Provincial politics

I can't believe some of you people. You think that saying, "I take full responsibility" and "I'm sorry that taxpayers money was wasted" is all that is needed to forgive and forget. Geez, really?

If a rapist said he was taking full responsibility for his crimes do you think merely saying I'm sorry to his victims would cut it? Not on your LIFE!

If a televangelist was to defraud his followers of millions of dollars, cheat on his wife and who knows what else, would a tearful plea for forgiveness on national television move you to say, "That's OK". I sure hope not. To take responsibility he would have to step down as the leader of his flock, accept that his wife would divorce him and face the criminal charges that his acts warranted.

My point is that just saying the words means nothing if there are no consequences. For nearly thirty years, going back to the Peterson days and the Patti Starr scandal, the Liberals have lied and cheated and robbed Ontarians. It has to STOP! Kathleen Wynne should have stepped down as leader of the party and resigned her seat. There has to be an inquiry and charges must be laid. Heck, there are senators in Ottawa who have suffered far worse fates and their combined dollar total is but a fraction of a percentage to that of what the Ontario Liberals have cost us.

We are where we are because of over a decade of Fiberal rule! Look at where Ontario was when they first took power to where it is now.

You can hate Hudak, belittle Horwath, vote Green or Libertarian, even decline your vote in protest and I'll respect your decision. But I have nothing but contempt for those who defend Wynne and the Liberal party.

Hand-in-hand with the concept of responsibility, is the concept of accountability. Accepting responsibility, but failing to be accountable, means that responsibility is meaningless.
BTW the pollsters said Hudak won with 37%, Wynne 27%, Horwath 26%. 10% were as confused as me.
Hudak may have won because so much time was spent ripping the Libs over the gas plants that Hudak didn't have to explain his math.
Hudak may have won because so much time was spent ripping the Libs over the gas plants that Hudak didn't have to explain his math.

Lol, true that
The stick of hudak's million Job plan is a farse. Everyone knows it. But to are give the numbers is pointless. What has any of the parties actually put forward as a plan to govern this province? Zilch.

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To argue the numbers. Sorry can't edit from my phone.

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I don't understand why people keep dwelling on million jobs. It's just an election campaign rhetoric. If Hudak can create 800k jobs, I am just as happy. Important thing to me is cut the fatass civil servants, balance the budget and pay off the debt. I don't want my kids grow up to pay for the **** our generation is collecting. If you make your bed, you better ******* sleep in it yourself.

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I don't understand why people keep dwelling on million jobs. It's just an election campaign rhetoric. If Hudak can create 800k jobs, I am just as happy. Important thing to me is cut the fatass civil servants, balance the budget and pay off the debt. I don't want my kids grow up to pay for the **** our generation is collecting. If you make your bed, you better ****ing sleep in it yourself.

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People keep harping on the million jobs thing because an economist, who leans conservative, did the math and found a fundamental error with it. The actual number is closer to 75,000 jobs, which is a far cry from a million. Then you can look back and see the basic math I did, earlier in this thread, the puts the lie to the million jobs being needed. This isn't puffing or campaigning, it's crap, and it's inexcusable from someone who is a trained economist (Hudak; Masters in Economics from U. of Washington; Seattle).

The 'fatass civil servants' thing is also an attempt to polarize debate. A while back he went off about cutting all of those 'gold plated pensions', that civil servants are supposed to have, because they're all under funded. They aren't. SOME are underfunded. Others are fully funded. The under funding calculations are made on today's non existent interest rates, which will undoubtedly change.

As I've said before, I prefer people who talk straight.
Thanks for the enlightenment. How about "liberals must go"? And whatever it takes. If it takes a suck-ass Hudak, so be it.

By the way, by "straight talker" you meant Wynne? She literally dodged every questions and refuse to give straight answers during the debate. Even Horwath admitted 1% corporate tax increase. This remind me of MacLier who can talk from both sides of his mouth. Liberals must go.

People keep harping on the million jobs thing because an economist, who leans conservative, did the math and found a fundamental error with it. The actual number is closer to 75,000 jobs, which is a far cry from a million. Then you can look back and see the basic math I did, earlier in this thread, the puts the lie to the million jobs being needed. This isn't puffing or campaigning, it's crap, and it's inexcusable from someone who is a trained economist (Hudak; Masters in Economics from U. of Washington; Seattle).

The 'fatass civil servants' thing is also an attempt to polarize debate. A while back he went off about cutting all of those 'gold plated pensions', that civil servants are supposed to have, because they're all under funded. They aren't. SOME are underfunded. Others are fully funded. The under funding calculations are made on today's non existent interest rates, which will undoubtedly change.

As I've said before, I prefer people who talk straight.

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Useless TV debate as expected .... the two didn't have to tell anyone anymore that billions were misappropriated by liberals .... the whole province knows that by now, especially the ones who bothered to tune in. Liberals kept re-iterating the flawed math of PC ... again, most people who care by now already know that.

