Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

The Fanatic.
Even John Travolta can make a really bad film.
Watched Mortal Combat 2021 last night - very meh, even the eye candy ?‍♂️
The Gunman.
Really good cast. Good action.
Tom Clancy's Without Remorse - Michael B Jordan in a Tom Clancy movie, what could go wrong? It's essentially two hours of nothingness. No plot, minimal action, zero good dialogue, just an empty shell of a movie.
Tom Clancy's Without Remorse - Michael B Jordan in a Tom Clancy movie, what could go wrong? It's essentially two hours of nothingness. No plot, minimal action, zero good dialogue, just an empty shell of a movie.

That's a shame, I like Clancy movies but nothing has been as good as the really old Clint Eastwood Firefox and a few other older ones.
Little Fauss and big Halsy" Anyone seen this lately? I remember watching it about 40 years ago and thinking it was good. I wonder if I was right?

(Robert Redford, Lauren Hutton and Michael J Pollard with some music by the man in black)
not exactly a movie - this is a book I read, "Angry harvest". apparently this book has been made into a movie; I wonder if anyone here has seen it?

This was an amazing read for me. Written by Hermann Field and Stanislaw Mierzenski. 1958. Highly recommended.

This is a novel. Written not to enertain, but to save two men - from going mad. it was a strange fate that found these two men together in a cell. They spent ~ 4 years together, never permitted to leave their cell. the authors would never of met had they not been arrested and held prisoner by the security police outside warsaw. Neither had been put on trial or charged. these two men would find themselves co-authoring a beautiful book while in prison together. One was a pole, 40's catholic and had spent all his life in poland. he was a highly educated man, an anagronomist, and newspaper editor. The other was an american, late 30's, and harvard educated.

both these men had been in solitary confinement, but now they had each others company. Although neither could speak the other's language; they both had a second langauge in common - German. They told each other stories while walking the cell like caged bears..
At first the stories could not be written down; but when the prisoners become desperate the authorities granted one of their requests, which was for writing materials. They were given pencils and exercise books. and so they wrote Angry Harvest...

It is absolutely incredible that two men as POW's could write this beautiful novel. Stunning good read..
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Tom Clancy's Without Remorse - Michael B Jordan in a Tom Clancy movie, what could go wrong? It's essentially two hours of nothingness. No plot, minimal action, zero good dialogue, just an empty shell of a movie.

Just finished it. You’re right, it was meh. Could have been so much better but I see they have laid the groundwork for a series of films or a TV series at the end.
"Brightburn" - An obvious twist on the Superman origin story. Be prepared for some gore. The end left me vaguely unsatisfied.
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