Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Since I'm reading the whole Aubrey - Maturin 21 book series ( I'm up to 8 )
Thought I would watch again to see the interiors etc - if anyone is interested I have the whole series in books that I will not be taking to Aus.
Quiet on the Western Front.

Wow. Brutally beautiful. Highly recommend if you’re into those types of films.
Just watched it. Agree it's good. The original with the guy the Waltons was very good too. (probably on Tubi)
Quiet on the Western Front.

Wow. Brutally beautiful. Highly recommend if you’re into those types of films.
Was it more of a chatty visual thing or does it actually contain combat? From the trailer I got the impression their wasn’t much action and they’re talking the entire time.
Was it more of a chatty visual thing or does it actually contain combat? From the trailer I got the impression their wasn’t much action and they’re talking the entire time.
A good mix of both IMO. Some parts made me queasy from the graphic details.
Was it more of a chatty visual thing or does it actually contain combat? From the trailer I got the impression their wasn’t much action and they’re talking the entire time.
Was an excellent film.
I liked Hacksaw Ridge too.
Every now and then I stumble across a real gem on Tubi. I think this one qualifies: "Eat Local(s)." Just look at this list of actors:

Freema Agyeman (Doctor Who/Law & Order:UK)
Billy Cook (EastEnders)
Charlie Cox (Daredevil/She-Hulk)
Annette Crosbie (One Foot in the Grave))
Tony Curran (Doctor Who/Ray Donovan)
Eve Myles (Torchwood/Broadchurch)
Vincent Regan (The Royals/Poldark)

On a whim I turned on ‘Guns Akimbo’ with Daniel Radcliffe.

Harry Potter is all grown up. And I highly enjoyed the gratuitous violence and predictable plot. Need that once in a while.
“We Were Soldiers” is also great and is said to be 60-80% accurate as well.
a few of the remaining D-Day survivors were interviewed about the opening landing sequence in Saving Private Ryan and said it was the closest to reality.
Band of Brothers was insanely good as well. The war weariness at the end was heartbreaking.
a few of the remaining D-Day survivors were interviewed about the opening landing sequence in Saving Private Ryan and said it was the closest to reality.
Band of Brothers was insanely good as well. The war weariness at the end was heartbreaking.
If I didn’t have two brats under two taking up my to me I’d watch B of B start to finish this Remembrance Day. Watched it 6ish times now and love it.
Starting this ...looking forward to it
Millie Bobbie Brown is a force of nature, multimillionaire and is producing these movies....she's all of 18 !!

Mad fun and do watch the credits.
Loosely based on a true story as well and certainly sets the stage for more.......93% on RT critics.
I thought perhaps a stretch too far but she tied it up neatly.....even the diversity.
Helen Bonham Carter is a hoot......mad woman.
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