Riding Down Under - Tropical Cairns Australia | Page 65 | GTAMotorcycle.com

Riding Down Under - Tropical Cairns Australia

Day off riding today ....new glasses arrived and we have some shopping to do and it's 31 at 9.45 am 🥵

The TPMS took it's own sweet time reconnecting after topping off the tires (they had dropped into low 20s psi ) now sitting at 32 and 35 per spec. Always reassuring to have at a glance.
Debating continuing the AFX helmet or go to the C3.
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I can just barely drink from the water bottle with AFX but the FoV is delightful.
Will give it a few more rides to decide...sentimental reasons for the AFX as wore that for the bigger rides with my kid plus it's realllllllly quiet with the earplug stack in the cutout for comms.
I also have an unworn iridium visor for the AFX which is delight on hot glary days. If you've never worn one it's a treat as does not change any colours but drops the light level dramatically.....looks spacey too :alien:
It's way better than sunglasses and lowers light stress big time.

Think I've got the Rev'it pants dialed in now with my weight loss. Thought I was going to have to go to suspenders. :eek:
Debating buying the matching white Rev'it jacket to the white pants I have. I have some insurance money to go to that if I want to use it tho the HWK jacket is mostly white anyways and the cooling is remarkable.
My Ozempic might have failed this last dose I took late Tuesday. Was ravenous tonight, finished the pork roast, gravy veg and mashed at the Bowls Club, then a round of profitoles with cream and ice cream and still nibbly when I got home so macadamia cookie and tea. :oops: Yikes have not felt that hungry in months and we were not sure how much was left in the pen tho it showed some at the tip. How much is in question. Hopefully this was a one off anomally.
While it was very nice to be able to finish a yummy meal and desert without hitting the satiation wall, and I had not eaten very much all day ....still a bit concerned as that almost felt like a steroids hunger.
When getting cured of lymphoma steroids were a "feature" and resulted in quite a few late night runs to A&W.
My son had the same and he sure loved to eat those last few weeks.....and I'm sitting there barely able to finised a quarter chicken.

Off to physio early and then a ride up the Gillies to volcanic lakes for tea and scones at Lake Barrine.

Breakthrough on my banking - swapping sims to the newer phone allowed me to deposit the insurance cheque - for whatever reason the old phone subbed in a comma instead of the period I needed to list how much I was depositing,

Need to get my rides in before the wet ( and hot ) starts in earnest. This weekend still okay but not great after that.
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got a new rider to follow...Aussie guy now and doing Australia. Lots of critters, decent narration and good eye for photos
Camping on a Himalayan.🍿
Get me used to riding on the left again.
Hard goiing...
On a bike not exactly ideal. Tough bloke.
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Lovely morning 18 at 6 am ...busy morning ahead with urine test at 8 and physio at 9 am - good that it's in the same plaza. Leave the rest of the day for riding tho will be on the warm side in afternoon. Always cooler on the Tablelands.....might take my Scott jacket for sentimental reasons even tho will be too hot in the arvo.
We bought matching Scott jackets for our cross Canada ride and at the time I needed a size up. That got sold but my Ozempic slimming has allowed a good fit now. Course I will never look as good in it as the kid.
European cut on the jackets friendlier to him than my pear shape.

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But 'll feel wrapped up in memories riding with his jacket on :cry:
And it's a better jacket than any others I own tho not so suited for temps....for once I CAN stay dry and going into the wet that's an okay thing. 🏍️

Longer ride today up the Gillies 19 km 260 turns, 1,000' climb and couple degrees cooler. :D
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Made it to Barrine but sore bum and I thought no drugs….turns out there was a bunch of panadol in the Scott jacket √
Met very interesting BMW rider who haunts the area - he was in a much worse accident than mine on the Gillies 3 years ago and recalls it all…..broken everything but recovered well - he’s riding much bigger bikes. 1200 BMW ( he has 2 ) and I think pushes hard in the corners. Ex-ship captain and knows Canada and comes to Barrine often so nice to add to my rather narrow riding circle…..more for chat than riding.

Doing the Gillies both ways is always tiring

and I have very little stamina plus the Scott jacket was at the limit for riding in heat. Once I got down the Gillies - very conservatively - I flaked out at a shaded bus stop.
Really must fill the riding pharmacy I usually carry.
Thanks - combination of the factors made that onerous.
Had physio prior to the ride which is tiring, did not have padded shorts, did not have my "pharmacy" and ended leaving later than ideal as a urine test as well was post physio......so hotter especially wearing my son's Scott jacket really not meant for those temps.
Also I knew up and down the Gillies the same day is always tiring even pre- accident but I was a very conservative rider going down....showed me my right arm not up to snuff.
Lesson learned.

