Scarborough shooting

:lol: no kidding

I gotta question if those thugs even had loaded guns.... or real guns for that matter. Could they be THAT cowardly?
Official communication from the city:

The World Record Camp Games takes place on July 25, 2012 and is a fun competition which promotes the positive development of children and youth through sport and encourages young people to lead healthier, active lifestyles. It is a City organized and sponsored event, which has attracted more than 200 summer camps from across the province to participate. Each camp hosts sporting events for children enrolled in their camp program.

The World Record Camp Games is an opportunity to promote the 2012 Ontario Summer Games, which the City of Toronto is hosting from August 16 to 19. The City is committed to hosting the best Ontario Summer Games ever.

Given the recent events in the city, City staff made a decision not to have the athlete ambassadors representing sport shooting participate in the on stage welcoming ceremony component of the World Record Camp Games due to the very young audience expected to participate in the event

Upon further reflection, and discussion with the Games Organizing Committee, the City of Toronto regrets the decision that was communicated to the Canadian Shooting Sports Association and supports the participation of all athlete ambassadors in the on stage welcoming ceremony of the World Record Camp Games.

The City of Toronto very much values the participation of all Ontario Summer Games athlete ambassadors in the World Record Camp Games event and looks forward to hosting all athletes representing all 28 sporting events at the 2012 Ontario Summer Games.
:lol: no kidding

I gotta question if those thugs even had loaded guns.... or real guns for that matter. Could they be THAT cowardly?

One suspect had a baseball bat that he started smashing computer equipment with on entry to intimidate the patrons/victims (and got glass in own eye, dumb-arse..) while the other armed with a .45 claimed that it was rusty, non-operational, and purely for the intimidation factor.

“I feel horrible. It doesn't feel good. It makes you think about life's decisions, and how you should live your life,” Henderson said in an interview with the Star-Banner at the jail on Saturday afternoon.

Hours after his release from the hospital, Henderson, who talked about the pain he feels in his buttock and hip, said the plan was to “barge in, get the money and leave.” He said “he never expected anyone to be armed.”

“The gun was broken and rusty and wasn't loaded. Nobody was going to get hurt,” he said, standing with crutches.
Retrieving the customers' phones was what he said was their “main priority.” That way, he said, the customers could not call law enforcement officials.

Henderson theorizes the reason why he was caught off guard is because, when Dawkins entered the business, he busted a computer monitor with the baseball bat and “glass got into his face.”

“He couldn't warn me,” Henderson said.

With the glass temporarily blinding his friend, Henderson noticed two women were behind the counter and he thought that was “fishy.” Turning around to see what the women were doing, Henderson said he was shot.

“I turned around to run and my leg gave out. That was when I got shot. I hit the ground, and he was still shooting. I thought I was going to die,” Henderson said.

Henderson said that, “by the grace of God,” his “leg came back.”

“I ran,” he said.

That same suspect had the nerve to be upset that he got shot, repeatedly.. I think he's feeling completely horrible that he just got caught and shot by the Senior's .380 pea-shooter, nothing more.. not much to brag about to the homeboy's, there..

Though Henderson said he doesn't blame Williams for shooting, he takes exception with Williams shooting at him while he was down. “I was down, and I'm not going to continue to shoot you,” he said.

Pure comedy gold.
this guy in this video got a 9 year sentence for this along with a deportation...
how can you get nine years for this??? why doesnt our goverment just build an ugly nasty building somewhere up north and pile all these guys in there, and ever day come by with a helicopter and drop off some food and supplies. 9 years for shooting in a ttc bus! this is where the problem lies
Some more food for thought re: guns in society

Every year, people in the United States use guns to defend themselves against criminals an estimated 2,500,000 times – more than 6,500 people a day, or once every 13 seconds.243 Of these instances, 15.7% of the people using firearms defensively stated that they "almost certainly" saved their lives by doing so.
Firearms are used 60 times more often to protect lives than to take lives.

Of the 2,500,000 times citizens use guns to defend themselves, 92% merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers.

243 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Kleck and Gertz, Fall 1995

When using guns in self-defense, 91.1% of the time not a single shot is fired.250

11% of police shootings kill an innocent person - about 2% of shootings by citizens kill an innocent person.254

"In actual shootings, citizens do far better than law enforcement on hit potential. They hit their targets and they don't hit other people. I wish I could say the same for cops. We train more, they do better."256

250 National Crime Victimization Survey, 2000
254 Shall issue: the new wave of concealed handgun permit laws, Clayton Cramer, David Kopel, Independence Institute Issue Paper. October 17, 1994
256 Sheriff Greg White, Cole County, Missouri, Guns to be allowed on campus?, KRCG News, July 31, 2009
"11% of police shootings kill an innocent person - about 2% of shootings by citizens kill an innocent person.254"

That probably has something to do with the number of times a citizen with a legal firearm visits a range vs how many times a police officer re-qualifies.
I've been to the range when cops were training. I expected them all to be proficient and comfortable with their firearms... but it was 50/50. Quite startling.

