I am basically anti-gun but if I moved to the USA I'm not sure if I would be as set in my ways. Some deep thought would be needed.
I want to scream every time I hear the moronic "If guns were made illegal only criminals would have guns" but sadly that has to be taken into consideration should the USA decide to disarm. How do you get the criminals to turn their guns in first? Until someone comes up with a plan this thread is just shooting blanks.
Why are you anti-gun?
What kind of background growing up did you come from? And aside from the things you hear in the media, what bad personal experiences do you have with fire arms?
I'm asking this because while I can understand some people don't like guns, and most people don't understand much about guns other than they have a trigger and things come out the loud end, I just can't get why people feel the need to strip guns from the hands of law abiding owners.
Myself, I grew up with it. I can't even remember the first time I saw a gun because it was that early in my childhood. And while I always knew the rules about guns, and what they were capable of, I never looked at them as something "evil".
My christmas holidays I spent 5 days throughout the 2 weeks out hunting ducks/geese (which ended up being eaten at Christmas) or Coyotes which have been getting in to live stock. I also purchased a new rifle that I've been wanting for a few years now. Best part of it, is that it's one of the few things my dad and I actually enjoy doing together and the only time I spent with him while I was home was when we were enjoying the outdoors.
I know so many people with guns, at least half of my friends and family are regular shooters. It is just that common in communities across Canada.
I get what they can be used for, and I've been a target a few times and I STILL don't see them as anything evil.
That said, I do believe in gun control, and there are certain weapons that just don't belong in the hands of regular people, but I don't agree with stripping something away that is so important to so many people. For me, that would take away a huge part of who I am. It's a way of life for a lot of people, but it's not something that a lot of people see or understand.
I had to stay in a hotel saturday night in TO, due to travel schedules and I had my shotgun and rifle with me. I couldn't leave them in my truck over night due to risk of theft so I literally had to sneak them up to my room, despite the fact that they were legally locked in cases and everything was done as per the regs, I waited a while for a knock at my hotel door from the cops because someone doesn't understand the law or just has a hate on for guns.