Riding Down Under - Tropical Cairns Australia | Page 78 | GTAMotorcycle.com

Riding Down Under - Tropical Cairns Australia

No vision test?
I had vision test ( excellent ), peripheral test ( excellent ), balance test blindfolded ( long 30 seconds), urine test ( had to explain about TURP) and reflex tap plus heart listen and medicines and medical history review all to earn another year in the saddle.:rolleyes:
At least I'm good to get to 60 years riding by next October
....next goal will be riding at 80. Some days I have my doubts feeling all stiff and old .....but
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of Men comes crashing down! But it is not this day!
1718928549667.png off to conquer the Gillies on a perfect day in the tropics. 24 C and little wind.
Good ride up the Gillies but very rusty....not smoooth when stopping behind cars and at the construction lights. :( Need a bit more air in the tires but I was slow poke all day in the twists. Did both directions and paid for that with a big nap.
Lovely hour reading in sun at the teahouse and noshing fresh scones and very yummy blueberry jam....lots of cream and a big pot of tea.
Got warmed up sitting in the sun ...high was only 20 so was a tad chilly in the mesh jacket. Wore my Olympia AirGlide 3 pants with suspenders and used the independent knee armour, very comfortable combination with suspenders. When I was using the Rev'it pants there was some stiction at the knee I had to hike each pant leg up to free up - nada on the Airglide and knees feel very well protected.
The AG look and feel better made than the lighter Rev'it Airwave which split at the seam....have approval for warranty return. I might sell them when I get the replacement. I have a lot of memorable miles on the Airglides....best $100 purchase.

I've settled in to Schuberth C3 with an Oxford balaclava to keep the IEMs in place and some cheap Temu clear glasses that bother the bridge of my nose....will sort that.
Might treat myself to new visor and sun visor on the C3 but prefer just the clear glasses.
Then my forever old Joe Rocket shorty mesh jacket, the Airglides with suspenders plus the G-Form independent knee protectors that I thought might be too hot but the warmth was good.
1718962697357.png and the Forma midcalf boots...very happy with those.
TEMU gloves worked out well, they were a big bigger than the existing ones and the extra space felt good.
The saddest part is you have five minutes to draw the clock. If it takes you five minutes, you needed to stop driving many years ago imo.
At the session I went to there was an elderly lady who had to be supported by a relative in order to walk into the room and also helped to sit down and stand up after the session. This was obviously a painful and very slow process for her and I did wonder if her "reaction time" was up to actually driving a vehicle.
At the session I went to there was an elderly lady who had to be supported by a relative in order to walk into the room and also helped to sit down and stand up after the session. This was obviously a painful and very slow process for her and I did wonder if her "reaction time" was up to actually driving a vehicle.
My mother-in-law is 91 and lives in PEI. My wife and her family travel to visit her frequently and are doing all that is possible to keep her living independently.

The passed a written test and driving test when she renewed her license about a year ago, though not certain about how long ago.

The issue of driving came up in May since she hadn't driven since the fall as she has friends in the building who are much younger who will drive. The task fell to my wife so she said, " OK mom. You need to get to the car, put your walker in the back seat and get into the drivers seat ON YOUR OWN WITHOUT HELP. Then we'll drive around for a short time, come home and you'll have to get out of the car etc. again ON YOUR OWN."

She was able to store the walker and get in and the drive was without incident. Upon returning she did get out and got the walker but she admitted that it was a bit much for her and she didn't feel that comfortable.

Sad as it is (and unavoidable for those who live long enough), it's best if they come to the decision themselves.
The other factor with older drivers/riders is the deterioration of "night vision" with age. I have seen printed information that says that by the time we are "senior citizens" our night vision is about 12% of what it is when we are in our 20's. To some extent it can apparently improve more quickly at night if before going out into the dark from a highly lit room one wears dark sunglasses for some minutes.
Yeah for sure - my dad was driving legally at 95 but never at night.
I notice when in the car at night the oncoming lights are hard on the eyes.
I actually like riding late at night but not here.....too many critters.

Good ride up to Kuranda...shake the rust off.. having a German feed.

Genetically predisposed to riding on two wheels. Son had a good run.
Glad I salvaged this one as the print has suffered the ravages of tropical climate.
A least I see his photos daily on the travel photos that roll through randomly.
Not looking good for a Julatten run tomorrow :(
Raining and weird temp spread for 9 pm in winter.



Oh well ...lots to binge on AppleTV 🍿

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