The fact is that a lot of them don't consider guns a large part of their job at all. They do the bare minimum to requalify properly (which is very little) and they leave their guns holstered and generally don't count on having to ever use them. Perhaps statistically this is true, but to me it's absurd.
90% of the time I'm 100% right. The other 10% I'm 95% right.
I've always said cops are horrible shots, and that just proves it... Same thing goes with most people in the military, most are horrible shots.
I get out on the range at work probably about the same amount as most cops do, and it simply isn't enough to be proficient. My ability to be a natural shot comes from all the years of civilian shooting.

Pretty sure in the event I need to use a gun to protect my home, myself or family, that the sound of the action of my 12gauge slamming a round in the chamber is enough to scare anyone out of the house. Even if they are armed, I doubt they want to take the chance of being in a shoot out.

I don't think everyone has the ability, the clear mind or skill to be able to carry in public, but there are those that do and those should be the ones capable to carry.
A friend of mine did a few rotations in the Toronto ERs and got to know some of the cops pretty well ("regulars"). He asked a couple that had brought in gang guys that had been shot if they were worried about being shot themselves.

They said that the gang guys never hit what they are shooting at, the gun is usually sideways and there head turned the other way (looking away from where they are shooting). So the cops may be a bad shot but the gang guys are usually much worse.
I've always said cops are horrible shots, and that just proves it... Same thing goes with most people in the military, most are horrible shots.
I get out on the range at work probably about the same amount as most cops do, and it simply isn't enough to be proficient. My ability to be a natural shot comes from all the years of civilian shooting.

Pretty sure in the event I need to use a gun to protect my home, myself or family, that the sound of the action of my 12gauge slamming a round in the chamber is enough to scare anyone out of the house. Even if they are armed, I doubt they want to take the chance of being in a shoot out.

I shot a fully auto rifle and realized it takes a bit of skill to hit anything. Lots of things affect muzzle climb and I must say practice and understanding makes an excellent marksman.

I don't think everyone has the ability, the clear mind or skill to be able to carry in public, but there are those that do and those should be the ones capable to carry
I've spoken to a few ppl who shoot and most do not think about the repercussions of the bullet passing thru dry-wall into another room. They do not think about how the bullet might pass thru the drywall and hit a family member in another room. Depending on the type of gun, some can even go thru the attacker and hit someone else. I know for sure, if I were to fire off a shotgun in my room, I can hit my neighbor next door

A friend of mine did a few rotations in the Toronto ERs and got to know some of the cops pretty well ("regulars"). He asked a couple that had brought in gang guys that had been shot if they were worried about being shot themselves.

They said that the gang guys never hit what they are shooting at, the gun is usually sideways and there head turned the other way (looking away from where they are shooting). So the cops may be a bad shot but the gang guys are usually much worse.

True, lol. I was watching World's wildest Police Chases, yesterday and its amazing what ppl do when they're under pressure. Seen a guy run up to a gun to go for the exit
A friend of mine did a few rotations in the Toronto ERs and got to know some of the cops pretty well ("regulars"). He asked a couple that had brought in gang guys that had been shot if they were worried about being shot themselves.

They said that the gang guys never hit what they are shooting at, the gun is usually sideways and there head turned the other way (looking away from where they are shooting). So the cops may be a bad shot but the gang guys are usually much worse.

That's exactly how the guy in the TTC shooting video missed his target.
Not only does this kill any form of accuracy, but it makes it really easy for someone to gain control of the weapon.

Sure, might look geeky with proper form with a hand gun, but I would have a very hard time missing a target 5 feet away, you don't even need to really aim at that point.
I wouldnt be terribly worried about a thug with a gun either. Those clowns haven't the slightest clue.
My ability to be a natural shot comes from all the years of civilian shooting.

I'm not sure if you can be considered a "natural shot" if you took years to become a good shot...
....also stop shooting civilians...
I'm not sure if you can be considered a "natural shot" if you took years to become a good shot...
....also stop shooting civilians...

lol yeah, ok I have horrible grasp of the proper use of language.

Natural shot meaning I can't really remember the first time I started to shoot, I was that young. I've always been a good shot and it didn't take any "training", it just comes natural.

And I'm positive I haven't shot any civilians...
lol yeah, ok I have horrible grasp of the proper use of language.

Natural shot meaning I can't really remember the first time I started to shoot, I was that young. I've always been a good shot and it didn't take any "training", it just comes natural.

And I'm positive I haven't shot any civilians...

Shouldn't u have made a better sniper than a medic?

Replace vests with black bandannas, and you have the G20 "fiasco".

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