Protect Our Children PLEASE Read

funny how society can pick and choose which sexual perversion/deviancy people were 'born with' and accept (homosexuality) and damn you all the way back to Dark Ages if you dont welcome or support it with open arms but yet it still manages to thumb its nose at 95% of those other "conditions" listed above and label those people as sick or demented.
An excellent point.

Society is full of morons who take matters that have no place out in the open, and drag them out in the open. What someone does in their bedroom should stay in their bedroom (homosex included.)
Following that, people who feel the need to shout out and yell at people what they like doing in the bed, deserve all of the abuse and hate they receive from it.
I've seen it from many fandoms, people choosing to single themself outs in a large crowd and wonder why everyone looks at them weird; and then whines and complains that they should be allowed to do whatever they want. And then they see someone else trying to be a special and delicate little flower and then hate on them for it. Hypocrites; all humans are hypocrites.
I'll put it plain and simple: if you want to be a faggot, be a faggot around other faggots. If you want to wear bdsm gear do it at a bdsm party; not while grocery shopping. Etc, etc, etc.

People are allowed to hate things, and people are allowed to like things.
On a very similar note: you can't pick and choose what you do and don't like. You can't take control of your brain and tell it what to like and not like (realistically that is; in theory you could. But then you're looking at some very experimental science that I've had the pleasure of dabbling into already.)

I'm all for treating everyone equally. The main problem is people don't know how to keep topics environmentally related/appropriate. Your workplace doesn't care if you suck cock, they just care that you know how to do your job. So bringing sexuality into your work space is just asking for it.

As you can probably imagine: I receive a lot of hate in fandoms I'm a part of due to my askewed view based on common sense/logic.
were to blame as a society. we let the gorvenments become over burocratic and bloated and as typical apathetic ontarians we sort of just prefer the government does their thing so we dont have to interfere. Or even have to deal with it at all...for most people they would rather the schools teach their kids everything...its a joke.
They only teach ultra PC nonsense and fairness...well the world isnt fair...

Shouldnt these kind of topics, just be dealth with at home?

personal responsibility has gone out the window, its no wonder these kinds of things are showing up.
this website link ( its just a link...relax), muslim prayer rooms in catholic churches (dont get me started on that 1), gender nonsense, etc

i cant wait till the next gen of kids is in the real world...its going to be like shooting fish in a barrel for business
To avoid this situation in the future, the TDSB should learn from this and not have links to sites which they do not have full control of the content on.
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Conflicted much?

I'm pretty sure the usual non-homophobic response wold be a "I'm flattered, but no thanks, guy.", not to pound on him.

Phobia is a fear. He is not affraid, he simply disagrees vehemently. Don't get sucked into semantic dogma to win arguments. "Homophobia" is a deliberate semantic tactic and propaganda by nature. It belittles the argument which opposes it, as an irrational fear, and is a poor device.
An excellent point.

Society is full of morons who take matters that have no place out in the open, and drag them out in the open. What someone does in their bedroom should stay in their bedroom (homosex included.)
Following that, people who feel the need to shout out and yell at people what they like doing in the bed, deserve all of the abuse and hate they receive from it.
I've seen it from many fandoms, people choosing to single themself outs in a large crowd and wonder why everyone looks at them weird; and then whines and complains that they should be allowed to do whatever they want. And then they see someone else trying to be a special and delicate little flower and then hate on them for it. Hypocrites; all humans are hypocrites.
I'll put it plain and simple: if you want to be a faggot, be a faggot around other faggots. If you want to wear bdsm gear do it at a bdsm party; not while grocery shopping. Etc, etc, etc.

People are allowed to hate things, and people are allowed to like things.
On a very similar note: you can't pick and choose what you do and don't like. You can't take control of your brain and tell it what to like and not like (realistically that is; in theory you could. But then you're looking at some very experimental science that I've had the pleasure of dabbling into already.)

I'm all for treating everyone equally. The main problem is people don't know how to keep topics environmentally related/appropriate. Your workplace doesn't care if you suck cock, they just care that you know how to do your job. So bringing sexuality into your work space is just asking for it.

As you can probably imagine: I receive a lot of hate in fandoms I'm a part of due to my askewed view based on common sense/logic.

Your honesty and candure is refreshing. I respect you don't resort to backdoor arguments (no pun intended) like "God loves everyone (no matter what)", "I was born this way", "as long as we love each other it is ok".

Make your choice and defend it, but don't mask it to sneak it into public acceptance.

1) You weren't born that way. You made a choice, or have become a creature of habbit or a complex / mental condition.
2) God doesn't love everyone...there is plenty of evidence (religious texts) that indicate He punishes people for disobeying him and will also cast you into ETERNAL HELLFIRE if you screw up bad enough.
3) God is NOT love...that makes no damn sense.
4) Love is a bi-product of trust, predictability, and reciprocity mixed in with aesthetic attraction. If those foundations are there, then a relationship has a damn good chance of survival. But those that confuse infatuation and lust with love, or feel "love" before those foundations have been laid are kidding themselves. That "love" does not make anything ok, in fact it often erodes quickly under any real logistical stress in a relationship. It is not love that makes things ok, it is a foundation of trust, and trust is built on societal rules and expectations, or at least established rules commited to by parties involved like a contract.
LOL. Anyone who thinks that someone can be "encouraged" to have sex with someone of the same sex who isn't already gay is completely out to lunch.

More uber-religious fear mongering.


Sent from my tablet using my paws
Don't get sucked into semantic dogma to win arguments

2) God doesn't love everyone...there is plenty of evidence (religious texts) that indicate He punishes people for disobeying him and will also cast you into ETERNAL HELLFIRE if you screw up bad enough.

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All i learned from this thread was > Don't eat dinner at any place where teenagers live. :book:
Conflicted much?

I'm pretty sure the usual non-homophobic response wold be a "I'm flattered, but no thanks, guy.", not to pound on him.
Is there anything wrong with playing along and getting a free steak and lobster dinner, then playing impossible to get? I mean, chicks do it right?
lol @god

and lol @ its a disorder... so does this mean there's a CURE but we havent found it yet like cancer?

interesting views here.
1) You weren't born that way. You made a choice, or have become a creature of habbit or a complex / mental condition..

This attitude makes me want to do bad thing to those that have it...
Wasn't this thread about what is being taught to kids in did it end up like this? oh duhhhh, this is gtam I forgot. Lets get a poll going on how fast it makes it to trash. lol

"evidence" of God's hatred. God being a concept that cannot be proven makes evidence of His hatred confined to sociology, whereby societies' acceptance of God being vengeful or able to eternally punish is evidence of the sociological underpinning of the concept of God.

Therefore if God is accepted historically as NOT loving in all instances, then this is evidence that the same referenced concept of God in modern times, based on a historically recognized God, is NOT loving. If society however invented a new God to replace the old one, and then said this new God was all loving in all instances, then any reference to the old God would not serve as evidence. However God is consistent throughout nearly all religious texts, as being NOT loving in all instances!

I am assuming that not all people accept God as fact, and therefore I was refering to the sociological understanding of God, which means accepted definitions of this God serve as evidence of His character as understood by society. I stand by my comment.
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