So what we didn't get, is how NDP and LIB will get rid of the debt by 2017-2018 when they want to invest so much ... I simply don't trust them that they will, because their math is flawed. On the other hand PC is guilty of not manning up to the flawed 1mil. jobs promise and they will not say what exactly they will cut, but everyone knows they will .... so we have what we have. Discounted old goods on the shelves, nobody wants to buy at really low prices .... pls get someone new and fresh there.

I am going to say one more thing .... the TV debate format kind of sucks in my opinion ... why do they need Steve Paikin to read questions and basically be a time keeper?? Why is he not challenging the actors to explain themselves on the tough questions/topics, and rather lets them just play the poor acts on thei little stage??
NDP and LIB want to grow the government even more. They are psychopaths!
I don't understand why people keep dwelling on million jobs. It's just an election campaign rhetoric. If Hudak can create 800k jobs, I am just as happy.

Still happy if he creates only 80K jobs? ... what if he creates zero new jobs (after he cuts 100K), because the interest rates will start going up (inevitably) and that will throw a wrench into many things ...
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Hudak cannot create any jobs himself except via big depression-era public works projects or hiring of public sector workers. Neither of which he will do.

Everyone is focused on proving his plan right or wrong. It's a great foil to distract from the fact that he is a crap boss (he is not a leader, there is a difference) with a crap platform.

It's time to start manufacturing and building again in Ontario or allow a society where not everyone needs to work just for the sake of being a worker.
Thanks for the enlightenment. How about "liberals must go"? And whatever it takes. If it takes a suck-*** Hudak, so be it.

By the way, by "straight talker" you meant Wynne? She literally dodged every questions and refuse to give straight answers during the debate. Even Horwath admitted 1% corporate tax increase. This remind me of MacLier who can talk from both sides of his mouth. Liberals must go.

The Liberals must go, but I don't see putting the PCs or NDP in place really being any better. The Liberals have wrecked the joint and the other two are promising to toss a few Molotov Cocktails into the mess, to boot. I cannot, in good conscience, vote for any of them and I want that to be known to those in government. I have onl declined my ballot once before. That was the Eves/McGuinty election, where McGuinty won the first time. Eves had run up a debt trying to buy the election. McGuinty was saying he would spend a Metric Tonne of money, not raise taxes and, by the way, we have a $6.5B debt. I seem to have been one of the very few voters who recognized that disconnect. And as to the NDP; they were the NDP. 'Nuff said.

No, I don't mean Wynne and corporate tax DECREASES have had zero effect on creating new jobs. Giving corporations money, in addition to tax breaks, only delayed their moves. Maybe it's time to think about alternate industries and bringing them to the province, instead of constantly propping up businesses that can't seem to make a profit without acting like Oliver Twist in the poor house? "Please Sir, I want some more."

Still happy if he creates only 80K jobs? ... what if he creates zero new jobs (after he cuts 100K), because the interest rates will start going up (inevitably) and that will throw a wrench into many things ...

So 75-80K McJobs. Meanwhile 100K jobs down, so a net 20-25K more on the dole. I don't like the math. We end up paying either way.
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Still happy if he creates only 80K jobs? ... what if he creates zero new jobs (after he cuts 100K), because the interest rates will start going up (inevitably) and that will throw a wrench into many things ...

Absolutely even if he creates zero jobs as long as he can nail the fatass, balance budget and pay down the debt.

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Hudak cannot create any jobs himself except via big depression-era public works projects or hiring of public sector workers. Neither of which he will do.

He thinks trickle down economics will work for the first time ever
The Liberals must go, but I don't see putting the PCs or NDP in place really being any better. The Liberals have wrecked the joint and the other two are promising to toss a few Molotov Cocktails into the mess, to boot. I cannot, in good conscience, vote for any of them and I want that to be known to those in government. I have onl declined my ballot once before. That was the Eves/McGuinty election, where McGuinty won the first time. Eves had run up a debt trying to buy the election. McGuinty was saying he would spend a Metric Tonne of money, not raise taxes and, by the way, we have a $6.5B debt. I seem to have been one of the very few voters who recognized that disconnect. And as to the NDP; they were the NDP. 'Nuff said.

Rob, I hear you and sorry for putting words in your mouth about the "straight shooter" comments. It's admirable that you vote following your conscience. At least our political system enables us to do it. My conscience is "liberals must go". Like I said before if it takes a Hudak, so be it. NDP is not gonna cut it.

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Rob, I hear you and sorry for putting words in your mouth about the "straight shooter" comments. It's admirable that you vote following your conscience. At least our political system enables us to do it. My conscience is "liberals must go". Like I said before if it takes a Hudak, so be it. NDP is not gonna cut it.

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I understand that sentiment and, believe me, I fully agree. I'm just not willing to throw a hand grenade into the room and then close the door, calling the situation 'fixed.' Hudak is no less dangerous. It's just that no one has given the monkey a machine gun yet.

How's that for mixed metaphors? :lol:
I understand that sentiment and, believe me, I fully agree. I'm just not willing to throw a hand grenade into the room and then close the door, calling the situation 'fixed.' Hudak is no less dangerous. It's just that no one has given the monkey a machine gun yet.

How's that for mixed metaphors? :lol:

LOL. Usually hand grenade and monkey don't mix. But I am so desperate and would like to give it a shot:-)

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