Police seek motorcyclist who fled from Lawrence Avenue crash

You can also google about how aliens built the pyramids and how the earth is only 4000 years old.

Yeah, but are you going to find actual newspaper articles? Oh wait... there's the bible belt.. never mind.
Who gives a **** if it helps the first rider?

It helps me. It gets one more ****tard off the road, or perhaps just off a bike since he won't be able to afford to ride anymore. You think I feel like I belong to any type of 'brotherhood' with dipshit riders like these guys?

Agreed...who gives a crap if it helps out the first rider...from the article it doesn't seem like he was being an innocent party in all of this...he just didn't get up and run like his 'buddy'...let em catch the second one and throw the book at both of them. It's these idiots that cause us high insurance rates and a bad rap for the majority of riders who are responsible and abide by the rules of the road.

As for the Police being the world's largest criminal organization? Come on...EVERY single business, profession, trade, nationality and race has bad apples who gives the rest of it a bad name for one reason or another. I've NEVER had an issue with any police officer when I got pulled over...hell they even let me off for 40k over...they're human beings too trying to do a job where they get **** on from every single angle. They're not perfect but neither is anyone else.
I cant believe theres an argument towards ratting and not ratting out. I lived in almost all the more "interesting" neighbourhoods growing up is Scarbs(Gilder, Trudelle, OP, M&E) and know about the 'code', and it dont apply here one bit. Those two were both on the WRONG side of Lawrence av. Anyone from scrabs knows this is a busy intersection, with Thomson Park, a big draw for families crossing that street(think ribfest) If one of those bikes had gone through the windshield of the oncoming car and killed someone you cared about, or hit someone u knew as they were crossing the street, and you found out I was there and didnt ID who killed your loved one, your telling me your not gonna come after me, for NOT ratting? Im sorry dude, those guys lost their biker and OG creds when they crossed that yellow line, one bike crossing to get away from a crash, maybe, two no way. If they were screwing about in the same direction of traffic, ya Id think they were squids, but I wouldnt narc on 'em in that case, I just write it off as somebody catching the holy ghost and go on my way. But I get where youre coming from with not wanting to deal with police, alot of them have the "holier than thou" mentality that I dont like, but Im also humble in the fact that if I ever have an emergency, I'll be relying on them to respond.
I will not help the Toronto Police because I choose not to help the worlds largest criminal organization - the POLICE.

Regardless of how you feel about the police, that's not the point. It's about helping the PUBLIC, ie. you and me. It's about getting a clearly dangerous idiot off the road. What if someone you cared about was in the car and the bike or rider went over the hood and through the windshield and killed the driver? How would you feel then? If you had information, would you help then?

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Agreed...who gives a crap if it helps out the first rider...from the article it doesn't seem like he was being an innocent party in all of this...he just didn't get up and run like his 'buddy'...let em catch the second one and throw the book at both of them. It's these idiots that cause us high insurance rates and a bad rap for the majority of riders who are responsible and abide by the rules of the road.

As for the Police being the world's largest criminal organization? Come on...EVERY single business, profession, trade, nationality and race has bad apples who gives the rest of it a bad name for one reason or another. I've NEVER had an issue with any police officer when I got pulled over...hell they even let me off for 40k over...they're human beings too trying to do a job where they get **** on from every single angle. They're not perfect but neither is anyone else.

You got it wrong: it's the idiots that do things beyond their limits and CRASH that give us a bad rep. If someone can spend 5 minutes wheelie/stopping and bouncing against traffic without dying then they are by all means giving us a GOOD rep. Now, if the same person does that and causes a 10 car pile up with the bike and them between all the cars, then they give us a bad rep.

That's actually how society works; we usually only go by the **** that hits the fan.

And regarding the police: even if I actively ignore what I just said, and try to focus on the good parts, every single one of my police experiences were BAD. The only one that wasn't too bad was where an officer asked my friend and I what we were doing ( we were smoking in a parking lot ), then he let us pet his dog. But, as somebody else mentioned in another thread, the dog was there probably to sniff for cocaine or something stupid that stereotypical nerds generally DON'T carry.
I love all this "rep" talk :lol:

I couldn't care less what some guy was doing on a motorcycle, and that some other guy he was riding with crashed. I wouldn't help the cops, serves me no benefit... and as far as Im concerned, I'm just helping the guys who are out there on the roads writing money-grabbing traffic tickets like its the end of the world. F that.
油井緋色;1807233 said:
You got it wrong: it's the idiots that do things beyond their limits and CRASH that give us a bad rep. If someone can spend 5 minutes wheelie/stopping and bouncing against traffic without dying then they are by all means giving us a GOOD rep. Now, if the same person does that and causes a 10 car pile up with the bike and them between all the cars, then they give us a bad rep.

That's actually how society works; we usually only go by the **** that hits the fan.

And regarding the police: even if I actively ignore what I just said, and try to focus on the good parts, every single one of my police experiences were BAD. The only one that wasn't too bad was where an officer asked my friend and I what we were doing ( we were smoking in a parking lot ), then he let us pet his dog. But, as somebody else mentioned in another thread, the dog was there probably to sniff for cocaine or something stupid that stereotypical nerds generally DON'T carry.

