I'm sorry, you just called me and a bunch of other people a moron. While making some extremely painfully stupid comments. I'm sure I'm wrong... you're a genius, after all.
Let's do this...
a) who really got the wheels moving on the hijackings - well let's find out who the hijackers actually were, shall we? reported no more than a year after 9/11 were several of the supposed hijackers - alive and well - and wondering why the world thought they flew a plane into a building.
Note that it has footnotes from the sources. Not your holier-than-thou opinion - news sources.
But, being a super-genius, you knew that. Amirite? So who was actually in control of those planes? Everyone else is a moron, so you must be keeping it to yourself... amirite?
b) All the rest of it was shown on live TV that September 11th.
And this is backed up by what? Not NIST, or the official report. What you saw within hours is them saying that Bin Laden did the whole thing - he was not implicated nor wanted by the authorities for 9/11 right up until his "official" death. So tell me again how accurate that live TV was? Are you talking the same live TV that reported the fall of WTC7 20 minutes before it actually fell... and then never mentioned it again?
c) This talk of engineering and "buildings dont fall that way!!!" is absolutely hilarious.
And you know this because you're 1) a structural engineer, 2) smarter than everyone else, 3) because the government says so (actually, they didn't), 4) $profit?! Thanks for your personal genius opinion rather than any sort of knowledgable source. But I'll get to that. What you need to know is that the towers were designed with load redundancy and multiple load paths, to withstand the impacts of *two* Boeing 707s. Let's see what Leslie E. Robertson, the lead structural engineer on the team that designed the towers has to say:
"Boeing 707 considered by the designers, weighed 263,000 pounds and the Boeing 767s that hit the towers weighed about 274,000 pounds. This is a difference of 4%. ...Incidently, the maximum takeoff weight for a Boeing 707 is 336,000 pounds. The maximum takeoff weight for a Boeing 767-200ER is 395,000 pounds."
"The events of September 11 are not well understood by me . . . and perhaps cannot really be understood by anyone." As NIST would also conclude.
you know better. Cuz you're the smartestest.
d) The structure of one floor being weakened and allowing the remaining floors above it to collapse on itself is 1,000,000x the load that the building is ever designed to carry.
This is where you jump off the cliff. So what you're saying is this: the building wasn't designed to hold the load of ... the building. So where did this 1,000,000 extra buildings come from that magically landed on top of the ... building? Do you realise how worm-brained this argument is? This is early grade-school getting-to-know-physics kind of stuff. You're a genius, so you must have skipped physics class.
Repeat with me: matter cannot be created or destroyed.
OK, after that you say that out loud 10 times, consider this: an airplane is made of aluminum. That makes it relatively light, what of the plane ended up in the building. The building was designed to withstand the impact and weight of two 707s. It was also built to take approximately twice the load of its own structure, insurance in case of an earthquake and high winds - or, specifically, an attack by an airplane. So putting a 747 into the building would have been *far* below the design load of the building. An 747 doesn't weigh as much as one extra floor, and the design specs on these buildings would have allowed them much more than one extra floor - albeit this would have skewed their design goals.
But you don't have to believe me. Consider that it took hours before the buildings fell. If it was the weight alone that felled the buildings, they would have gone down immediately. But they didn't... they instead burnt off all the fuel, as well as tonnes of combustables that went out the impact holes in giant plumes of black smoke - shedding weight within the building for that whole time period. Or did you think that smoke is just coloured air?
Getting the picture yet? Probably not. Your superior intellect surely has found a hole in my message! I wait with bated breath for you scholarly "omg screw your tinfoil cap on tighter" reply. Hey, I even saved you the time.
d) The momentum of X number of floors falling 12' downwards is enough to crush the rest of the building into fine dust
Nope! That's what NIST thought (or wanted to think, at least). So they modelled it, and nothing of the sort happened. In fact, nothing even LIKE that happened. They proved to the best of their ability that this could NOT have happened. It's in the official report, you can read about it. But hey... you're the genius here. So you should call them up and tell them where they went wrong... they must have missed something!
e) It's painfully obvious that the two main towers collapsed
because they were hit by airliners.
Except that it isn't. The official report, the lead engineer of the towers and many architects and engineers disagree. The official report says that none of their mathematics or their test modelling could prove conclusively how the towers fell in the way that they did. You should correct them before they keep spouting off about how they know better than you. The nerve of those idiots. Er, sorry, that would be "complete and utter ****ing moron(s)."
Anything more that you can teach us? Perhaps you could tell us how jet fuel burns so hot that it melts steel in an oxygen-starved building?
(PS: I am holding back a TORRENT of information that is available, mostly because I don't feel like sitting here all night typing.)