RIM Playbook. Limited sale... $200

Considering that the current BB7 phones will be obsolete and non upgradable with the BB10 OS, its nice to know that the PB will be easily upgadeable to the new OS for no charge. I believe other makers in the past have charged something for big OS updates?

Rumour has it a 10" Playbook will be released soon too.

Are you actually serious when writing all that?

That's gold SunnY, gold.
Are you actually serious when writing all that?

That's gold SunnY, gold.

Yeah. I gotta shake my head about this too. iOS ring a bell?

Edit : Apparently FaceFlow works with the current PB OS. Give it a try and let us know how you make out.


I will try it, but if I am not mistaken, FaceFlow requires their client at both ends, right? I can see already everyone else rolling their eyes, because they have to install a different software on their end .... just not practical, if you know what I mean, but I will try it anyways at least in my house, to see how it works.
I will try it, but if I am not mistaken, FaceFlow requires their client at both ends, right? I can see already everyone else rolling their eyes, because they have to install a different software on their end .... just not practical, if you know what I mean, but I will try it anyways at least in my house, to see how it works.

faceflow doesn't require a client installed, just log into the website and you're good to go.
Yes, RIM is creating another version of the playbook.
Are you among the half population of iphone owners that secretly wish they had a bigger screen?

Don't worry, Apples arrogance will dwindle, and they will buckle to the competition once again.
tiny 4" screens ---> :lmao:


PB was too big for every pant pocket, and too big for half of my jacket pockets and that eventually become a major deal breakerfor me, and I especially came to hate that wasted realestate in the borders
faceflow doesn't require a client installed, just log into the website and you're good to go.

How does the other side know that I am calling??? ... without being logged in the same way. The advantage of Skype is that people have the client on all the time ... meaning you cjust see whether they are online and you can call them.
Using the Note2 as a tablet alone, already embarrasses the PB and here is why:

I'm liking my Note 2 as well. I've had it for about a month now. Yes it's HUGE but I like having as few devices as possible and I browse on my phone a lot so this lets me pretty much do it all (games, phone, music, browsing and even some light tv/movies). I'm also finding myself sketching a bit again (which I haven't done in like 7-8 years) since it's such a great tool for drawing.
Now I'm used to the size of the Note 2 and anything smaller feels like a silly toy. Also it's nice just writing this out with the stylus :)
While it's not quite the BlackBerry 10 update we were hoping for, the BlackBerry PlayBook has received a small OS update today. The new version is and brings along a few minor updates and fixes. Inlcuded are some browser improvements, audio boost, BlackBerry World rebranding, in-app payment support, SMS over bridge and more.
While it's not quite the BlackBerry 10 update we were hoping for, the BlackBerry PlayBook has received a small OS update today. The new version is and brings along a few minor updates and fixes. Inlcuded are some browser improvements, audio boost, BlackBerry World rebranding, in-app payment support, SMS over bridge and more.

Can it open the native calendar in under 20 seconds yet? SMS over bridge is one of the most useless functions and is yet another dual battery draining waste of time.
Since you bumped this thread.

I've had numerous issues with PB, to reiterate, i used it as bedtime reader, sat beside the bed and thats it. couple months into owning it the touch screen got iffy, wouldnt accept my inputs, they were delayed, some parts of the screen worked, some didnt. Sent it in under warantee, got another one. 2 months worked okay, then it started doing it as well, or wouldnt turn off, or it wouldnt turn on. Called Blackberry again and "oops, sorry, now its out of warantee"

I was getting REALLY frustrated as i kept picking it up and it just wouldnt work right. Spent hours updating firmware, software etc.

I finally snapped, and just so i dont try picking it up again and being enraged, i broke it. I calmly, methodically, grabbed the edges and smashed the center of the PB against the counter edge and bent it in half, and tossed it in the garbage.

Shortly after i picked up an ipad mini for a great deal. ZERO ISSUES, and i use it a lot more...

so yea, **** Blackberry
I have the complete opposite experience, I have had mine since they have come out. I use mine to watch movies / youtube and have no issues. I use it EVERYDAY on the go train to and from work ... 45 mins on the GO train watching TV and 45 mins coming home watching TV. I have mine in an Otter case and it has been dropped down GO train staircase numerous times (I know butter fingers) I have dropped it on the tile floors at home with no effects. I have not really noticed the battery life going down either. I charge it every 3 or 4 days depending on how I am using it and will get me home on the 3rd or 4th day with under 10% battery power. 1 overnight charge and its up to 100% again.
I have the complete opposite experience, I have had mine since they have come out. I use mine to watch movies / youtube and have no issues. I use it EVERYDAY on the go train to and from work ... 45 mins on the GO train watching TV and 45 mins coming home watching TV. I have mine in an Otter case and it has been dropped down GO train staircase numerous times (I know butter fingers) I have dropped it on the tile floors at home with no effects. I have not really noticed the battery life going down either. I charge it every 3 or 4 days depending on how I am using it and will get me home on the 3rd or 4th day with under 10% battery power. 1 overnight charge and its up to 100% again.

^^ My use is inline with this. Had my playbook for a while and that's my use as well. Great when traveling, load up a few movies and a season or 2 of tv shows and it's good to go.

Wish it could do netflix natively though, otherwise, best $100 I spent on a toy.
. best $100 I spent on a toy.

My 2 pb's are still running along happily with no issues. Just started using one for my 16 month old daughter so she could watch movies and Mickey mouse on YouTube. It's only a matter of time before she destroys it.

Best bang for the buck. I ain't giving her no $400 iPad to trash.

Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2
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