Provincial politics

That's $5K a year for 4 years but I'd be in on it if my rate was frozen, exempt from new user fees, and a discount because they aren't paying interest on my part of the debt.
Actually you can make money on the debt by buying Ontario Bonds. Not sure if it's a good deal. A good deal from the government?????

They can take any interest out of the $220.00 that the Liberal Party of Ontario owes every citizen of this Province, for the $3B they wasted during their tenure.
More Mad Math
The latest PC literature came in. It says "The Ontario PC Million Jobs Plan will make energy affordable, and in the process create 40,000 jobs:" Does anyone proofread? Four cents on the dollar equivalent.
I'm quite frankly surprised that they are still running the million jobs ad. They doubled down on it, just like Hudak doubled down on his libel/slander of Wynne.
They can take any interest out of the $220.00 that the Liberal Party of Ontario owes every citizen of this Province, for the $3B they wasted during their tenure.

I've wasted more than that in my personal expenses over the last 10 years. Just saying, waste is bad but it's inevitable wherever you go. That's not the Liberal's worst offence.
I've wasted more than that in my personal expenses over the last 10 years. Just saying, waste is bad but it's inevitable wherever you go. That's not the Liberal's worst offence.

When someone else sticks his hand in your wallet and then wastes your money it's theft. The very fact that they could waste that $3B is proof that our taxes are higher than they need to be and yet Wynne wants to create a "dedicated income stream" (aka MORE TAXES) to finance roads, and transit. Silly me; I thought that was what gas taxes were for. A politician who stated his intentions to eliminate, or at least seriously minimize the concept of 'general coffers' would go a long way toward winning my vote.

And their worst offence was destruction of evidence.
There will be a televised argument tonite. Hope to glean some insight. This will allow me to participate in this thread in a more comprehensive manner. Looking forward to that.
I wonder if it'll be as painful to watch as the Toronto mayoral debate I watched. The moderator completely failed to moderate that one.
I wonder if it'll be as painful to watch as the Toronto mayoral debate I watched. The moderator completely failed to moderate that one.

I didn't watch the mayoral. Could it have been worse? The provincial was opinions stated as facts. Wynne / Horwith cat fight. Hudak said he'd resign if he couldn't come through on his promises. I wonder if that will be the first promise he breaks.
No, he was telling the truth about the resignation. He has been in office since the Harris administration. 8 more years and he will have a really fat pension. He'll resign and go enjoy it.

The jobs plan is a fanciful plan with no grounding in reality. He is counting each year that someone is employed as a new job created. Except he also promised to fire 100,000 public sector workers. So I guess if they find crap private sector jobs and keep it for 10 years that is your million jobs. Alright then.
Remember, Hudak doesn't have the power to force the private sector to hire anyone. He might try to coerce them by giving them more corporate welfare by lowering taxes but it has been shown that lowering taxes doesn't create jobs. The companies just pocket the money.

His plan doesn't contain details like how he will train people to build public works or anything.

Just that he will create a million jobs for unicorn fartcatchers.

Doesn't say that they will be sustainable and livable.

A minimum wage job is a job. Yay Hudak! Oh what would we do without a Hudak to help us get a minimum wage job.
No, he was telling the truth about the resignation. He has been in office since the Harris administration. 8 more years and he will have a really fat pension. He'll resign and go enjoy it.

The bigger paycheck will come from all the companies he supported over the years. Things like being on the boards of directors etc come with some pretty juicy perks.
The gas plant fiasco has created an election fiasco. So much misguided attention is being paid to it that other important issues are being ignored.
Wynne apologises on behalf of her party but claims to have been out of the loop. With her being that high up in the party at the time she either knew what was going on or should have smelled the smoke. Neither leaves her much credibility.

Everyone harps on the gas plant closings. I would prefer to know why they were started in the first place and in those locations. Where does the money trail lead?

My conundrum is that the local candidate that most impressed me was the Liberal. The NDP was a joke and the PC a fog machine. If elected, could he change the party from within or would the party change him? Power corrupts.
So who won the argument?

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The format was that they fielded questions from the man / woman on the street and presented the questions to the leaders. I have little respect for the knee jerk attitudes of the person on the street because they only regurgitate the concerns they hear from some biased media.

