Riding Down Under - Tropical Cairns Australia | Page 80 | GTAMotorcycle.com

Riding Down Under - Tropical Cairns Australia

I got diagnosed with very mild glaucoma last week to be expected for my age. Night vision not as good which I have noticed but only slightly...picked up some variable LED desk lamps which helps.
My dad had a something serious with his vision but that was in his nineties...he had one operation that was successful but died before the second at 95.
Still have 20/20 distance vision....down from 20/15 ....oddly the glaucoma gave me a couple of notches better close up vision ....that was new.

Off to dentist in the morning for cleaning and routine maintenance early then off to a ride. (y)
Slow dentist cost me my cheapie brekkie for $5
Teeth cleaning feels good tho and finally a good riding day.
Opted for a new type of burger. Protein pig out.
now waddle to the bike :rolleyes:
Rode up to Pt Douglas listening to audio book. Taking a break at my fav picnic table and completely engrossed in the audiobook.
An hour home and I'll like curl up and listen to the rest of it. Mind you 15 hours left...just have to NOT fall asleep and miss some chapters.
Felt warm on the bike despite on 26 out...have my tights on and the replaced ARev'it pants. Feels warmer than the mesh AirGlide 3.
Jacket also feel on the warm side despite light tactical shirt. :unsure:

2 pm time to head home and miss traffic.

Was doing fine until 5km from home ...head on collision on an old long bridge across the Barron River.....traffic was insane, the shoulders are maybe 1/2m wide if that so emergency vehicles, cops and fire truck struggled to get to the collision site and clearly someone was hurt.

Tomorrow looking good too ...Friday out due to wedding.
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Golds for Aus - back to back too in sailing. Not done before. :dance:
and more 4 in total

Conor Leahy won gold with Oliver Bleddyn, Sam Welsford, and Kelland O'Brien in the men's team pursuit, Keegan Palmer won gold in the men's park skateboarding, Nina Kennedy won the pole vault final, and Matt Wearn won in the men's dinghy.
Aus in 3rd behind and China and US. Most golds ever for Aus.

Rained out for riding..wind is nearly always from the SE and the showers are moving quickly.
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Bowls Club tonight. I'm being very carnivorous 🦁
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Nice start to the day. Wordle in 3
Missed Bowls Club chicken scnitzel last night due to wedding today which I suspect will involve tasty free food.
Meanwhile have to resolve late night pasta craving....despite this too regular occurrence my weight is unchanged,

Even better - just tuned in and saw Australia win a gold in men's pursuit cycling.
I’m burping garlic chicken wings….I think I short circuited my glutide.
My first Australian wedding attendance and lots of good food.

I missed the shot of the bridegroom and bride doing fire breathing act !!!
Thought he was doing a second one.
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lovely outdoor venue with a celebrant conducting the ceremony. Rain held off.
I would suspect this was a rather rare getaway car.
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Actually got out for a ride today ....weather is just too good tho was chilly at end of day coming down the range.
Bike ran very well and had enough fuel. Stopped for late lunch at KFC but Ozempic kicked in and barely ate any. Lots for tomorrow tho and I do like their coleslaw. Guy gave me a freebie upgrade to a large which was appreciated.
Back was sore tho no issue with sciatica. Nice having the RevIt pants to wear and with the padded riding shorts were a good mix. Robax quickly fixed the back but I have to conserve the drug./ Brought lots but not replaceable as primary drug not available in Australia.

