Really? Highbeams during the day???

... and someone(biker) in my rear view have his/her highbeam on and i cant see whats following us/if any, i get a little worried as i always want to know whats going on behind me(my plates is at the rear).

Does this not support the point that high-beams can be counterproductive? If the rider behind you had High Beams on and you can't see what is going on do you think he has increased his visibility or reduced it?

It's illegal and it's a bad idea.

Maybe you should get your eyes checked, if high beams don't blind you on a sunny day.
Between my HIDs and my alarm, my power flickers so during the day, I leave my highbeam on (halogen) and at night i ll put the lowbeam HIDs on. I didnt think my highbeam was actually bothering anyone during the this bothering most people or just the old guys?
I didnt think my highbeam was actually bothering anyone during the this bothering most people or just the old guys?

i vote old guys, and chicks are gonna have on shades regardless, so they can look fly.
Does this not support the point that high-beams can be counterproductive? If the rider behind you had High Beams on and you can't see what is going on do you think he has increased his visibility or reduced it?


well atleast i know he is there, but he had those extra bright HID, the yellow ones.
as you can tell, i am not against it, and the situation i explained, was at night(forgot to mention).

highbeams on any vehicle in the daytime will not bother me, in the night YES, unless needed.
Between my HIDs and my alarm, my power flickers so during the day, I leave my highbeam on (halogen) and at night i ll put the lowbeam HIDs on. I didnt think my highbeam was actually bothering anyone during the this bothering most people or just the old guys?

Bothers the **** out of me (not old), but I have loud-*** pipes so i'm staying the **** out of this argument!

Not only do I ride with my HIGH BEAMS ALWAYS, I wear a flakey LIME COLORED JACKET SO I CAN BE SEEN

Sorry if my attitude upsets you. But happily, we don't ride the same roads.
Funny thing - I have never had a car flash his beams at me suggesting he was bothered by my beams. What does that tell you?

On the other hand when in the SLK, if I ever have my beams on, people flash theirs like there's no tomorrow.

Obviously my bike's beams don't upset others. Some do get upset when trying to pull a left in fron of me when I stand on the pegs and wave a FIST at 'em. I mean a bright lime colored jacket and beams and the stupids still think they can pull a left in front of you?? They see you - they simply thnk you'll concede.

May your next message be a llittle more relevant and realistic.
$900.00, full coverage, $1M liability, in Brampton (worst rate area in the GTA).

Heh, I pay that, and I'm 28 on a ZX-14. Full coverage, with $2M liability.
And just looked it up, using high-beams during the day is NOT illegal.

Use of passing beam

HTA168. When on a highway at any time when lighted lamps are required to be displayed on vehicles, the driver of a motor vehicle equipped with multiple beam headlamps shall use the lower or passing beam when,

(a) approaching an oncoming vehicle within 150 metres; or

(b) following another vehicle within 60 metres, except when in the act of overtaking and passing. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 168.

So when is a light required?

62. (1) When on a highway at any time from one-half hour before sunset to one-half hour after sunrise and at any other time when, due to insufficient light or unfavourable atmospheric conditions, persons and vehicles on the highway are not clearly discernible at a distance of 150 metres or less, every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle shall carry three lighted lamps in a conspicuous position, one on each side of the front of the vehicle which shall display a white or amber light only, and one on the rear of the vehicle which shall display a red light only. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 62 (1).

Since they are not required for these reasons, it is perfectly legal to use them in the day.
"the driver of a motor vehicle equipped with multiple beam headlamps shall use the lower or passing beam when,

(a) approaching an oncoming vehicle within 150 metres; or"

If your vehicle has multiple beams, the lower beam shall be used when within 150 metres of another vehicle.... my understanding (which may be incorrect) is that the "low beam" and the "passing beam" are one and the same, and are not the high beam. i don't understand how you can think it is legal to use your high beams during the day when it is at best, annoying to other drivers.....


I used to ride with my high beams on during the day with my first bike because the headlight was weak (in my opinion). I carried on with the practice once I got to a modern bike. Until a more experienced riding friend educated me on the subject.

It is understandable to form an action or opinion based on ignorance. What I find puzzling is how so many seem incapable of admitting that they are wrong when confronted with lucid facts clearly illustrating the errors in their original thought and judgement.

I find it sad that there are so many who are contradicting Rob, Brian and V-Tom (you know, the ones who are bringing fact into the conversation). It is my opinion that the facts are "clear as day" (yes yes, have a field day with that one...): using high beams during the day is disrespectful and ignorant, and for those who do it intentionally, it is actually doing the opposite of what it is that you claim to accomplish.....

(for the record, I am not an old fart.....)
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All the motorcycle magazines used to promote riding with high beams during the day to be more visible. I tried it and thought it was stupid, so now I just stand on my seat in the Jesus Christ pose while occasionally flapping my arms like a big blue bird.
Isn't there a Provincial Offences for "Failure to cancel Highbeam"?
And just looked it up, using high-beams during the day is NOT illegal.

Use of passing beam

So when is a light required?

Since they are not required for these reasons, it is perfectly legal to use them in the day.

Yes it's illegal and yes it's been posted before. I'm guessing you didn't read pass page one.
those fogs and driving lights annoy the crap out of me too. They serve no valid purpose, during daylight hours

The fog lights in my car are my DRLs. What do you suggest I do? Stop driving during the day?
The fog lights in my car are my DRLs. What do you suggest I do? Stop driving during the day?

So are they fogs, or DRLs? If it's a Chrysler, then they're DRLs. If your car doesn't have stock DRLs and you've got accessory fogs doing the job, then aim them correctly.
So are they fogs, or DRLs? If it's a Chrysler, then they're DRLs. If your car doesn't have stock DRLs and you've got accessory fogs doing the job, then aim them correctly.

They are stock OEM fog lights. They are set to run as DRLs via the country code in the ECU. They go out when the HID low beams are turned on. Once the headlights are turned on, you can turn on both the front and rear fogs to run in conjunction with the headlights with the fog light switches on the dash. Maybe I should get a sign like those Baby on Board ones that reads OEM Fogs are DRLs? Then people won't get mad at me for running my "fog" lights during the day?

My other car has "City Lights", which are off, go on at position 1 on the lights switch, then go off when the lows go on at position 2, but no full time DRLs. Please advise.

And I wouldn't be caught dead in a Chrysler.
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