Separatists run over Canadian flag in Montreal

Rather than hate call it incredulity at how simple Separatists seem to think their lives would be made by separation. They seem to think that they could effectively declare bankruptcy and walk away from all the debt incurred by running this country while continuing to use Canadian currency, and maintaining their subsidized lifestyle. I know plenty of reasonable people from Quebec. The ones in the video, who are spitting and tap dancing on our nation's flag, are to be pitied for their cognitive disabilities, not hated.

This postion is absurd. While in the US recently and watching their news and argueing about the fiscal cliff, it was pointed out that if they took ALL taxes collected and applied it to their deficet it still would not be enough to balance their budget. Money is smoke and mirrors. Divorce is a fact of life. Perpetual ranting on Quebec will not nurture goodwill in Quebec. The fact is, this only accomplishes in pissing off people who are not separatists and in turn convincing them to support separatists. So who is to really blame for separatists?
The guy flops around like a carp on the shore in it's death throes. In the Palestine thread he's screaming left right and centre for for respect and telling everyone they should understand their plight.

Actually, the flip-flopping just to argue an arcane point (with a handful of fifty cent words thrown in for good measure) sounds eerily familiar. I smell a sock puppet with afong56's hand planted firmly up it's butt, but hey, what do I know.

Read my posts there and you'll find I have little respect for violent responses to non violent matters. And I am calling for understanding of the historical issues with regard to French Canadians and indirectly but more so, Native Canadians. I think you'll find there is no flip flopping on my part.

Violence has its place, but it is not the first port of call, just because one has been trained in the use of weapons and force.

Review and you'll find I am consistent. Where at times I have called for "understanding", as you diminish it, in the case of say Afghanistan, I don't advocate violence but can understand why some resort to it in desperation and ignorance. What is the excuse of a Canadian soldier again (trained, "educated", affluent, and compensated)?
It was. I know it registers when it gets no retort.

Well of course it registers, of course I am frustrated with some issues in and around my life. For one to be completely content one must either be utterly pliable, completely pacified, or completely in tune with everything.

I aint Buddha, and there are matters in this world that are frustrating. Then again I don't advocate running other groups out of town and invading them. So your exaggeration is cute. Redundant, but still put forth in a cute way. I can appreciate that.
This postion is absurd. While in the US recently and watching their news and argueing about the fiscal cliff, it was pointed out that if they took ALL taxes collected and applied it to their deficet it still would not be enough to balance their budget. Money is smoke and mirrors. Divorce is a fact of life. Perpetual ranting on Quebec will not nurture goodwill in Quebec. The fact is, this only accomplishes in pissing off people who are not separatists and in turn convincing them to support separatists. So who is to really blame for separatists?

Interesting. At any time while reading my message did you see me mention the Quebecois as a whole?
Wow Awyala... You really have no clue. First off, my comment about the "Van Doo" isn't serious obviously! If you were as well educated and all knowing as you think, you would know that there is a rivalry between certain regiments, and it's fun and games. It's a competitive spirit thing because people in the military do work hard, and every regiment thinks of themselves as the best. It's sort of like rival sports teams. However, since you sound like too fragile of a person to ever have played some serious competitive sports, I doubt you'll understand.
I have worked with the Van Doos before, and they get the same ethic out of me as every one else I work for.

Am I violent? NO. I do wish people didn't need a good back hand to the side of the head, but they do. I'm sure not a blood thirsty tyrant... Actually it's my job to keep blood on the inside.

Sure, I haven't done 4 years of university, but that doesn't mean I'm not an educated person or dim witted. I guarantee you, that under pressure you couldn't perform near to the level that I can. And why is that? Because I have busted my *** studying my craft, which is not near as simple as you may think. If you haven't been in a legit life or death situation and needed to function to not only save your own ***, but also think clearly as to properly treat a seriously injured person then you have no clue as to the depth of my ability to think clearly.

