Racism against blacks in 'Murica

Imagine the Donald if he had the power a CDN prime minister gets. The US side has to get a lot more buy in and the old guard are crapping their pants over what to do with that nut.

I live part time in the US and own property down there, I cant imagine the gong show this guy will bring to politics.
The president of the USA cannot really ram anything through without having both Congress and the Senate behind whatever it is that he is trying to do. Obama was not able to push much through in a positive direction (and what did get done, was watered down);

Haven't been keeping informed on executive orders i see. Congress schmongress. Emperor Obama has a well used pen.
The president of the USA cannot really ram anything through without having both Congress and the Senate behind whatever it is that he is trying to do.

I'd be less worried about legislation and other crap like that (most of which is so hairbrained that I agree it won't go very far) and more worried about the fact that he'd be the commander in chief of the US military. One day when he wakes up on the wrong side of bed and is grumpy because the newspaper posted something mean about him again, and then Kim Jong pokes fun at the hamster on his head or something silly in yet another empty threat sabre rattle, he's the guy that is apt to do something stupid based on emotion, and emotion alone.

Considering how apeshit we've seen him go over some incredibly petty things, and his reactions to such being outright childish in many regards, the mere thought of this clown having his finger on the big red button should scare people.
I am racist LOL whites rule

I don't see any other colour lol that's why I moved from Toronto to up north now I am see all whites every day
I'd be less worried about legislation and other crap like that (most of which is so hairbrained that I agree it won't go very far) and more worried about the fact that he'd be the commander in chief of the US military. One day when he wakes up on the wrong side of bed and is grumpy because the newspaper posted something mean about him again, and then Kim Jong pokes fun at the hamster on his head or something silly in yet another empty threat sabre rattle, he's the guy that is apt to do something stupid based on emotion, and emotion alone.

Considering how apeshit we've seen him go over some incredibly petty things, and his reactions to such being outright childish in many regards, the mere thought of this clown having his finger on the big red button should scare people.
He's basically a man child with slightly more business sense than others.
Not drinking the progressive leftard koolaid does not make me ill informed ;)

No, it doesn't but not having a clue what you're talking about does.

The president of the USA cannot really ram anything through without having both Congress and the Senate behind whatever it is that he is trying to do. Obama was not able to push much through in a positive direction (and what did get done, was watered down); Trump will not be able to push much of his absurdity through, either. Even if the USA elects a Republican Congress, I get the impression that most of Trump's own Republican party is not behind the policies that he advocates.

He will, however, be able to turn the US into a laughingstock of the rest of the world, and make a mess of international negotiations (be it trade, defense, refugees, or whatever). I can't see him making too many friends in the international community with some of the self-centered policies that he advocates.

Does the US government as a whole need a shake-up ... Yes. But not Trump's version of a shake-up.

I consider the alternatives to Trump - all of them - to be do-nothings.

Donald Trump = Rob Ford. Somehow we got through that.

The mayor of Toronto doesn't wield the power that an american president does. It's like comparing a nuclear warhead to a pebble thrown by a newborn.
I sometimes wonder if redneck Americans think of us as white "N's".

Go fetch us some water boy. Go fetch us some logs boy.

I don't think DT is any different. Scary considering some of the remarks made by George Jr.
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