Poll-Do you believe in capital punishment?

Do you believe in capital punishment?

  • Yes

    Votes: 46 74.2%
  • no

    Votes: 16 25.8%

  • Total voters
You are totally disprupting the pattern of the thread by making logical coments. Please stop. I was enjoying the misinformed suppositions and suggestions. Chopping off of hands, lethal injection and especially the futuristic banishment to Mars.

sorry. carry on. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!
It's a good thing your opinion doesn't really matter!
It's very obvious you know nothing about the subject(s) of this thread... that you started.

at least i have stated an opinion.. You havent done anything.

unless you want to add something, keep your trap shut
It costs too much to keep them incarcerated here on earth. Accomodations on Mars are so much more reasonable. :)

It would be a lot like living in Antarctica. Around the equator it has highs of 8 deg C, and has enough gravity and pressure for a very minimal suit. At some point, if terraforming is attempted, it would need years of C02 production to create a green house to warm up the planet. That would mean decades of intense manufacturing, if not centuries before 02 producing plants could be introduced.

How many rocket scientists would sign up for manning a grunt economy for centuries? Like Australia and the New World criminals will be offered a working banishment in such high risk conditions.

It's happened before and will happen again. Consider it....economy of scale.
"It's 10 times more expensive to kill them than to keep them alive" (http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/2009-03-07-exepensive-to-execute_N.htm)

Of course you could just throw due process out the window, line up whoever you feel deserves it and shoot them in the head.

I think you misunderstood. Im not interested in all those extras described in that article......extra lawyers and appeals because there is a possibilty of a death sentence lol! The process should be exactly the same, same number of appeals and lawyers, the only difference is at the end there is a loud bang.

If someone is found to be in jail by mistake for 20 years they get a few million $. If someone is executed by mistake the family gets a few million $. Except you saved on keeping him in a country club for a few years.
I think you misunderstood. Im not interested in all those extras described in that article......extra lawyers and appeals because there is a possibilty of a death sentence lol! The process should be exactly the same, same number of appeals and lawyers, the only difference is at the end there is a loud bang.

If someone is found to be in jail by mistake for 20 years they get a few million $. If someone is executed by mistake the family gets a few million $. Except you saved on keeping him in a country club for a few years.

so you would sit in jail for 20 years for a few million? interesting..
In the past I did. Now I'm on the fence. There are very specific and rare times that I wish it still existed, when there's absolutely no doubt and the crime is sufficiently heinous to warrant it. Those times are few and far between though, and you can't put the genie back in the bottle once you've hung him.
That is typically the settlement when imprisoned and later found not guilty.

and you are saying thats ok. which is what I find interesting.
how many of ya would be able to inject a lethal dose into somebody that will be screaming/pleading/crying their innocent till they die? Couldn't do it, man.
people actually think someone stops and thinks, ok, if I kill this guy I will only get life in prison, so yeah, ima do it! But if it was the death penalty, nahhhh, ima just chill.

Lol give me a break
I say we go back to hanging people in the town square (Dundas Square?), make the kids watch too. That'll keep 'em from becoming criminals...
I say we go back to hanging people in the town square (Dundas Square?), make the kids watch too. That'll keep 'em from becoming criminals...

Well if you changed hanging to pillory, then applied it to litterbugs, jaywalkers, and idiot drivers, I'd be right there with you.
and you are saying thats ok. which is what I find interesting.

We are talking about costs. Mistakes have a cost, lives have associated cost. Yes people like to think you cant put a $$ on a life.......companies and govts do it routinely.
first off we need to have accumulating life sentences before we can have capital punishment.

I'm all for capital punishment if the crime occured in public, against a police officer, and the evidence is undeniable. Russel Williams comes to mind as a candidate for one.
We are talking about costs. Mistakes have a cost, lives have associated cost. Yes people like to think you cant put a $$ on a life.......companies and govts do it routinely.

Yes, but your view is not acceptable. people put $ on lives only when they don't have an alternative, because the harm already occured, to accept the mistake before hand and put it as a line item is not acceptable for governments or corporations.

Thats why Ford got hit with huge damages on the Pinto, because they took this view. The justice system isn't, and shouldn't be, based on a compensatory model, we already have tort law for that.

If your view was accepted, we shouldn't have safety regulations for food and drugs and air, lets just let people die and pay for it later.

Lastly, I wouldn't give up 20 years of my life for a crappy few million, maybe you would.
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