Compassionate? Have you ever had to look in the eyes of someone that just tried to kill you or your buddies and provide aid and treat them with humility and respect? Because I sir, have done so, wearing a Canadian flag on my shoulder.

The military has nothing to do with my personality. This is the way I am. I'm a rougher, unrefined type of person and it has more to do with the way I was raised. You likely think I'm a simple, brain washed robot and you couldn't be further from the truth. I can do my job because I'm a clear thinking, determined, head strong guy. You should respect and appreciate the fact there are people out there that aren't sissy lady boys that thought "higher education" and a soft hand is the only way to get things done.
I work for Canada. Yes, I went to Afghanistan, and I'm sure you don't agree with it. I have my reasons that made me want to go. I won't go in to talking about those reasons here as it isn't the point of this thread, but I will tell you I treated those people with respect and I did the best job I could do.
My *** could be on the line at any time. Not only for people in THIS country, but in places all around the world. I'm on the DART team and also a CBRN (chemical, biological and nuclear) decontamination team. That means if there is ever an incident, be it a violent act on Canada or some form of accident I will be headed in to the hot zone when everyone else is headed out so that I can do my job and keep people alive. I have 2 bags packed right by my door right now just in case I get a phone call that I'm headed anywhere.

I'm not bragging here about what I do, as I always think I could do better than what I am, but I WILL stand up for myself.

We haven't ever agreed on posts here, and if for some reason through a function of the forum in the same place at the same time, you can be sure I will respect you, as I expect respect in turn... But don't you dare step on my toes. You don't know me, you don't know where I come from, and you don't have a clue as to my level of intelligence.

What that piece of cloth symbolizes to me is my home. I'm very proud of my country, and that includes Quebec. My dad's side is from Gaspe Quebec, so I actually do have a close connection to the franco part of the country and that is why these idiots piss me off.

If they weren't ashamed of what they were doing, why did they need to hide their faces? You know that the losers in that group wouldn't have the balls to do that in front of anyone that actually gave a ****.

Oh, and my "Infidel" thing at the bottom of the posts... It's HUMOR! That is the way lots of people deal with things. Do I think I'm an infidel? Obviously not. I'm taking the humor of the fact that there is a certain group of people in the world who think that is what we are.

I respect all religions equally, and that includes their texts. So no, I wouldn't kick, piss on or burn the Quran. I think everyone deserves the right to practice whatever religion they want to, so long as it doesn't interfere, harm, or is forced on other people.

So there, now you actually know a little bit about me.
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your jking right, its not just a cloth its what the cloth stands for and the men and women who died to keep it that way.

**** i hate some people stupid **** on here

The flag represents Canada, so? It isn't Canada. They aren't hurting Canada. They aren't hurting the flag, it will continue to represent us. They are hurting a piece of cloth and a few delicate nerves here, that's all.
The flag represents Canada, so? It isn't Canada. They aren't hurting Canada. They aren't hurting the flag, it will continue to represent us. They are hurting a piece of cloth and a few delicate nerves here, that's all.

i think theres a few people in this thread that should move to Palestine.
Sadly the Canadian flag is not a piece of cloth, its a symbolic representation of Canada. Thats why flag etiquette exists.

For anyone that has ever been involved in handling of the flag for ceremony, service clubs, boy scouts, yacht club, and yes the military, the flag NEVER touches the ground. Thats how it is. Its called respect. Its been that way since medieval battles had a poor sod carrying the banner.

The idiots that burn and stomp a flag would be arrested and possibly shot in other places. We dont live there thank the Lord. But looking for reaction by stomping a flag is bringing the attention from the rest of the country that wont help the Quebec cause.
Sadly the Canadian flag is not a piece of cloth, its a symbolic representation of Canada. Thats why flag etiquette exists.

It's the same reason we're expected to stand and remove our hats when the national anthem plays; to encourage patriotism. Some people think that's a good thing, I don't.

The only reason I like Canada is because it does a lot of things right. The things it does wrong, I hate. If it does anything very wrong, like apartheid or genocide, then I would fight it. I would rebel against the country (or leave) . Yet people will mock me for standing up for right and wrong instead of standing up for a symbol of some identity that may or may not exist, like the flag.

