Provincial politics

When you put as simply as that, you surely are correct.

But things are never simple .... there is no way to tell whether 2 or 3bil. of bucks worth of activities the LIB's mishandled might not look like a chubby change after TH is done with the province. Every government has ability to waste money, no party would be or will be perfect. This is how average voters approach it and sadly PC is not offering much beyond the promise that there will not be any big financial fiasco and that the deficit will be gone two years ahead of time. People are simply willing to trade other things for billions down the drain.

If PC had a credible plan (addressing not just debt) and leader it would be a slam dunk choice wouldn't it?

And that's the key word; "if."

Remember, Hudak is the one who wanted to bring "right to work" legislation to Ontario. If you do any research at all into such legislation you'll realize that it's actually "right to fire without cause" legislation. We've worked very hard to create a place where people can feel somewhat secure in their employment but Hudak would yank that rug out from under you, if he had the chance.
What's the GTAM consensus on the Green Party?

After reading the Limits to Growth I can understand the need for a more proactive political agenda with regards to balancing commerce and the environment. The Greens claim their programs are self funding or revenue neutral, just like everyone else.

The chances of them electing a member is pretty low and for them at this time to form a government is sci-fi so my vote wouldn't change the numbers any more than declining or spoiling a ballot.

Declining my ballot sends a "No thanks" message. Voting for a fringe party tells the three stooges what they have to do to get my vote.
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Was considering NDP as lesser of evil/protest vote, moved to declined ballot, now thinking of Greens as a form of protest vote. Caught a CBC radio interview with Mike Shreiner. Seemed like a plugged in fellow, didn't come off as granola at all.
What's the GTAM consensus on the Green Party?

After reading the Limits to Growth I can understand the need for a more proactive political agenda with regards to balancing commerce and the environment. The Greens claim their programs are self funding or revenue neutral, just like everyone else.

The chances of them electing a member is pretty low and for them at this time to form a government is sci-fi so my vote wouldn't change the numbers any more than declining or spoiling a ballot.

Declining my ballot sends a "No thanks" message. Voting for a fringe party tells the three stooges what they have to do to get my vote.

Already been discussed, start at post 151 in this very thread!
If a declined ballot gets some traction, it might demonstrate there are votes that don't like what is being offered.

I'm going to give Hudak a shot. You can't please everyone.

The current situation proves politicians don't care what people think. If people think declining their ballot will get politicians attention they are dreaming. The fewer people that vote the happier politicians are.
PC won in my riding last time, with NDP coming a close second. I voted Lib then. This time I may vote NDP just to try to deny another PC win here. Strategic voting. If my riding were dominated by a particular party, then I would consider voting Green or declining my ballot in order to send a message.
Already been discussed, start at post 151 in this very thread!

Sorry, missed it. They're looking at ecology through rose coloured glasses just like the other parties are looking at jobs, taxes and services through rose coloured glasses. We're doomed.
I live in the Oshawa riding. I have an NDP sign on my lawn just like the last election. This is an interesting riding that only ever votes PC or NDP. The NDP candidate in the last election was a blue collar guy with sideburns and a 60s crew cut. This time it is a young female schoolteacher running against the old useless PC incumbent. His name is Jerry Oullette which makes me feel like I need a prescription to help me achieve male performance once again, while her name is Jennifer French which makes me think of kisses.
The newspaper editorial endorsements are coming out.

The red Star actually recommends Wynne and the liberals. This continues the themes as to why that paper lost all my respect a while ago.

The Globe and Mail actually endorses Hudak and the PCs. Their stock went up in my book. Hudak is no prize, but as I said earlier in this thread, the liberals have to be held accountable first and foremost, otherwise the public is giving the all the parties free reign to ignore promises and mis-govern.

The National Post endorses Hudak and the PCs. No surprise there since the PCs don't have a current history in office with Hudak to be critical of, compared to the fiberals. I do find the National post to be hyper critical of Harper often so I expect the National Post would loudly comment and change their mind if Hudak and the PCs get in and f things up. In my reading, I find the national post to be the most neutral reporting, though there are spinsters in every paper.
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Ernie eves got voted out after the black out and we got the libs as punishment to the PC. That worked out real well.

Bob rae was a boob.

They are all clowns. Lol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The newspapers are owned by corporations. They'll endorse whoever is the wealthy guy connected guy that sits on the board of directors tells them to.

Hudak wants to fire people, introduce right to fire w/o cause legislation and generally screw up Ontario some more. It'll be a cold day in hell before I vote neo-con.

Vote according to your conscience that will give you or your kids a good place to live not what the paper says to or the number of signs on the major road that appears overnight.

Seriously. Anyone who votes for Hudak is voting for a dumber version of Mike Harris.

Don't be dumb.
^ Problem being, who is left?

Liberals? No. They need to be booted out.

NDP? After their debacle in office, I swore to never, ever vote for the NDP again (not that I ever did in the first place). That position stands.

Green? NO!

I don't like Hudak but I also don't think there is any way he will actually be able to do what he is promising.
Majority governments can do whatever they like. So Hudak actually can whip the vote and do as he pleases whether that is downloading all costs onto cities or something else. The Harris government dumped a ton of costs on cities. Part of the reason Toronto can't really afford to pay much to fix roads and have lots of medical care is because all the money goes to the province and the rest of Canada. Quebec medical care is paid for with Ontario money.

The social contract I expect to see is one where it is possible for the the young to go to school or learn a trade without a crippling debt or no job waiting for them.

Neo-con says slash education, slash public transit, build nothing, whine lots, make the rich richer.

I'm 41, I've been watching neo-cons sling their BS since the 80s and every time they take power in both Canada and US they seem to run up the debt and deficit.
Really? I mean REALLY, you'd pick Wynne over Hudak?
Here, see if you can get your head around this. Forget EHealth, Ornge Air, MaRS or any of the other scandals. Lets just look at the billion dollars that Wynne admits was wasted taxpayers money. That equals $73,855 for each and every one of the 13.54 million people living in Ontario as of 2013. I don't know about you but I'd love for the government to hand the wife and myself nearly $148,000. Instead, they'll be asking us to pay that amount to them in one way or another.
Your statement should read, anyone but Wynne!
You deserve Hudak.
What's the GTAM consensus on the Green Party?

After reading the Limits to Growth I can understand the need for a more proactive political agenda with regards to balancing commerce and the environment. The Greens claim their programs are self funding or revenue neutral, just like everyone else.

The chances of them electing a member is pretty low and for them at this time to form a government is sci-fi so my vote wouldn't change the numbers any more than declining or spoiling a ballot.

Declining my ballot sends a "No thanks" message. Voting for a fringe party tells the three stooges what they have to do to get my vote.
That's my rationale for voting Green.
^ Problem being, who is left?

Liberals? No. They need to be booted out.

NDP? After their debacle in office, I swore to never, ever vote for the NDP again (not that I ever did in the first place). That position stands.

Green? NO!

I don't like Hudak but I also don't think there is any way he will actually be able to do what he is promising.

Poor timing for the ndp: They finally got into power when a world wide recession hit.h
Not all of the dumb stuff that the NDP did had anything to do with being in a recession. And I'm glad they were NOT in power through the 2008 recession/depression ...
Not all of the dumb stuff that the NDP did had anything to do with being in a recession. And I'm glad they were NOT in power through the 2008 recession/depression ...

Please elaborate.
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