Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

The Courier: Benedict Bandersnatch or whatever his name is...fabulous film based on real events about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Really enjoyed this one. Very well done.
Yes I’ve been binging.

Riders of Justice: Danish with English subtitles BUT don’t let that put you off. It’s one of the better films I’ve seen for a while. Mads Mikkelsen (of Bond villain fame) is a soldier serving abroad when his wife is killed in what looks like an accident in a train crash. A statistician nerd also on the train isn’t so sure..his other nerd friends help the soldier. I won’t say any more but it’s actually very good. Lots of violence and lots of black comedy too.
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I gave The Courier a watch today. Couple slow spots but I did really enjoy it as well as did my wife. Helps that I also now love anything with Rachel Brosnahan in it.
Watched Nobody tonight. Was entertaining. Kinda tuned out in the last act. Bob Odenkirk couldn't really sell it for me. This movie had Liam Neeson all over it, and should have cast him instead.

New Mortal Kombat movie..good watch if you have time to kill...!
Watched the 7min opening scene trailer which was all cheezy blood scenes but I'll still watch this. May rewatch the original first though if only for the gratuitous Sonya Blade cleavage shots.
Same actress in Billy Madison (y) (y) nice!


This one actress is nice too
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Watched Nomadland last night. Supposed to be a shoe-in for an Academy Award. All the reviews said it was about RV nomads, but really it was a movie about grieving. It was a good movie, well filmed. They use silence a lot to create mood, and the acting is very good. It's depressing though, with the ghosts of America's past greatness once again held high, and the pain of the exploited American working class, and this woman trying to come to terms with the loss of her husband and all her memories with him. Some great lines in the film. I give it an A- simply because I'm not a real tear-jerker fan. But well done, worth an Oscar.
Name of the Rose ...finally watched ....bit of a hash but Sean Connery and a young Christian Slater carried the rather disjointed plot. A for effort on re-creating mediavel monstery with the all the blood and gore trappings. It got good reviews when released...not sure I agree entirely.
Still waiting on Dune ....mind you theatres are open here in Australia but not much I'm wanting to see.
Name of the Rose ...finally watched ....bit of a hash but Sean Connery and a young Christian Slater carried the rather disjointed plot. A for effort on re-creating mediavel monstery with the all the blood and gore trappings. It got good reviews when released...not sure I agree entirely.
Still waiting on Dune ....mind you theatres are open here in Australia but not much I'm wanting to see.
I am interested to see what they can do with Dune. I am a fan of the 1984 version which most people are mixed on. It's just a hard piece of litature to distill down for a 2 hour session and to be entertaining, and not be so cerebral for the general audience. Denis Villeneuve does have a great asthetic to his work, so visually it will be stunning, hopefully he can make the rest work.
Stowaway - This was a "meh" most of the way through especially the ending.

Things Heard and Seen - Actually pretty good the whole way through with another crap ending.
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