements, believe it or not. Individuals are better off behind the safety of a gun, society is not.

Let me know when you're ready to talk about that.
How about Serbia? Twice as many guns per capita as Canada and only 75% of our homicide rate per capita.

There are many more examples of comparable nations with stricter gun laws and less violence. Why cherry pick nations you want to compare against? I have provided a chart for comparison here, and am perfectly willing to change it if you can find a flaw.

But at least you're on topic.
I'd use the gun to defend myself too, yet I am in favor of effective gun restrictions.

There is absolutely no contradiction in those two statements, believe it or not. Individuals are better off behind the safety of a gun, society is not.

Let me know when you're ready to talk about that.

I have seen citizen-owned guns being used to keep goons sent by a corrupt government from tampering with election ballots. I know of at least 2 countries where a high level of gun ownership and the fact that the locals knew how to use them was a contributing factor in preventing foreign invasion. If you think we'll never face the threat of tyranny or foreign invasion, you'll be in for a rude awakening.
I have seen citizen-owned guns being used to keep goons sent by a corrupt government from tampering with election ballots.

Not in the developed world.

I know of at least 2 countries where a high level of gun ownership and the fact that the locals knew how to use them was a contributing factor in preventing foreign invasion. If you think we'll never face the threat of tyranny or foreign invasion, you'll be in for a rude awakening.

Hey, if you want to argue in favour of Swiss-style gun laws for the US, I'm sure a lot of gun control advocates would support you on that! What's the other country?
Having lots of useful firearms and pretty much the entire male population trained to use them in addition to the terrain contributed in preventing a NATO invasion last time Serbia got attacked. We figured it would be safer to just stay back and bomb bridges, TV studios and hospitals :cool:
Nobody actually hates the "things" themselves, even if that's how it comes across. You shouldn't feel put down by anti-gun folk because you're a gun nut. What people actually hate is their effect on society. Exactly like tobacco and alcohol. Restrictions are necessary, that is not in dispute. But all evidence is that US restrictions are insufficient to effectively limit the harmful effects of guns on society.

Let me know when you're ready to talk about that.

First, I'm not a gun nut. I own practical tools so I can accomplish tasks. My gun "collection" isn't substantial, and it isn't anything overly fancy, it just gets the job done. I don't want one of everything and an AR stacked so heavy with kit that it isn't practical.

I have stated it a few times here already that gun control is a necessity and that in the states it seems to be lacking. I would like to see them follow a system like ours, because ours works.

But, those who you want to keep guns away from won't give them up anyways if laws are passed. They are criminals to begin with and as such won't give a damn.

And I'm sure that criminals who enter homes armed are just praying that the person inside isn't armed so they can use that gun as a way to enforce their will. Criminals will always exist, and will always attack people they see as weak to take whatever it is they want.
In a world where they know nobody else will be on a level playing ground, I say that armed attacks would go up.
Why on earth would I ever want to need to rely on someone else (police) to save my ***? I carry supplies in my truck so that if I get stranded in a snow storm on a highway I won't be one of those idiots that needs to be evacuated because I don't trust to rely on anyone for things I can accomplish myself.

You don't see the responsible, legal owners because it isn't "fantasized" by the media. We're just a bunch of boring people with a hobby that isn't very interesting from the outside... But throw in some terror and blood with that gun and you have entertainment for the masses. People just buy in to it too much.
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^^ You're so wrong.

Its easy to preach off the high horse, but i bet any money that if you had someone yelling for your murder and death trying to rip down the front door and a shotgun was next to you, you would pick it up in a second to defend your life. Who wouldnt? Who would lay down their own life and the lives of their family based on a "principle"

I asked my very anti-gun friend that exact scenario and she blinked at me and said "ofcourse i'd pick up the shotgun, who wouldnt?"

But hey, maybe you can talk to the guy, reason with him....:rolleyes:

And how likely is your scenario in this country? I want anti-aircraft missiles in case aggressive aliens decide to come visit. Both scenarios seem as likely to me. What you're describing is the culture of fear that the americans have had for years and has led them down the road they now inhabit almost entirely on their own.
First, I'm not a gun nut. I own practical tools so I can accomplish tasks. My gun "collection" isn't substantial, and it isn't anything overly fancy, it just gets the job done. I don't want one of everything and an AR stacked so heavy with kit that it isn't practical.

I have stated it a few times here already that gun control is a necessity and that in the states it seems to be lacking. I would like to see them follow a system like ours, because ours works.

But, those who you want to keep guns away from won't give them up anyways if laws are passed. They are criminals to begin with and as such won't give a damn.

Help me understand your primary concern then. You feel what you have can be eroded? That's why you're defending your "side"?

We should be talking to the criminals in this thread but they don't seem to be posting. Personally I don't have a big beef with the status quo but, again, if you start arguing for the right to arm everybody in anticipation of a possible home invasion or some other spectacular event that changes my view on your "practicaly accomplished tasks".
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