Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

The Art of Racing in the Rain.2019
Started reading the book a little while ago. But the tragedy was too close to home and i had trouble getting into it.
My girlfriend found a dvd copy of the movie for me to watch. It was still a tear jerker, but i got thru it. Good story with narration by Kevin Costner. Racing scenes from Mosport and Laguna Seca.
It's not Oscar material. But it's different and worth watching. (and reading)
Nice to see Baz Luhrmann back.
Don't dismiss Elvis as fluff.....powerhouse preparation and performance by the lead.

Excellent article.
Hanks does a good job as the avuncular villian but Austin Butler was spectacular.....Lurhmann loves spectacle.

Remarkable Canadian - his come back was awesome and well portrayed

I found Hallejuah stat hillarious….Cohen’s version was number 13 on the British chart ….but two covers of it were #1 and 2…!!!

Only distracted from movie watching over the Pacific by sleep and an hour of this....what a flight !!!! Moon was intense.
Was very good. Given the frequency of eruptions and type of volcano I was surprised that anyone was allowed as close as a regular tour thing. I walked on the floor of Kiluea when that was allowed and flew over an active one in Iceland..
Screen Shot 2022-12-22 at Dec, 22    2022    1.45.03 PM.jpg
We were also in Lelani Estates in Hawaii 2 weeks before it went up .....our BnB was only 500 m from rift 8 was weird seeing roads and seafront we'd just been at destroyed.

But these days you are not allowed to get anywhere near an active cauldera and that one in New Zealand was far more intense than Kiluea in the it's explosive type lava.
That that kid survived the pyroclastic flow and walked out is insane. It was well done docu.
I must admit had I been on that cruise I would have gone on the expedition...
Forced myself to finish ‘The Eternals’…if they shaved 45-60min Off it there would be no big loss.
Was very good. Given the frequency of eruptions and type of volcano I was surprised that anyone was allowed as close as a regular tour thing. I must admit had I been on that cruise I would have gone on the expedition...
100% I would have gone on it as well. Good doc but for the one guy (fella with his fiancée) that said he would have never gone on it had he known the risks………it’s a friggin volcano bud! Maybe ask when the last time it erupted and how frequently it does so!
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