Well-known member
I wonder what Jane Crebas' real world opinion is. Can we not have one without the other? So far it sure looks like no.
Or to put it another way: carnage on the hiways I'll put up with because, you know, I got places to go but food I don't need to shoot that's what food courts are for.
Jane Creba was taken away due to an ILLEGALLY held, ILLEGALLY discharged fire arm, held in possession by some loser that wasn't brought up with respect for human life. That whole thing really ****** me off when it happened. Those gang bangers need to be taken behind the barn and well... u know...
Those are the type of people that wouldn't even be able to legally buy a gun in the first place, so they assume possession of what they can get.
You can make guns illegal in every sense of the manner, and yet people will still have them. It would be crazy to think that you could clear this entire continent of every single one of the millions of fire arms. So why not give criminals the fear that the next home they bust in to might just have an owner inside ready to blow them away?
Some of us don't always go to the supermarket for food. Some of us have gardens that provide us with veggies and fruit, and some of us have freezers full of deer, moose, birds, fish etc that we have gone out and harvested for ourselves... I see no difference between those two. I feel sorry for all the people that are stuck depending on others to bring them a plate of food. Why does someone have the right to essentially take the ability for me to feed me and mine the way I want to?
I could give off a list of things I don't like that kill people that serve no purpose, but I'm not the one to say people can't have them. It's their choice.
Chances are, if you're going to get shot it's someone that doesn't have a license and is carrying either a restricted hand gun or something that is completely illegal for nearly everyone in the country... Not one of us that has had guns as a focal point of our lives since childhood. I sure don't want to lose my privilege by anything foolish.
I've had bullets bouncing around me and guns don't bother me. I have friends that have been hit, or have holes in their gear from bullets and they still come out shooting with me on weekends. For the negatives that guns do bring, (which now we could never over come due to the sheer quantity of them out there in non legal possession) there sure are a lot of positives of having law abiding, responsible owners out there.