Your rant was applicable a year and a half ago. It's a 2 year old $120 tablet now. Perhaps a Nook will more suit your needs...
Telling someone to not buy this $125 tablet is just plain idiocy. This is the deal of the century and will make bb customers very happy.Been trying to use the PB for work for over 6 months and it is clear it is just a gadget toy...It's still "amateur hour". Though it makes for a great washroom web browser or couch side picture viewer that's about it.
Having now graced my fingers across the MS Surface RT, I am certain RIM has lost their business credentials. RT is just an iPad-esque toy, but has an amazing hardware base for the pro version! Pro will be the business mobile platform tool the PB pretended to be. No more "apps" or side loading glitchy android apps, instead PROGRAMS!!!! To do actual work!!!! The only thing Surface needs is a bridge like BB to avoid running 2 data plans. Right now only a USB tether is planned for Surface Pro.
The uphill climb from RIM is too steep. Oh and why is my PB slower to load then my pc or curve? Why does it always misorganize the outlook exchange email folders when I import them? Why is the native filing system one mega alphabetical list? All counter productive to any serious work.
Oh and the US gov is either dropping BB in some cases or opening up to Apple and Android next year! Bad bad news for RIM.
Telling someone to not buy this $125 tablet is just plain idiocy. This is the deal of the century and will make bb customers very happy.
Having now graced my fingers across the MS Surface RT, RT is just an iPad-esque toy, but has an amazing hardware base for the pro version! The only thing Surface needs is a bridge like BB to avoid running 2 data plans. .
Considering that in many surveys,...."majority of respondents said they used a tablet for browsing the web, reading (books and/or news articles) and social networking."
Why would someone pay $500+ for a Surface, when a $125 Playbook will suffice?
Canada still has a large and strong Blackberry userbase, so bridging this steal of a deal device to an existing blackberry phone is an absolute no brainer.
For "actual work", give me a laptop or desktop anyday of the week.
For the same reasons people will buy an iPad or iPad mini. As a web browsing tab, the PB is just fine. A damn shame that RIM is losing money on each and every sale, and insulting that they were every priced up in the $500+ range! Also insulting they touted it as a working man's tablet. It is priced about right at $120 and marketed about right as a portable web browser / mobile video clip viewer. That's what it is. And all that it is!
But for the stalwart RIM executive base, MS Surface Pro will relegate the PB to the bargain bin of Walmart...and that is no high ground to be on when the hype machine should be in full swing for the BB10 launch.
RIM is losing it's business credentials and has already lost its "it" chic a while ago. So what's left? Why bother? The uphill climb is similar to what Palm had to face.
BB10 will be a flop, just as PB is. Oh you know the OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONLY time a saw anyone besides myself using a PB in public in the last year? Just happened to last week at No Frills. The stocking boy was listening to Biggie Smalls' while pushing his beat up looking PB around on a cart and stocking shelves. You know what? That sounds just about right!
I really tried to give mine a chance, when I thought I got a deal at $170, but I went into it with the expectation it was a working tool. Instead I came out thinking..."well I didn't get totally ripped off with this picture / web viewer...I just didn't get what I expected".
Keep holding out for BB10, I'll be doing some real work and play on the Surface with a proper filing system and a proper syncing of Outlook, and dual pane window viewing, drag and drop, and PROGRAMS, as opposed to glitchy side loaded "apps".
new BB bridge update available.
Also, RIM is giving all kinds of premium apps away for free until Dec 31.
This video really helped me in downloading a **** load of android apps.
It wasn't very cut and dry, but once you figure it out, 800+ apps are at your fingertips
Why bother with BB running android emulation when you can have new tech running android natively?I LOVE THIS LINK
Pure android apps for FREE. I know people are complaining about BB apps are outdated blah blah blah.....whats your excuse now that you can use BB and Android apps?
I'll save the $200 thanks.Why bother with BB running android emulation when you can have new tech running android natively?
Yeah, more cool features!
Yeah, more cool features!
This is what I saw as the update:
This software release improves igloo strength by adding a base of hockey sticks to the exterior, as well as adding a heard of powerful, angry, yet playful beavers to protect the igloo. Get the Canadian only, igloo software update today at: