Really? Highbeams during the day???

Riders who feel that their safety requires the use of high beams should probably just sell their bike, stick to a car, and be done with it. Bikes are dangerous folks.

High beams all the way during day time .I guess the use of helmets should also be discourage for safety .
$900.00, full coverage, $1M liability, in Brampton (worst rate area in the GTA).

I do, for one, when idiots have them on coming up the rise on Yonge, at Front.

I cant say that someone with their highbeams on during the day has ever blinded me. I've noticed them but they weren't distracting or irritating.
I cant say that someone with their highbeams on during the day has ever blinded me. I've noticed them but they weren't distracting or irritating.

Try Yonge south, at 4:00pm, with 2 or 3 sportbikes coming up the hill towards you. Trust me; you want to be able to see what's going on around you there, at that time, without distractions.
Who gets blinded by highbeams during the day??

with some of the newer advances in technology the high beams can leave you seeing spots, even during the day.

I bet my premiums are the same as yours and I always ride with my high beam on during the day. I'd rather blind you then you not see me. Not that I rely on this but it probably helps.

if i'm blinded then i can't see you... your logic fails.
What do you guys do if you're driving west at sunset? Pull over and wait till its dark?

Put down the sun visor on my helmet and deal with it, by looking partially away, which isn't an option when something suddenly appears in front of you.

Do a search for my rant on people who can't seem to predict that the sun rises in the east, so they might just need sunglasses in the morning, if it's still somewhere on this site after all these years.
Put down the sun visor on my helmet and deal with it, by looking partially away, which isn't an option when something suddenly appears in front of you.

Do a search for my rant on people who can't seem to predict that the sun rises in the east, so they might just need sunglasses in the morning, if it's still somewhere on this site after all these years.

Tinted visors are wonderful.
LOL @ high beams for safety. Do whatever the hell you want out there, but be aware that you look like a tool haha.
LOL @ high beams for safety. Do whatever the hell you want out there, but be aware that you look like a tool haha.

Thats your opinion. During the day when I'm on a 2 lane highway and see a string of 3-5 cars coming at me head-on I'm always thinking that at least 1 car is trying to pass - I always flip to highbeam till I get past them.

Be seen!
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Thats your opinion. Anytime I'm on a 2 lane highway and see a string of 3-5 cars coming at me head-on I'm always thinking that at least 1 car is trying to pass - I always flip to highbeam till I get past them.

I usually shift over to the right as far as possible, and maybe engage in some light weaving, to maximize my visual presence. I've seen people who flip on their highs in these types of situations. It makes it harder for me, as a driver, to gauge their actual distance as all I see after they do that is hazy light. God help me if that light is blue-ish purple HID nonsense.
I find it distracting. Do you want distracted drivers out there?

DRL's help me to see you, full on high beams help me to not see you.

The other thing I noticed is some of the high beam always advocates really don't like it when you high beam them back - and that's with an 8 year old vehicle with standard lights.
I'm on team no high beam.

They are annoying. Go team go.
I didn't realize this was such a controversy.

The dealer I bought my first bike from suggested I run the high beam during the day, and so I did.
I've heard people brag about running someone who "highbeamed" them off the road. Then again I've heard people here brag about running from police and breaking off mirrors, so I'm not sure, but I've seen people do crazier thinks for what I thought was much less provocation.
Big deal. Im a new rider and as long as the sun isn't out I have my HID on. At the end of the day there is no second chance, no oops I didnt see you. **** that I have my baby girl to come home to.

dude, you do realize you actually may create an accident by blinding someone with HID's, there is also the problem that you may end up getting a driver to "target fixate" on your very bright light and they may cross the centre line..

just for kicks try googling "high beams makes perception of distance harder"

good luck
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