QC to tax antivaxxers

It's not just truckers that are against the vaccine mandate. I believe, people from different background, jobs, political beliefs etc are moving away from more harsher restriction and the mandate.
Some arguments against the vaccine mandate
1 My body my choice
2 Getting vaccinated is not going to stop you from getting Covid or the virus spreading
3 Covid is never going away and now have to live it
4 We have vaccines now to protect the most vulnerable people
5 Natural immunity - I had Covid so why do need the vaccine/booster
They do if they want to maintain their jobs. They don’t consider it a choice if it affects putting food on your table.
Exactly. The 'choice' is quit and get another job...but that's a consequence they're not willing to accept.

Frak...these guys can make good / better money just doing Canadian runs considering the bottlenecks in the supply chain right now. My cousins were truckers and they hated the US runs. Long lineups at the border, US wackos, lots of bullcrap.

Their favourite runs were to MTL. You could make it to MLT and back to Toronto with a full load within a single day if all worked out. Be home with the family and do it again 5-7 days/week. They loved it. And no customs bullcrap.
It's not just truckers that are against the vaccine mandate. I believe, people from different background, jobs, political beliefs etc are moving away from more harsher restriction and the mandate.
Some arguments against the vaccine mandate
1 My body my choice
2 Getting vaccinated is not going to stop you from getting Covid or the virus spreading
3 Covid is never going away and now have to live it
4 We have vaccines now to protect the most vulnerable people
5 Natural immunity - I had Covid so why do need the vaccine/booster

…yep…and nearly all of those are just parroted (erroneous) talking points from uneducated idiots on social media.
It's not just truckers that are against the vaccine mandate. I believe, people from different background, jobs, political beliefs etc are moving away from more harsher restriction and the mandate.
Some arguments against the vaccine mandate
1 My body my choice
2 Getting vaccinated is not going to stop you from getting Covid or the virus spreading
3 Covid is never going away and now have to live it
4 We have vaccines now to protect the most vulnerable people
5 Natural immunity - I had Covid so why do need the vaccine/booster

1. and the consequences
2. nope, but it diminishes it and gives you the best chance of not ending up in hospital
3. who says when this happens? We are currently at a point where there are more infections and increasing hospitalizations approaching if not exceeding the worst of the pandemic
4. we have vaccines to protect everyone…that’s what vaccines are for
5. 2/3 of infections in the UK are likely reinfections. Data just out today. Also natural immunity < than vaccine immunity from a number of papers and studies and from hospitalization records.
I'm OK with the gov't resign part. Hell, I'll even chip in a few bucks for diesel if they can make that happen.
* Mad mike has joined the convoy *

I think there's a lot of just plain ol' "Frak Trudeau" gang in there too, especially coming from the west who have always been somewhat shunned by him. They've probably been waiting for an excuse to do something like this for years now.
If Justin leaves, all our problems leave with him, right?!

Also i gotta say, i have rarely seen that many "Fok <politician name>" bumper stickers before, when driving or riding around. He's become quite popular in the bad way, these past few years.
Job conditions change all the time. This is one of them.
Sure but for most people with normal office jobs or client facing jobs, medical conditions/status have never been part of any requirement. For a lot of people the only entities who get to have access to their medical files are their doctors/hospitals and maybe life insurance companies. I'm not saying i'm for or against the disclosure of such stuff (I've got nothing to hide) but for some, it might be a touchier/personal subject and another bias that's added during the hiring process.
* Mad mike has joined the convoy *

I think there's a lot of just plain ol' "Frak Trudeau" gang in there too, especially coming from the west who have always been somewhat shunned by him. They've probably been waiting for an excuse to do something like this for years now.
If Justin leaves, all our problems leave with him, right?!

Also i gotta say, i have rarely seen that many "Fok <politician name>" bumper stickers before, when driving or riding around. He's become quite popular in the bad way, these past few years.

Sure but for most people with normal office jobs or client facing jobs, medical conditions/status have never been part of any requirement. For a lot of people the only entities who get to have access to their medical files are their doctors/hospitals and maybe life insurance companies. I'm not saying i'm for or against the disclosure of such stuff (I've got nothing to hide) but for some, it might be a touchier/personal subject and another bias that's added during the hiring process.
The number of laws and restrictions will continue to increase as society gets bigger. The fundamental question is, does any of this infringe on your Charter Rights?
The printing company i worked for told all employees they had to wear hairnets and beardnets any time they were in the building. Lots of people did the "ma rights" thing and were sent home without pay.A few quit. Amazing how sensitive some people get.
That money was never going to go to the truckers. It would have sprinkled a few dollars and the rest would be to ‘keep up the good fight.’ And would be kept in the organizers hands.

