Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Just finished Flight, Good movie but not alot of action.
Would definitely put it in the same category as the wrestler.
Django Unchained was probably the best movie out of the recent batch of new flicks out there I've seen. Its nearly 3 hours but is good fun all the way through.Did not really like Skyfall - plot is cliched and kind of pointless. Didn't like that Killing them softly flick with Brad Pitt either. Its just "whatever". Flight was okay and I didn't mind Cloud Atlas. I can see why some might not like it but I didn't mind it. The Hobbit looks like a real snoozer so I haven't been in a hurry to watch that one.Looking forward to Iron Man 3. I think its out in march right?
I saw The Hobbit on Tuesday.

Lots of small deviations from the book and the goblin caves looked nothing like what I imagined while reading the book. But still pretty good.
Django or bust this weekend.
Django or bust this weekend.

It's a pretty good movie.. Not at the same level as some of the classics and can get slow and boring at times, but overall, it's one of the best recent westerns and as a package a good movie - 4 out of 5. The cast was really good and I liked their performances even though I've never been a fan of LDC.
It's a pretty good movie.. Not at the same level as some of the classics and can get slow and boring at times, but overall, it's one of the best recent westerns and as a package a good movie - 4 out of 5. The cast was really good and I liked their performances even though I've never been a fan of LDC.

its almost three ****ing hours long...of course its gonna get slow at times.
Going to go watch it tonight for the third time...
Well I didn't bust...saw the 10:35pm show in Newmarket. Definitely a 4 out 5 at the very least. It was Tarantino take on a old spaghetti western...pretty cool...I'll pick up the dvd when it comes out for sure.
Django Unchained FTW. Breath of fresh air in these politically correct times. Liberal use of the N word and mondo gun play.

Upside down barn scene was donuts. D is silent.
Django Unchained FTW. Breath of fresh air in these politically correct times. Liberal use of the N word and mondo gun play.

Upside down barn scene was donuts. D is silent.

Inglorious Basterds is still my fav after Reservoir Dogs, but this is a great movie.
I saw The Hobbit on Tuesday.

Lots of small deviations from the book and the goblin caves looked nothing like what I imagined while reading the book. But still pretty good.

I felt like going on a quest after watching it. Who's in? We'll drink a lot, not shower and use bats to hit whatever walks at us.
Inglorious Basterds is still my fav after Reservoir Dogs, but this is a great movie.

Both good movies but too dark this time of year. Django Unchained has an uplifting soundtrack, lots of sunny weather and outdoor scenery to die for. As an added benefit where else are you going to see so many beautiful black folk this time of year except the NFL playoffs? Win-win.
Inglorious Basterds is still my fav after Reservoir Dogs, but this is a great movie.

Waltz win an award last night for django. If u aske me he should've win an award for the opening scene for Basterds.

I can never get enough of Terantino's dialogs.

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Waltz win an award last night for django. If u aske me he should've win an award for the opening scene for Basterds.

I can never get enough of Terantino's dialogs.

Sent from my Phone, dont judge the grammar

Waltz did win an academy award for his part in Basterdz.............
Django Unchained............was a surprise........GREAT kill fest....Loved the walls running red

Every guy squirmed in their seats during the barn scene....that went on too long...haha

liked how Terantino killed himself off.....GREAT movie
Waltz did win an academy award for his part in Basterdz.............

Django Unchained............was a surprise........GREAT kill fest....Loved the walls running red

Every guy squirmed in their seats during the barn scene....that went on too long...haha

liked how Terantino killed himself off.....GREAT movie

Its funny how Terantino also play crappy character in his movies. This is prob not one of his movies, but in most, he dies

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