This is where I disagree with you 100%...if some idiot wants to do wheelies/stopping, then a PUBLIC road is not the place for this at any time. There are too many variables on a road and too many things can go wrong which you cannot anticipate. Cars turning, changing lanes, children running out, ANYTHING can happen and the rider and or an innocent bystander can get injured. Do it on a private lot, road, whatever just keep it off the public road. That's what gives us a bad rap...idiots doing wheelies and stunts on the public road which makes us look like a reckless bunch in people's eyes.
This is where I disagree with you 100%...if some idiot wants to do wheelies/stopping, then a PUBLIC road is not the place for this at any time. There are too many variables on a road and too many things can go wrong which you cannot anticipate. Cars turning, changing lanes, children running out, ANYTHING can happen and the rider and or an innocent bystander can get injured. Do it on a private lot, road, whatever just keep it off the public road. That's what gives us a bad rap...idiots doing wheelies and stunts on the public road which makes us look like a reckless bunch in people's eyes.

If I had to go to a track or empty parking lot every time I wanted to do a wheelie, I would sell my bike :lol:

When did riders become such wussies? I'm sure I've done lots of stuff that looks reckless to retarded bystanders, but so far its been 100% safe.
When did riders become such wussies? I'm sure I've done lots of stuff that looks reckless to retarded bystanders, but so far its been 100% safe.

not sure, but when did riders become such arrogant pricks??
not sure, but when did riders become such arrogant pricks??

No kidding. There seems to be this selfish desire to stick it to the man, as if that is supposed to help anyone. That sort of singular, juvenille attitude should be reserved for children, not adults who are supposed to have the capacity to understand the benfit of working WITH people to get **** done.

This is a case of some a**hats being stupid and reckless on the road, and ruining it for the rest of us who have half a brain. Don't make it about some selfish or misplaced vendetta you may have with authority.
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As for the Police being the world's largest criminal organization? Come on...EVERY single business, profession, trade, nationality and race has bad apples who gives the rest of it a bad name for one reason or another. I've NEVER had an issue with any police officer when I got pulled over...hell they even let me off for 40k over...they're human beings too trying to do a job where they get **** on from every single angle. They're not perfect but neither is anyone else.

Anecdotal. Try dealing with them on a daily basis. Spent some time with my HR friend on the weekend, got a new story about the local cops that seems impossible, until you realize that cops are c-grader jocks that didn't make it at professional athletics and have a lifetime of frustration to take out on people.

Now, if it were me in this case, unless it was my good friend, I'd let the police know who he is. And I'd do it the right way - I'd go to the police office and make a statement, so as not to invite them anywhere NEAR my house, where they might find some reason to mess with me because I made their day harder.

No kidding. There seems to be this selfish desire to stick it to the man, as if that is supposed to help anyone. That sort of singular, juvenille attitude should be reserved for children, not adults who are supposed to have the capacity to understand the benfit of working WITH people to get **** done.

Except that it encourages them. However, working with "the man" to get stuff done is a vain pursuit, because really there are very few cops that actually want to get stuff done. On the other hand, working with detectives can be a lot more rewarding.
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No kidding. There seems to be this selfish desire to stick it to the man, as if that is supposed to help anyone. That sort of singular, juvenille attitude should be reserved for children, not adults who are supposed to have the capacity to understand the benfit of working WITH people to get **** done.

This is a case of some a**hats being stupid and reckless on the road, and ruining it for the rest of us who have half a brain. Don't make it about some selfish or misplaced vendetta you may have with authority.

Did the a**hat run into you or something? Im trying to figure out how he "ruined it for the rest of us" :lol:
I love all this "rep" talk :lol:

I couldn't care less what some guy was doing on a motorcycle, and that some other guy he was riding with crashed. I wouldn't help the cops, serves me no benefit... and as far as Im concerned, I'm just helping the guys who are out there on the roads writing money-grabbing traffic tickets like its the end of the world. F that.

Hopefully it's your bike or car that the next idiot smashes into. Then we can expect no wussy posts from you crying about it. And of course you won't do anything but help them ride/drive away without getting any info and pay for everything yourself. If you have a seizure in public why would anyone help you? Serves them no benefit.

Anything else would be contradictory to your post after all.
Did the a**hat run into you or something? Im trying to figure out how he "ruined it for the rest of us" :lol:

Do you buy insurance?
Yep and for the last decade my rate has been under $100/month... peanuts.

The guy crashed because he hit his buddies downed bike. This is my problem..... how? :lol:
Anecdotal. Try dealing with them on a daily basis. Spent some time with my HR friend on the weekend, got a new story about the local cops that seems impossible, until you realize that cops are c-grader jocks that didn't make it at professional athletics and have a lifetime of frustration to take out on people.

I'm definitely not disagreeing with the fact that SOME are useless and have their own frustrations/shortcomings which made them become cops for a power trip...perfect example in today's paper...


Going against their own for arresting a DRUNK driving officer.
Did the a**hat run into you or something? Im trying to figure out how he "ruined it for the rest of us" :lol:

He hasn't run into me. Yet.

I would hope that he is caught and charged an exorbitant amount for his misconduct, and is then charged a stupid high insurance premium so that he can't financially keep himself riding or driving on the road. He's a hazard to everyone around him, and doesn't have the right to put other peoples lives at greater risk for the sake of compensating for a small dick.

That being said, I wouldn't expect someone who has the audacity to take off from an incident like this to actually care if they are insured or not. Hell, there is a good chance the *** isn't already.
That being said, I wouldn't expect someone who has the audacity to take off from an incident like this to actually care if they are insured or not. Hell, there is a good chance the *** isn't already.

If I recall the guy in the Mississauga Rd./Dundas crash that took off was also without insurance and riding on a suspended license. Speaking of anyone know what the status of that is?
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