Provincial politics

Unfortunately with the levels of fraud out there, WSIB has to do something about it. Is what they're doing right? I can't really say. Ever heard of someone being off a job, because of an injury, but working at exactly the same job under the table?

While stories of scams are real, there are also stories of the WSIB screwing real claimants out of money too. Additionally, there are stories of the WSIB chasing employers for LARGE sums of money and then backing off as if nothing happened when the employer presents a serious threat. In fact there's a drywall contractor right now suing them for several million dollars because they hit him with a $340k bill a few years ago and drove him out of business. Here's the funny thing about the WSIB: when they hit you with a bill, and you wanna fight it, you have to halt your business operation because they revoke your registration. That's right, you have to PAY the bill and THEN fight it, if you wanna keep working.

Couldn't make this stuff up.
I know a few that have gotten out of the roofing industry (industrial) because of it. we're talking 18-23%.
LOL imagine paying 18% of your entire salary for workers insurance? I'd love to see the statistics they base these rates on, seriously. I actually believe there is active deceit and scamming going on between the WSIB and construction unions to drive up costs for small businesses. Maybe one day the truth will come out.
This seems like an interesting business model to me. If one is a lawyer with lots of money, with "sure win as long as you have cash to pay to play" cases in order to pay the bill and work until the case is settled then take a cut plus interest and keep repeating this over and over on WSIB. Eventually this would get the attention of legislation, "why is there someone making a profit out of suing the WSIB repeatedly? What is wrong here?"
People were scared of the Conservative plan because it was for more free markets. I have said it before, people in Ontario have the socialist mindset. You have been led to believe that lower prices or deflation is dangerous. It's the opposite. Just get ready for a mass exist of many private jobs out of Ontario.
I am going to take note of everything you say and take it very seriously, after all, you have been right in every single one of your "Apocalyptic Predictions" I am going to call you BLUESTRADAMUS

Batting 300 budd ;)

Toronto itself does not have an industry. The surrounding regions do. Ontario itself will be fine, Toronto will be Detroit eventually.

Hyperbole. Detroit was a 1-industry town based on selling consumer goods that suffered along with many other places in the rust belt. Toronto isn't really a 1-industry town even if it looks that way because of the banks.

LMAO...which part have I been wrong? The debt is out of control. Government is out of control. If your so right. Why don't we raise interest rates or stop government spending??
Oh that would just expose the fraud. Can't have that then you and your union leech friends would be out of work! When anyone suggests cutting back government bring attacks ads and say end of the world. Just look at all the Union ads from the election.

Batting 300? Is that a term from of the worst sports games of all time? You must be public union.

Speaking of government and unions doing damage. Look what they can do:

I am going to take note of everything you say and take it very seriously, after all, you have been right in every single one of your "Apocalyptic Predictions" I am going to call you BLUESTRADAMUS
Batting 300 budd ;)
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Toronto itself does not have an industry. The surrounding regions do. Ontario itself will be fine, Toronto will be Detroit eventually.

LMAO...which part have I been wrong? The debt is out of control. Government is out of control. If your so right. Why don't we raise interest rates or stop government spending??
Oh that would just expose the fraud. Can't have that then you and your union leech friends would be out of work! When anyone suggests cutting back government bring attacks ads and say end of the world. Just look at all the Union ads from the election.

Batting 300? Is that a term from of the worst sports games of all time? You must be public union.

Speaking of government and unions doing damage. Look what they can do:

Brah you're tripping out, we've got plenty of money as a province and as a nation. We have a credit card with no limit on it...
LOL imagine paying 18% of your entire salary for workers insurance? I'd love to see the statistics they base these rates on, seriously. I actually believe there is active deceit and scamming going on between the WSIB and construction unions to drive up costs for small businesses. Maybe one day the truth will come out.

Trying to get re-classified as residential only or just as a 'general' contractor to try and lower the rate. I mean, it's ridiculous as any operation worth their salt already has insurance, this is just another pig at the trough. Interesting times, to say the least. Gonna be the early 90's again with cash jobs everywhere.
I will again, post this question, (and for the less mentally dexterous, substitute conservative for republican.)

Wow, you actually wanted an answer for that! How about correlation does not imply causation?

BTW, Albertans are generally conservative, but they are neither poor nor uneducated relative to the rest of Canada.

You probably shouldn't be commenting on uneducated people.
I will again, post this question, (and for the less mentally dexterous, substitute conservative for republican.)


Redneck-ism is a lifestyle and culture choice. It has no reflection on wealth. There are some people who just like to drink beer all day, wear overalls etc...
Wow, you actually wanted an answer for that! How about correlation does not imply causation?

BTW, Albertans are generally conservative, but they are neither poor nor uneducated relative to the rest of Canada.

You probably shouldn't be commenting on uneducated people.

They are, however, spending (under charged) oil tax revenue like drunken sailors. It's easy to claim fiscal responsibility and conservatism when you're rich.
I will again, post this question, (and for the less mentally dexterous, substitute conservative for republican.)


Short answer; “a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.” (Paul Simon, “The Boxer”)

Long answer, paraphrased excerpts from an article in Forbes.

A common analytical error is the “post hoc ergo propter hoc” fallacy. (Meaning, "after this, therefore because of this.”) For example, chronic federal deficits became chronic in the 1960s. What changed in America at that time? Alaska and Hawaii were added to the union in 1959 and 1960, respectively; therefore, the erroneous assertion to follow is that the US need only expel those two states from the Union to solve their deficit spending problem. Absurd, right?
Similarly, you can’t facilely assume that the lower per capita incomes in the 10 poorest states were caused by Republican policies.

Another common mistake in economic analysis, seen often, for example, in the (irrational) rationale that liberals use when resisting cuts in marginal tax rates, is to adopt a static rather than dynamic view—to see life and economic conditions in terms of snapshots rather than as a motion picture. In the politically motivated attempt to blame Republicans for the lower incomes in the 10 poorest states, Democrats have taken one snapshot—of the census’ income statistics—and combined it with another snapshot—of current political leanings—to create the impression that Republican policies make America poorer.

The more important factor is not the economic ranking of states at a point in time, but the overall trends. An important article by John Merline compared the economic performance of blue states and red states during the presidency of Barack Obama. The trend of economic indicators clearly favours Republican states. Democratic states have experienced lower growth in both jobs and income in the last few years. Home prices have fallen further in Democratic states, and their unemployment rates are higher. In other words, a dynamic economic analysis of the states casts a far more favourable light on Republican states than static analysis. Since real life is dynamic, not static, Republicans can make the stronger case about which party is best suited to lead the way to greater prosperity.

Here in Ontario the Liberals were able to win the election through misdirection, fear mongering (like your photo) and hollow promises. All illusory and circumstantial.
The Conservative's case is solid and substantial. The chickens will come home to roost starting with the budget.
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I cannot believe someone mentions Alberta here in this particular context ....
Conservative Alberta has oil so there's that.

i understand the difference between correlation and causation, but linking the reigning political program/ideology to the welfare of the jurisdiction they are responsible for, is exactly what the doomsayers here are doing, claiming the liberals will bankrupt Ontario. You can't have it both ways. If we accept that republican policies have no influence and effect on the economic health of those poor states, then you can't blame the ontario liberals for what might or might not happen to ontario. Let's say ontario goes into the crapper in the next 4 years, then the fact the liberals have been in power is just a correlation, not the causation of that happening, right? Not.
Yeah its worst that insurance robbery. Do we really need a safety blanket that not only protects us but fills the pockets of others?
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