Running from police.

Ever get tagged at a speed trap? most intelligent people don't see them coming because it's a place to generate revenue and has nothing to do with public safety.

how about making a left on a timed sign that is obscured just enough from one vantage point to make it impossible to avoid the ticket from the cop standing on the corner getting his quota filled.

Your assumption that intelligent people don't get tickets is without merit.

You're preaching to the choir on that note but if you can't afford to lose your license, or pay for the insurance hikes, then you takes yer chance and you pays yer dues.

some times the police go after those behaving as if they weren't. Sgt. Dennis Mahoney-Bruer is one example. the cop that accused me of stunting (only to drop the matter when i showed him my gps proved otherwise) is another...

That's a special case that indicates police shouldn't be able to act as judge, jury, and executioner. It has nothing to do with actually speeding, getting caught while doing so, then whining about not being able to bear the consequences.
I can see why people would run, maybe you have a couple tickets already, you need your license, you don't need the insurance boost... you know how to ride so you run :)

You seem to be painting it as the rider never deserves tickets.

So if my scenario exists, is it right for them to run even if they're doing something wrong, while enjoying the privilege of riding?

Is it anyone's fault if they can't afford the sport?

Just sayin..break the rules pay the price.

I speed often. I've gotten tickets often. I fight them to reduce the money/points, but in the end, I dont' try to dispute I was doing something wrong.
I didn't say the rider didn't deserve a ticket... so don't bother putting your words in my mouth. I said what I meant, if you can't comprehend it I'll try again....

all I'm saying is the government is creating an environment where more people think of running because of the potential loss of their job and income and the extreme costs they are piling on the average Joe. For those who are confident in their skills, running becomes an effective and viable alternative to pulling over.

prohibition doesn't work, never has, never will. you can't legislate morality.

It's simple math for some people and I can understand it, if you can't understand it, that's fine too :)
I didn't say the rider didn't deserve a ticket... so don't bother putting your words in my mouth. I said what I meant, if you can't comprehend it I'll try again....

all I'm saying is the government is creating an environment where more people think of running because of the potential loss of their job and income and the extreme costs they are piling on the average Joe. For those who are confident in their skills, running becomes an effective and viable alternative to pulling over.

prohibition doesn't work, never has, never will. you can't legislate morality.

It's simple math for some people and I can understand it, if you can't understand it, that's fine too :)

Easy there. I wasn't putting words in your mouth. I'm just saying it read a certain way...and I just gave a scenario.

But in response to your opinion, I don't agree with the "they made me do it" attitude. I'm responsible for how I act and I admit that.

people wonder why cops get bad impressions of bikers/import tuners and other visibly identifable groups of vehicles...this is one of those surefire methods.

I don't dispute that there are quotas for tickets. I don't dispute that some of them are unfairly issued either.

But your attitude is under your own control.
But in response to your opinion, I don't agree with the "they made me do it" attitude. I'm responsible for how I act and I admit that..

Personally I don't have a "they made me do it" attitude, I just understand the thought process of the decision to run or not. Whether it's "right" in your mind is irrelevant in the fact it happens every day. Nobody cares about what you think, just as nobody cares about what I think on this topic, people make their own decisions for a reason.

People speed all the time, there is a law against it, it doesn't stop them from speeding. There are laws against tax evasion, people do it all the time, the underground economy is billions of dollars....

I've talked to a number of guys who have out run the cops many times for the exact reasons I stated. If the legislators can't get their little knee jerk minds around that fact, then with enough rules, we will need those new prisons that Stockwell is talking about.

You can't legislate morality. It's counter to human nature.

Run! Rabbit Run!
A few years ago, I was charged with Flight and Dangerous Conduct, both Criminal Acts and went through the trial process. I wrote about the events and the aftermath here if anyone is curious:

Startling example of exactly how much power a sole cop has over your life. The ignorance of one dummy with a badge cost you thousands of dollars and an unquantifiable amount of stress that no doubt took years off your life.

The system is indeed broken, and you have absolutely no recourse.
You're using the same flawed logic as "Dr." jc100. Probability doesn't add up for separate events! Each chance you take has it's own risk with no effect whatsoever on previous or future chances you will be taking.

It's not about the probability that you will get caught in any single event, but the probability that you'll get caught during a series of N events.

Getting a tail is 1/2 in each coin toss, but getting 10 tails in a row is much less likely than getting two in a row (or one).
If you had a job that depended on your license it would be stupid NOT to run.

It doesn't take much to make a maneuver that an ontario police officer could deem to be reckless on a sport bike, which is why i think very soon i'm going to be added to the list of people who are track only. Just cant risk losing my license for a month because a cop decided the way i passed a vehicle was unsafe.

If you know you have a job that depends on you keeping a license, one would think that you would keep that in mind when deciding how to drive.

What you're suggesting is like someone who killed their parents asking for sympathy because they're now an orphan.
If you know you have a job that depends on you keeping a license, one would think that you would keep that in mind when deciding how to drive.

that's one of the most retarded statements I've read on this site and there are a lot LOL!

didn't you read the guy's blog, linked a couple posts above, on how he was treated by the boyz in blue??? cops are untrustworthy, have little accountability when they make mistakes so they continue on making mistakes and we the people pay for them..

cops make me want to vomit.
I've got about 500,000 km on the roads in ontario in the last 5 years in various vehicles and I've yet to have a cop even notice me.

I've got lots of Tattoos, I drive late at night on weekends and holidays, I drive just above the speed limit,

Am I doing something wrong?

I'd like to be pulled over so I have an angry story to share and I can make blog entries about how much I hate police.

I feel kinda left out.
I rarely get pulled over but I was wrongly ticketed for speeding once too and had to waste my time and money defending against a completely bogus charge. No recourse after the fact.

It only takes one time.
Once you start running, apart from the immediate physical danger you put yourself and everyone around you in, you compound your legal problems by a factor of 10 at least.
Is it really worth it? Assuming you don't bin your bike (and yourself), if (more like when) you're caught, you're still facing whatever issues made you think running was a good idea in the first place PLUS criminal charges for evading police, dangerous driving, resisting arrest (they always throw that in), etc., etc.
Many thousands of dollars later, and possibly after some jail time, you now have a criminal record. Good luck ever crossing a border, getting a job requiring a record check, bank loans and on and on. Yes, you can probably still do those things but not without a great deal of hassle and money.
FTP sounds good on the Internet but do a little risk vs. reward analysis before pinning the throttle.
I've got about 500,000 km on the roads in ontario in the last 5 years in various vehicles and I've yet to have a cop even notice me.

I've got lots of Tattoos, I drive late at night on weekends and holidays, I drive just above the speed limit,

Am I doing something wrong?

I'd like to be pulled over so I have an angry story to share and I can make blog entries about how much I hate police.

I feel kinda left out.

You obviously have not been hit with the new squid tool of choice for popo. The entitlement detector. It can also be modulated to detect misinformation and ignorance.

If they don't have one in the cruiser they can always use the BS detector as a backup.

Or just get the pablum sniffing dogs out.
Running its not jsut for seniors anymore. I run all the time. Screw the cops. If you stop your going to jail. If you run you might get away. I ride like an ******* everyday exceeding speeds of 280 regularly A high speed chase only heightens the experience. This morning I wheelied past a cop on the qew just for laughs. He didnt even try to chase me. friggin pansy. :cherry:
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