Have no one to ride with and in reality prefer solo as I stop for photos a lot.
I will try another run there without the extras and with the correct gear.
Leave earlier and skip the two way run in the twists.
If I do it two way it is 120 km total. If well rested and cool not a big ask.
Going back via Kuranda is 172 - the twists are the end are a bit tiring but much shorter than the Gillies down hill.
Via Palmerston is 240 km round trip, very enjoyable but longer.
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It suckers me as easy to get there, sit back with scones and bottomless cuppa...then the decision. Tailwinds going north bound help in the return
Having lazy day watching media.
Enjoying Joe Ryan videos. He's pretty hard core for riding in the rough in the heat....:eek:
He is also good for me embedding driving on the left again.

We visited this area by cage last year and enjoyed it....we were on a shoulder season...nowhere near that kind of heat.
Hopefully heading to Tasmania next year which is rapidly coming up. We'll take the ferry as well.
Enjoyed that section on Tas so know more of what to expect. Really like his style, rider, surfer, mountain biker and ultra lite camper, photographer
Even Noraly travels heavy compared to Joe.
The Himalaya original is perfect for his use.
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Going through my medical stuff from the accident found out I broke two ribs...:eek:
Thought I was just bruised.
Slogged through receipts to tally the damage tho quite a bit has already been paid. $800 and change for taxis was not yet.
Physio here is adding up.
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New target for a road trip for the sci-fi geeks...no idea this was around
Every planet in the solar system is just outside your window on this drive from Narrabri to Coonabarabran along one of the longest and straightest roads in New South Wales. They're on huge billboards and at only 38 million times smaller than reality, they make up the World's Largest Virtual Solar System.
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Joe Ryan very much to my liking for bike choice, travel style and ability to "do it all" - film, narrate/edit and tough it out with very little gear. Ultra-lite camping background, surfer, photographer with a similar eye/interest to me. mountain biker and personable.
Enjoyed his first season which included Tasmania which we are heading to.

Beginning of Season 2 into the Outback.

Serious urology scan tomorrow ....just a 5 minute procedure tho
Too warm to ride but will go up to Copperlode above Cairns to read sometime this week. They removed the free tea making set up in favour of a vending machine :(.
Joe is in the Bungle Bungles, good memories for us tho we flew in.
Ancient mountain range in the Himalayan class eroded down over millions of years.
Got beat up by the physio on Friday ...still sore in spots.

Watching the noobs in Russia - can't beleive I was riding 700-800 km a day in 2019 when doing the x-Canada. Trying to work my way back to 2-300 a day. :rolleyes:
Decided not going to ride after physio.

Itchy Boots still wandering India.
Fortunately the weather and my collecting BluRay 4k deals
have blunted the "lack of riding" frustration.
Plus living vicariously through the adventure vloggers has helped lots.

I did get used to a certain pace of recovery in the Recovery Center and while there is still progress on my leg ...it has slowed dramatically and in the case of my arm seems to have gone somewhat retrograde.

Dealing with the urology issue is top focus from a healthcare perspective. Will know more after phone appointment later in Dec. Nothing unexpected with the scan I just had, now just to take advice on options to deal with the issue.
Professional wheels, even in the private sector, grind slowly this time of year.
I need an "impatient" emoji :rolleyes:
🥵 34 :eek: on the deck at 9.30 am....went to physio and had excellent session and decided that was enough for such a warm day.
Lots of media to watch including Band of Brothers. New 4k media arriving today too.
Just watched Band of Brothers DVD upscaled on the new player and given the nature of the subject don’t see a need for a 4k version.
Very moving series especially at the end when the survivors are interviewed and some footage from their actual tour of duty….
Might even try and read it as I like Ambrose as an author.

Stupid hot today …was 34 at 9.30 am tho that was peak.
I rode over to physio and the bike felt good and had an excellent physio session
Decided not to push my luck and go riding given heat/humidity.

Parts of my 4k Bluray library came including the complete Harry Potter cycle and a few more so lots to watch.

We’re watch Dr Who special tonight on Disney.
Jude is a huge fan and claims most Australians are as well
I’m dubious but I’m okay with it and David Tennant is one of my fav actors.

Feeling more recovered, walking better etc. Not doing enough home exercises …not my strong point.

Still considering a small under the desk exercise pedalor as I don’t mind that while I watch or listen to Audible. Used one at the recovery centre.


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Going to 35 real today :eek:😓 - rare to get a heat wave warning this close to the Pacific.
Figure at that temp time spent finishing reading the LOTR trilogy in the A/C room sounds delightful. 🌴
A nap would not be amiss either. 💤 These siesta cultures are on to something. Partner has been getting up at 5 am to get started on her gardening.
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