Really? Highbeams during the day???

[h=2]Re: Really? Highbeams during the day???[/h]
Big deal. Im a new rider and as long as the sun isn't out I have my HID on. At the end of the day there is no second chance, no oops I didnt see you. **** that I have my baby girl to come home to.

How about we be blunt - 43 years riding says you're big time wrong and an ******* attitude to boot.

Maybe that was you on the 403 today being ignorant behind me.

High beams and horn are to catch attention....what are you going to do to warn dickhead cager - flip to low beams???....

No wonder insurance rates are high...
Always thought it was a supremely stupid thing to do, and illegal as well.
Not trying to piss off some obviously passionate people here and I don't drive around with a modulator or my high beams on but...
If I see a car creeping past a stop sign on me they will get the flash to pass button and I don't care if I burn there retinas out, they do wake up and fast.
The cops have modulators installed on all there bike around here and don't care who they blind during the daylight hours.
Are modulators legal?They never seem to get pulled over and I know a rider that has had them on every bike he ever owned,you think theres a cop in the distance. Yes it bugs the **** out of me every second he's in my rear view mirror.But so do loud pipes in front of me.
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Why is it the old people on this forum always use this line to try and justify their lame post?
Because young people drive insurance rates by doing lame stuff on the street?

Maybe if everyone ran around with high-beams on all the time, the few would get it, but I somehow doubt it.

I used my high-beams rarely the same as my horn. That way it means something.
Why is it the old people on this forum always use this line to try and justify their lame post?

I don't know, quite frankly, since us "old people" tend to have insurance rates that are orders of magnitude less than you "young'uns." Wonder why that is?
Statistically most motorcycle accidents happen at intersections where a cager coming the other way makes a left hand turn in front of the rider. Another popular gotcha is pulling out of a driveway or side street in front of a rider.This alone has me +1 on riding with my hi's always on, and I'll gladly risk a fine to be more visible to said r-tards
Illegal? I don't think it's illegal to run High Beams during the day. but I could be wrong...

Use of passing beam
168. When on a highway at any time when lighted lamps are required to be displayed on vehicles, the driver of a motor vehicle equipped with multiple beam headlamps shall use the lower or passing beam when,

(a) approaching an oncoming vehicle within 150 metres; or
(b) following another vehicle within 60 metres, except when in the act of overtaking and passing. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 168.

Edit: Nevermind. It's illegal for a bike but not a car...

Lamps required on all motor vehicles except motorcycles
62. (1) When on a highway at any time from one-half hour before sunset to one-half hour after sunrise and at any other time when, due to insufficient light or unfavourable atmospheric conditions, persons and vehicles on the highway are not clearly discernible at a distance of 150 metres or less, every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle shall carry three lighted lamps in a conspicuous position, one on each side of the front of the vehicle which shall display a white or amber light only, and one on the rear of the vehicle which shall display a red light only. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 62 (1).
Lamps required on motorcycles
(2) Subject to subsection (3), when on a highway at any time every motorcycle shall carry two lighted lamps in a conspicuous position, one on the front of the vehicle which shall display a white light only, and one on the rear of the vehicle which shall display a red light only. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 62 (2).
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Riders who feel that their safety requires the use of high beams should probably just sell their bike, stick to a car, and be done with it. Bikes are dangerous folks.
Illegal? I don't think it's illegal to run High Beams during the day. but I could be wrong...

Use of passing beam
168. When on a highway at any time when lighted lamps are required to be displayed on vehicles, the driver of a motor vehicle equipped with multiple beam headlamps shall use the lower or passing beam when,

(a) approaching an oncoming vehicle within 150 metres; or
(b) following another vehicle within 60 metres, except when in the act of overtaking and passing. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 168.

Illegal? I don't think it's illegal to run High Beams during the day. but I could be wrong...

Use of passing beam
168. When on a highway at any time when lighted lamps are required to be displayed on vehicles, the driver of a motor vehicle equipped with multiple beam headlamps shall use the lower or passing beam when,

(a) approaching an oncoming vehicle within 150 metres; or
(b) following another vehicle within 60 metres, except when in the act of overtaking and passing. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 168.

"...when lighted lamps are required...", for motorcycles made after January of 1970, is ALWAYS.
I don't know, quite frankly, since us "old people" tend to have insurance rates that are orders of magnitude less than you "young'uns." Wonder why that is?

I bet my premiums are the same as yours and I always ride with my high beam on during the day. I'd rather blind you then you not see me. Not that I rely on this but it probably helps.
I bet my premiums are the same as yours and I always ride with my high beam on during the day. I'd rather blind you then you not see me. Not that I rely on this but it probably helps.

$900.00, full coverage, $1M liability, in Brampton (worst rate area in the GTA).

Who gets blinded by highbeams during the day??

I do, for one, when idiots have them on coming up the rise on Yonge, at Front.
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