This is the bike.
Pretty much "as manufactured". No mirrors, no marker/signal light, it DOES have a horn (but doesn't need it for a safety, but IF it's there it has to work), the tires were from the '90s but that's OK
In the end John Crossely from HB Cycle did the safety. His brother used to race one back in the day in ol' Blighty. Thanks John. John knows vintage iron, too bad he moved to Alberta.
It worked out better than I could have imagined though. We were standing out by my truck, John going over the bike, when, Phil, the owner of HB came over to see it. He asked me if my collection was now complete, and I told him NO, I am still looking for a Laverda. He said he owns a Laverda, so I told him he was an *******. I explained to him that anyone that owns a bike I want, especially a Laverda, but don't have, is an *******. We LOL'ed. He asked me if I wanted to be an *******. I said yes, and went home with a Laverda SF and a safetied Norton.
So I am now a contented *******.