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Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2
lol @god
and lol @ its a disorder... so does this mean there's a CURE but we havent found it yet like cancer?
interesting views here.
And I stand by my comment that you're a hypocrite.
Wasn't this thread about what is being taught to kids in school....how did it end up like this? oh duhhhh, this is gtam I forgot. Lets get a poll going on how fast it makes it to trash. lol
Does one need a cure for being attracted to fat chicks?
You may laugh at the concept of God, but the early defences / arguments for the acceptance of homosexuality, especially in the 80s and 90s were:
1) God made a mistake
2) God loves all his creations no matter what
3) God made me this way
These 3 arguments were superficial and specifically targeted at religious conservatives, all be it with extremely ignorant levels of understandings of their theology. This argument was extremely effective but recently abandoned. It is quite counter productive as atheism is more pronounced and popular in society.
The other "scientific" arguments are:
1) It is not a choice
2) It is genetic
3) Animals do it too ("gay" panguines in a zoo, chimpanzee mating social bonding, and I suppose dog leg humping as well)
None of these are substantiated by any real science. Male lions also eat the babies of other male lions and bunnies eat their own feces...is that a rationale behind a possible poo-fetish among humans, or acceptance of psychotic behavior? That's absurd. And if it isn't a choice, how is it that bi-sexuals can exist and make the "choice" on a encounter by encounter basis?
The real argument should be an analysis of the relationship between action and effect. Does an action create harm in the short or long term? If an action creates short or long term harm can it be remedied, mitigated or reversed? If not, what pre-emtive steps can be taken if remedial steps are not possible. This is the crux of the argument, not the smoke screens above!
Explain. How is evidence of societal understanding of the concept of God, not considered evidence when refering to society's understanding of the concept of God?
I'll give you another example...
Batman has a cape. Evidence Batman has a cape comes from the first comic book released where he is depecticed as having a cape. Therefore when depicting or refering to Batman, one should consistently depict him in a cape. Evidence here is strictly societal...i.e. evidence of perception.
How am I a hypocrite. Do I need a snazzy graphic or picture book to help you with this concept?
i didnt get this explanation... can you be more clear?
Soooo... Batman is gay??
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Soooo... Batman is gay??
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2
I see that, and think of this:
I see that, and think of this:
Teaching our children to sexually experiment