Well-known member
This election result proves only one thing: there are more parasites and freeloaders in Ontario population than we all want to believe. From this perspective, democracy really sucks as it gives leeches and liability of a society equal political right as to producers and contributors of the society. If two leeches vote to raise tax to bleed a producer so they can suck on it, you know what, the producer will be the minority. Get ready to weather the choppy economic ride ahead of us. The worst is that our children may have to pay for our mess in the future. This is a completely ****** situation.
Are you kidding? This is how the government keeps its votes: the libs bankroll the public workers at 30%+ over the private wage, hire a pile of them to make the people dependent on the government and make damned sure that everyone in line for the ca$h knows which party is their friend. When you've got over a million people in public jobs in Ontario alone, surely you can see how this is going to go? On top of that most people in the 45+ year old group swallowed all the kool-aid and believe that the government is their lord and master, and shall provide.
You'd have to be blind not to see that Ontario was going to vote liberal... Hudak wanted to get rid of the flotsam... can't have that. Wanna bet that the OPP give themselves a nice raise next year again and Wynne is going to say "well it's regrettable and the unforseen circumstances mean we're just going to have to change the budget..." and give them what they want? The libs know what side their bread is buttered on.
Ontario's hopeless.