Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

The 2017 remake of Papillon with Rami Malek was very good! Older film now but well worth a watch, especially if you're a fan of the original with Paul Newman. Excellent end credit footage too as this is based on a real story.

Edit it’s Steve McQueen...not Newman!
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Older film now but well worth a watch, especially if you're a fan of the original with Paul Newman.

Are you sure you ride a motorcycle?

The 2017 remake of Papillon with Rami Malek was very good! Older film now but well worth a watch, especially if you're a fan of the original with Paul Newman. Excellent end credit footage too as this is based on a real story.
Really good movie for a remake. Rami studied Dustin Hoffman obviously and did a great job.
Cold Pursuit.
Think, Fargo,Taken and Trailer Park Boys.
Fun movie tho.
Since I recently revisited Back to the Future, I decided to follow up with parts II & III, 2 was meh, 3 was much better and good wrap up to the series. Man the 80's was a great time for movies and pop culture overall!
Since I recently revisited Back to the Future, I decided to follow up with parts II & III, 2 was meh, 3 was much better and good wrap up to the series. Man the 80's was a great time for movies and pop culture overall!
It was meh..???

self lacing speakers, self drying jacket, HOVERBOARD???

Nope, not having any of that.
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Godzilla vs Kong... well whadda gotta say?

I was entertained, wasn't expecting much I guess, but for the most part was well done, not cartoonish like Justice League. The little deaf girl was the best part of the human characters Glad they didn't abuse her to make her break trust with Kong.
Trailer for F9 dropped, I LOL'd. Fun movies, but they keep turing up the dial.

Rewatched Spiderman Homecoming and still enjoyed it.
"Chronicle: 2067" on Prime:

As with "The Martian" they screwed up the initial premise, but made a pretty good movie out of it anyway. The basic concept is that all plant life has died and the atmosphere now has no free oxygen, so people have to use "artificial oxygen" in canisters in order to survive outside. All good, except that people are starting to "reject" this "artificial oxygen." So the science the movie is based on is a crap show, but from then it's a pretty good time travel SF.
Nobody. Bob Odenkirk ...very solid action film with comedic moments. Lots of fun and well made.

Agreed, fun action movie that doesn't take itself seriously. Worth a watch
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