The debate was a mixed bag of singular response time and cat fight. The leaders were interrupting each other, two people talking at the same time, to the point where the moderator often had to intervene because you couldn't understand what was being said.

Who won? Not sure.
Who lost? Us.

The only information I gathered was that we were in for an ugly four year date. As far as facts regarding our future I might as well have read an oil thread.
Remember, Hudak doesn't have the power to force the private sector to hire anyone. He might try to coerce them by giving them more corporate welfare by lowering taxes but it has been shown that lowering taxes doesn't create jobs. The companies just pocket the money.

His plan doesn't contain details like how he will train people to build public works or anything.

Just that he will create a million jobs for unicorn fartcatchers.

Doesn't say that they will be sustainable and livable.

A minimum wage job is a job. Yay Hudak! Oh what would we do without a Hudak to help us get a minimum wage job.

Case-in-point; recent efforts to get businesses to hire more people and put more back into the economy, through tax breaks and subsidies, generally just became a way for those companies to add more to their bottom lines. Businesses also still left the Province. Why would more of the same, from Hudak, result in anything other than more of the same?

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
Re: insanity, Green or declined ballot it is.
I can't believe some of you people. You think that saying, "I take full responsibility" and "I'm sorry that taxpayers money was wasted" is all that is needed to forgive and forget. Geez, really?

If a rapist said he was taking full responsibility for his crimes do you think merely saying I'm sorry to his victims would cut it? Not on your LIFE!

If a televangelist was to defraud his followers of millions of dollars, cheat on his wife and who knows what else, would a tearful plea for forgiveness on national television move you to say, "That's OK". I sure hope not. To take responsibility he would have to step down as the leader of his flock, accept that his wife would divorce him and face the criminal charges that his acts warranted.

My point is that just saying the words means nothing if there are no consequences. For nearly thirty years, going back to the Peterson days and the Patti Starr scandal, the Liberals have lied and cheated and robbed Ontarians. It has to STOP! Kathleen Wynne should have stepped down as leader of the party and resigned her seat. There has to be an inquiry and charges must be laid. Heck, there are senators in Ottawa who have suffered far worse fates and their combined dollar total is but a fraction of a percentage to that of what the Ontario Liberals have cost us.

We are where we are because of over a decade of Fiberal rule! Look at where Ontario was when they first took power to where it is now.

You can hate Hudak, belittle Horwath, vote Green or Libertarian, even decline your vote in protest and I'll respect your decision. But I have nothing but contempt for those who defend Wynne and the Liberal party.
I can't believe some of you people. You think that saying, "I take full responsibility" and "I'm sorry that taxpayers money was wasted" is all that is needed to forgive and forget. Geez, really?

If a rapist said he was taking full responsibility for his crimes do you think merely saying I'm sorry to his victims would cut it? Not on your LIFE!

If a televangelist was to defraud his followers of millions of dollars, cheat on his wife and who knows what else, would a tearful plea for forgiveness on national television move you to say, "That's OK". I sure hope not. To take responsibility he would have to step down as the leader of his flock, accept that his wife would divorce him and face the criminal charges that his acts warranted.

My point is that just saying the words means nothing if there are no consequences. For nearly thirty years, going back to the Peterson days and the Patti Starr scandal, the Liberals have lied and cheated and robbed Ontarians. It has to STOP! Kathleen Wynne should have stepped down as leader of the party and resigned her seat. There has to be an inquiry and charges must be laid. Heck, there are senators in Ottawa who have suffered far worse fates and their combined dollar total is but a fraction of a percentage to that of what the Ontario Liberals have cost us.

We are where we are because of over a decade of Fiberal rule! Look at where Ontario was when they first took power to where it is now.

You can hate Hudak, belittle Horwath, vote Green or Libertarian, even decline your vote in protest and I'll respect your decision. But I have nothing but contempt for those who defend Wynne and the Liberal party.

Agree. She sounded a lot like Rob Ford there.
You can hate Hudak, belittle Horwath, vote Green or Libertarian, even decline your vote in protest and I'll respect your decision. But I have nothing but contempt for those who defend Wynne and the Liberal party.

I like the cut of your jib, nice tack to your old cars are better post.
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