Now there is an interesting forecast - warmer days but colder nights. Started using a new site.Screen Shot 2024-08-14 at Aug, 14    2024    1.43.16 AM.jpg
no excuses not to ride now. Looking at weeks of fine weather
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Rushed to the dentist after insufficient sleep but the cary fix was very smooth and quick. Managed to catch brekkie at Hungry Jacks ..bit my numb cheek in the process which of course did not hurt but felt weird. :rolleyes:
Then a short ride up the coast to Rex point. The Pacific was exceptionally quiet and looked lovely. 80 km round trip so felt okay after the longer ride yesterday.
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Very little wind - very little traffic....not even any beach goers - just an easy day.
Ah lovely ride to Skybury.
Welcome to Skybury
Scones and coffee all grown/made here
Not as nice as it used to be - they closed off the little pond that attracted so many birds and some wallabies or roos. Was magical
one of my luckier shots taken exactly from where I am sitting now
Couple hours later

Excellent ride 170 km loop and the AFX Helmet worked out great. The iridium visor is so nice under bright sunlight and the crazy wide FOV means I feel like I'm riding in a cool transparent bubble with no edges visible.
The visor looks gaudy on the helmet but inside the view is colour neutral with the sunlight knocked down like sunglasses but no frames to deal with. Just nice cool view like being under a shade tree.
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Never heard of AFX helmets...but looking now they seem decently priced! Also never heard of iridium visor...

My modular is coming due, and it's time to upgrade / replace.
None taken. AFX build to a price and the one I picked up going on 10 years ago was a very new design. It has served me well.
AFX. AFX North America Inc. is a family-owned and operated manufacturer of motorcycle, ATV, scooter and snowmobile helmets.
They are all ECE 22.05 and DOT approved or whatever was current at the time.
This the one I have. And AFX customer service was terrific when I lost one of the visor attachments...the shipped two replacements free of charge for me to pick up in Nanaimo. The internal liner is getting on but the quick release fastener works fine and visors are cost effective and very good optical quality.

I run mine without the peak in the high viz yellow and yeah the paint fades especially with the tropical sun.
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Can be configured various ways.

I might switch the iridium visor out so not to attract the constabulary tho I see quite few tinted visors on riders here.

Australian Motorcycle Helmet Visors
Helmet visors are a problematic area for riders and regulators with improper policing in at least some Australian States. The standards for visors worldwide have not been changed over a long time, Australian Standard AS1609 has not been updated since 1982 despite the updating of the sun glasses optical standard AS1067 in 2003
I'm happy with sunglasses or safety glasses and am considering goggles. The AFX will fit googles.
Sure was nice under the iridium today. I've had real problems with visors that have anti-fog coatings ( not optically clear > Shark ) and the C3 visor which has been a running joke for years.
I may be forced to cough up for another one. The anti-fog system on the C3 really works well but that's not really an issue here.
I much prefer a plain optically correct visor at a reasonable cost.

I've had good luck with Bell helmets - really liked their 3/4.

EasyR has been good to me and all 30 day returns. Ordered these
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Answer Apex 1 Goggles​

Designed to fill a void, these goggles protect, fit, keep the elements out and lets airflow through - all at a reasonable price. A blank-page approach allowed Answer to create a new proprietary frame that works with modern helmet designs and paired it with an anti-fog and anti-scratch lens to deliver an outstanding field of view. The Answer Apex 1 Goggles show that you don't need to shell out the cost of a helmet to get premium goggle performance.


  • Anti-fog, anti-scratch clear lens
  • Lightweight and durable polyurethane frame
  • Enlarge frame design with engineered nose bridge allows for increased field of view
  • Compatible with glasses
The quick connect will let me use the camera easily as well. The wide FOV on the AFX is fine for camera use tho I use the camera with the C1 flipped up. We shall see 🍿

Hunh Nolan N44 seems the progeny of my AFX
and love the look of that face shield.

New model $329 shipped tax in
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FOV on my AFX FX55 is excellent. I've even crossed the border without removing the helmet.
Small ride to Machans Beach to catch up with a friend. Health has stopped his riding but he worked for Apple for years from home handling support calls from all over the world. Was a good catchup.
We had identical white Burgman 650 Execs ...we actually hooked up on the Burgman site.
Was confusing at times tho he never had the urge to get on the KLR :rolleyes:
Was hungry as nothing since brekkie. Steak sandwich was just perfect. Very tender, nicely seasoned and lovely pink.
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No riding today. Little or no sleep last night due to coughing and allergies. Sinus headache ...just not a happy camper....hopefully do better tonight as it is lovely riding weather tho getting up there in temp...first 30 degree day in a while.

