Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Star Trek Into Darkness - had a story line twist, so it's ok to watch. No naked chicks though, but with presence of Robocop.

Just got back from seeing it. For some reason it just didn't grab me. Maybe it was precisely because of those "twists"?
Quite possible. Constant change of course in the plot doesn't allow you to lock in. I personally couldn't tell who the bad guys were until closer to the end.

P.S. the Enterprise seems to be becoming an outdated piece of space junk. No decent armour, no competitive firing power. Even the damn warp core is falling apart. So not impressed.
Quite possible. Constant change of course in the plot doesn't allow you to lock in. I personally couldn't tell who the bad guys were until closer to the end.

P.S. the Enterprise seems to be becoming an outdated piece of space junk. No decent armour, no competitive firing power. Even the damn warp core is falling apart. So not impressed.

About the only thing that impressed me, was that the warp core scenes were shot in a real research facility.
Fast & Furious 6.
I'm saddened to see the old team of bad street racers turning from hooligans to GOOD guys.
The original thrill is no longer there somehow.
So, hide your baby oil and enjoy the appearance of Transporter at the end.
Human Centipede 2 - A heartwarming tale about a sickly, mentally challenged man, who was abused by his father when he was a child, blamed for his father's incarceration by his mother, taking action, overcoming adversity and turning his dream into reality. Highly recommended as a masterpiece of European cinematography!
Seriously?? It is distant future and all this cadet gets is a giant swiss knife and a spandex suit?? Where is laser guns, phazers and plasma blasters?! Where is jet packs and advanced armour?! It is a future after all, why fight like we did in a dinasaur age...

P.S. Triple chopsticks LOL'ed me hard :lmao:
Loved the knocked out teeth at the end :D
The MILF was hot though.
Lol my buddy told me robocop was in the movie before the start of the show and I thought he was joking. Movie was sick! Will be hard to top... Man of steel may come close.
No one has been able to make a good Superman movie yet, I have very little hope.

Fast and Furious was surprisingly good for a 6th edition
Startrek was really good
After Earth sucked and i am a big Will Smith fan
Hangover III sucked
Saw "The A-Team" the other night on TV, really good movie, not sure why I never saw it before.
Man of Steel... in real imax downtown I have to say best superhero movie ever, totally awesome. Will be paying to see it again.
This Is The End... was ****ing hilarious.

Don't spoil it! Going on Tuesday to take advantage of two fifty Tuesday (now $10.50 with inflation).
Just saw "The Impossible" with Ewan McGregor & Naomi Watts. Decent movie and I gave it my honest attention and it really hit home with small boys of my own. Basically a film about the Tsunami tragedy few years ago taken from perspective of a tourist family. No tears were shed although it tried to pull at the heart strings.

I followed The Impossible with my 3rd time viewing of Batman rises. I cried like a little baby at the end realizing this would most likely be the last one for Christian Bale and he did go out with a bang (spoiler, literally). I hope they bring in a dark Robin = Night Wing as a spin off.
Fast and Furious 6

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONGEST runway in the history of the earth.

Pretty terrible movie, but somehow still awesome because it is F&F. So much that made no sense, but just made it more hilarious.

Well it's only logical that when you have a car with a 12 speed gearbox, you would try to find the longest runway to drive it.
These movies are all at least a few years old, but since many of you might not have seen them, I'll post up my thoughts

Sarkar and Sarkar Raj - Godfather tribute films from Bollywood. Sarkar borrowed WAY too much, Sarkar Raj had a more original story and was a better movie. You'd have to sit through the first one to enjoy the second one. Meh, not a waste of time, but I wasn't impressed with anything other than Aishwarya Rai's looks (unsurprisingly lol)

Company (2002) - Now THIS is one movie you should check out if you're into the mob syndicate genre.. Well written, well acted, dark, gritty... Highly recommended, went light on the typical Bollywood stuff (one music video but it played well into the story - club scene - and the characters didn't do the usual song and dance routine)

The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada - Had to watch this one again, and loved it. Excellent drama/action-adventure in a modern western setting. Tommy Lee rocks and the rest of the cast is alright. Well written, not typical neatly packaged Hollywood formulaic crap

Lone Star (1996) - Because the above was favourably compared to this one, I had to check it out. Touted as one of the best modern westers of all times, left me with a "meh" reaction. The cast is ok, but they went into subplots a wee bit too much and the movie never grabbed my attention.
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