Since you bumped this thread.
I've had numerous issues with PB, to reiterate, i used it as bedtime reader, sat beside the bed and thats it. couple months into owning it the touch screen got iffy, wouldnt accept my inputs, they were delayed, some parts of the screen worked, some didnt. Sent it in under warantee, got another one. 2 months worked okay, then it started doing it as well, or wouldnt turn off, or it wouldnt turn on. Called Blackberry again and "oops, sorry, now its out of warantee"
I was getting REALLY frustrated as i kept picking it up and it just wouldnt work right. Spent hours updating firmware, software etc.
I finally snapped, and just so i dont try picking it up again and being enraged, i broke it. I calmly, methodically, grabbed the edges and smashed the center of the PB against the counter edge and bent it in half, and tossed it in the garbage.
Shortly after i picked up an ipad mini for a great deal. ZERO ISSUES, and i use it a lot more...
so yea, **** Blackberry