Some good news on the helmet front ...apparently I bought a spare clear visor for the FX55 helmet so that will keep me happy for a while. Funds are scarce this year. Told the FZ6 guy I'd not be moving forward but if the CB300 buyer bites on Tuesday I will sell the bike and find something newer.
They are coming up often enough I should not be without wheels for long.
And I can always get the eBike back in service.
This would do just fine
best laid plans.... :rolleyes:
Was just about to gear up ( and was running late anyways ) when turned out my phone was completely discharged and I always have either an audio book or music when riding so I bailed for the day.
Got reasonable sleep last night finally and a bit more of a nap at noon.
Will reload for tomorrow
Enjoyed this
Former staff was born in Katmandu Nepal and I sent him a link.
I am soooo jealous of the that bike Marc has but so far out of reach financially. Hope I'm still riding when the prices come way down.
28 on the deck and a lovely breeze. Yesterday qualified as hot at 30, today is just perfect.1724040777865.png
Dealt a lemon?....make lemon aid.
My 2019 lapbook Pro screen is dying AGAIN....almost unuseable in the daytime but okay at night

I had a spare Dell 27 not in use and plenty bright enough to use in the daytime. I am forbidden to spend any money sigh. :bored:

Bit of media overload :rolleyes:
Finally got out. Our ute sold, so partner happy. Looks like my bike maybe buyer has bailed....ce la vie.
I should know better than to go to a golf club for lunch ...$11 for coffee ( very good one ) and a single biscotti so I'm reading and enjoying the view.
Their fries looked yummy and I liked the way they are served in that metal cage so they stay crisp but the fries at the Boles Club were also tasty last night. $11 for a small basket of fries was just too much. It's the first cafe coming into Port Douglas. I was aiming for Origin who has the best coffee but diverted.
Their baked in house stuff is great but they run out by the time I get up there ( about an hour run )
Also in the expensive side considering what I get at Hungry Jacks for the price of a coffee at Origin.
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That's a whole meal for me with decent protein and the Turkish roll are excellent.PLUS a free latte as a senior
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Jack's spent $20 million to take on McCafe here in Aus. with proper machines and some training for staff.

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Two good looking days ahead ....mid 20s ( tho it is only 14C at the moment in Ravenshoe which is the highest town in Queensland. ) Been a while since I've I been there and it's a longish hike 260 round trip on a loop. 240 out and back but rather not do the Gillies twice. Good pies tho. (y)

Cut that fine ....my pie place closes at noon and not a lot of choice left. Beef cheese and ugh onion which I managed to pick a bit out. I love the taste of onions but my tummy disagrees. :rolleyes:
Got chilled on the ride here tho not dire - extra layer would have worked fine. Glad I opted for the Scott jacket which is much warmer than my other jackets. so many good memories associated with that jacket riding with the kid. We bought the Scotts for our cross country trip in 2017.
It's also a good jacket, excellent feature set. Too warm for here once it gets above 28 but for the 20 degree range it is just right.
Off home - 160 km ...and with the reasonably substantial breeze. Good audio book too,Screen Shot 2024-08-24 at Aug, 24    2024    12.11.44 PM.jpg
About the closest the CXB300F gets to offroad :D

Bumped around in the wind behind me. Taking a break in Atherton and making myself sick on KFV popcorn chicken. :rolleyes: still have a 2 hour ride home.
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Damn need to buy a lotto ticket, Wordiply in 1 and Wordle in 2. (y)
And I'm being a lump sitting around on this lovely summery day. 27, sun and a nice breeze.
I did however get the bed sorted. :rolleyes:

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