The nation has earned my respect, and if it wants to keep it has to keep earning it. Just like anyone else.
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It's the same reason we're expected to stand and remove our hats when the national anthem plays; to encourage patriotism. Some people think that's a good thing, I don't.

you wouldnt remove your hat for Our National Anthem ? is it to be a dick on Purpose ?
so you are either looking for a fight on purpose, or you are just really ignorant .

One day, someone with not alot of self control will probably bash you for that move.
you wouldnt remove your hat for Our National Anthem ? is it to be a dick on Purpose ?
so you are either looking for a fight on purpose, or you are just really ignorant .

One day, someone with not alot of self control will probably bash you for that move.

Ain't patriotism great!
It's the same reason we're expected to stand and remove our hats when the national anthem plays; to encourage patriotism. Some people think that's a good thing, I don't.

The only reason I like Canada is because it does a lot of things right. The things it does wrong, I hate. If it does anything very wrong, like apartheid or genocide, then I would fight it. I would rebel against the country (or leave) . Yet people will mock me for standing up for right and wrong instead of standing up for a symbol of some identity that may or may not exist, like the flag.

The nation has earned my respect, and if it wants to keep it has to keep earning it. Just like anyone else.

i really don't think you get much respect with your attitude. so i'm guessing you don't really respect much of anyone or anything.
you wouldnt remove your hat for Our National Anthem ? is it to be a dick on Purpose ?
so you are either looking for a fight on purpose, or you are just really ignorant .

One day, someone with not alot of self control will probably bash you for that move.

I've gone up to people who left their hats on during the national anthem and given them a quick peace of my mind... If you live here, you should appreciate it and show it... Nobody gives a damn about your bald spot that you keep covered with your hat, and it's a simple easy thing to do.
Same goes for the idiots that won't stand up or keep talking.

I was this way all my life BTW, being military has nothing to do with it.
I've gone up to people who left their hats on during the national anthem and given them a quick peace of my mind... If you live here, you should appreciate it and show it... Nobody gives a damn about your bald spot that you keep covered with your hat, and it's a simple easy thing to do.
Same goes for the idiots that won't stand up or keep talking.

I was this way all my life BTW, being military has nothing to do with it.

If I am at an event where the anthem is being played, i will stand and remove my hate, if im wearing one at the time.
and that goes for any anthem, btw.

if the leafs are playing an American team, I will do it for both Anthems.

If I am at an Olympic event, and China wins, I will for theirs as well. I have no problems with it.
maybe the people that dont do it should leave, hell, i will even help pay for your ticket out.
Awyala needs to sit down in a Legion and chat with a few 85 year old vets about his thoughts.
Why, we're they forced to do something they didn't voluntarily sign up for?

Canada went to war in 1939. Conscription was not instituted until 1944, meaning that the vast majority of Canadian soldiers were volunteers in WWII. Only something like 2000 conscripted Canadians went to war overseas. Read a little history.
Out of curiosity, Id like to know how many of the people that are against the Canadian flag or Canadian tradition in this thread, are 1st or 2nd generation immigrants. I just migrated here myself and will most likely end up back home at some point, but while here I definetly respect the flag and what this country stands for.

Also if someone in a foreign country burns or stomps on my flag I really couldn't care less. However if someone taking advantage of the free healthcare, subsidised schooling, law, order, freedom of the host country does it then its just a disgrace and really gets on my nerves.
Why, we're they forced to do something they didn't voluntarily sign up for?

Well actually yes, it wasn't like a movie. 3000 allied troops were given the death sentence in the Great war. There was lots of stuff they had no idea they would be doing.

Wingboy, most of the vets in the legion still "fighting the fight" probably saw action. Its the ones that wont talk about it at all that got the really ugly jobs.

For anybody that thinks Canada needs to earn your respect, or even try, let me loan you a suitcase.
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