Where did you read that? It isn't the liberals collecting this money. Says right on their gofundme page any leftover money will be donated to veterans charities. sure is a lot of hate in this thread. 5.5 million now. I think will be more of a news story than many of you are giving it credit. Media has been avoiding talking about it all week until now, it is coming up on more and more outlets.
Where did you read that? It isn't the liberals collecting this money. Says right on their gofundme page any leftover money will be donated to veterans charities. sure is a lot of hate in this thread. 5.5 million now. I think will be more of a news story than many of you are giving it credit. Media has been avoiding talking about it all week until now, it is coming up on more and more outlets.
Hadn't read it anywhere, it's my opinion from seeing how some of these grifters work. I hope what they say is what will happen, really I do. But the last few years have really shown how people, political parties, and anyone that can/wants to uses these types of devices for their own benefit.

I hope I'm 100% wrong and the money gets to the right hands.
Where did you read that? It isn't the liberals collecting this money. Says right on their gofundme page any leftover money will be donated to veterans charities. sure is a lot of hate in this thread. 5.5 million now. I think will be more of a news story than many of you are giving it credit. Media has been avoiding talking about it all week until now, it is coming up on more and more outlets.

Because the majority of society are onboard with what’s been required and we are tired of 2y of Karen tantrums from the undereducated but loud minority of this fair land.

Edit: and the best way to stop babies from throwing temper tantrums is to ignore them
Ha - that's nothing. My school was 4 km and they never plowed the sidewalks so I did it in knee deep snow.
Well, they plowed snow ONTO the sidewalks in my time... knee deep is nothing. Try waist deep!!!

That was 480 trucks for ~7km. So if any of these reports are even remotely true they need 10 times that if it was just big rigs (as the world record was just big rigs).

Do they have Trump’s official counters working for them?
I love the comments below the article....that's some good reading.
Where did you read that? It isn't the liberals collecting this money. Says right on their gofundme page any leftover money will be donated to veterans charities. sure is a lot of hate in this thread. 5.5 million now. I think will be more of a news story than many of you are giving it credit. Media has been avoiding talking about it all week until now, it is coming up on more and more outlets.
Well, gfm has asked for clarification and a commitment as to where the funds are going and then they will release them. Saying you are collecting money for charity and signing a declaration that 100% of the funds will be used for the advertised purpose are very different. Assuming she is on the up and up she should have no problems signing and accounting for disbursements. Delays point to a failed grift.
Some more musings…according to stats there were 220,000 big rigs in Canada in 2009. So 13 years later let’s assume that has increased with the increase in e-commerce.

So the nutbar estimates of numbers seem to suggest nearly 1/4 of all available trucks in Canada are in this Karen convoy? Yet, the pictures we see are overwhelmingly of passenger cars and pick ups.

Odd. Something doesn’t add up.
If you're a driver for a fleet, and you submitted a request to "borrow" the company rig for a several thousand km trip that not only ties up the rig so that it can't earn paid work and incurs additional maintenance costs and you're still paying the depreciation for the rig, what do you think the answer is going to be (from a dispatcher with a functioning brain)?

If you're an owner/operator, then you can make that decision on your own, but taking a few days off while we are in the midst of supply chain shortages that imply that paid work is out there for the taking (even if it's within Canada's borders) ... doesn't seem like a smart financial decision. You're still working (driving), but not getting paid for it.

CityNews680 had someone from (I think) Sobey's on the news this morning, and they were saying that the current supply chain issues aren't really from drivers being unable to cross the border, they can just swap drivers around to make that happen ... it's from drivers being off sick or on isolation because they, or someone in their family, has covid19.

Still strikes me as "get back to work and kwitcherbellyachin". Can't cross the border because you're unvaccinated (and thus the americans won't let you in - regardless of Canadian policy)? Fine. Take Canadian work, and let your vaccinated co-worker cross the border. Want the cross-border work yourself? Then get vaccinated. You're going to be a guest of the country that you are going into ... you have to play by their rules.
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