A little late to the party, I finally watched Life of Pi last night and was blown away.
Incredible film.
Incredible film.
Star Trek Into Darkness - had a story line twist, so it's ok to watch. No naked chicks though, but with presence of Robocop.
Quite possible. Constant change of course in the plot doesn't allow you to lock in. I personally couldn't tell who the bad guys were until closer to the end.
P.S. the Enterprise seems to be becoming an outdated piece of space junk. No decent armour, no competitive firing power. Even the damn warp core is falling apart. So not impressed.
No one has been able to make a good Superman movie yet, I have very little hope.Lol my buddy told me robocop was in the movie before the start of the show and I thought he was joking. Movie was sick! Will be hard to top... Man of steel may come close.
This Is The End... was ****ing hilarious.
Don't spoil it! Going on Tuesday to take advantage of two fifty Tuesday (now $10.50 with inflation).
Fast and Furious 6
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONGEST runway in the history of the earth.
Pretty terrible movie, but somehow still awesome because it is F&F. So much that made no sense, but just made it more hilarious.
Well it's only logical that when you have a car with a 12 speed gearbox, you would try to find the longest runway to drive it.