Cant stand idiots in 1st world nations burning their flag. Disrespectful to any veteran that fought and died for that same flag. They have no idea how lucky they are to live in such a place yet they choose to **** on it.
I think the French conquered, died, killed, and stole for their flag just the same. They also killed and died against the British. The French just lost. I don't think they see it the same way you do.
Both the British and French stepped on a lot more than flags to form this country so really your rage is misplaced.
Stop with the post-war cry cliches and look into the fair reality of it.
One of the reasons why Quebec never left when it had 51% momentum to do so, was because it was made abundantly clear that all of Canada would separate if Quebec went. The Natives would use it as precedent to split from a newly independent Quebec, thus rendering Quebec nearly half the size it thought it would retain. BC would break off and deal primarily with the North Western US, while the Maritimes, divided by an Anglo hostile Quebec would deal primarily in sea trade with the UK (prior to discovering oil of course). Ultimately it would have probably been better for them as they could supply Europe with cheap fuel when Russia flexes its muscles over natural gas. This was also prior to the now oil rich praries and their Republican leaning sentiments. In the end Canada has been exposed as a very fragile union who kowtows to whatever superpower is ordering it around, be it Britain or the US, and increasingly China.
One of the stark salient points made to Quebec regarding separatism was the cold reminder of what the US did to French culture in what is a name derived from early French colonies (Acadia) and possibly only alive in American culture as the vestigel "Cajun" language and culture.
The French sold the colonies to the US due to Napoleonic financial hard times and as a tactic to stick it to the British, and what happened? Culturally dilution!
Canada doesn't fight or die for its flag. Others have killed and died to form the defacto / default union of Canada in the name of colonial exploitation and Canada has honoured that tradition by fighting over-seas at the command and behest of Canada's colonial or economic masters. In the end, Canada is a token army who was only territorially / soveregnly threatened by it's own creators! What the Quebec separatists are doing is a radically watered down tradition throughout Canadian history and is part of Canadian culture. Get over it. Stop trying to whitewash history with a poppy on your lapel.
Don't fall for the hype.