Ping Scheller - Let's chat Obama

About CNN:

Quote: "CNN’s abandonment of news to climb in bed with the tea party has turned into an epic disaster as the network has lost 52% of its viewers.

In a month where all three cable networks had ratings declines, no one did as badly as CNN. The network lost 52% of their total viewers (Run, Anderson, run. Imagine what a Cooper/Maddow primetime could do for MSNBC). Wolf Blitzer’s The Situation Room was down 46% in total viewers and 61% in the demo. How bad for have things gotten for CNN? In my recent travels, I passed through four airports, and not a single one had CNN on. The channel that I have been seeing more public televisions tuned to is The Weather Channel. Yes, even the weather is more interesting than CNN."

And on the "Foxification of CNN":
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About CNN:

Quote: "CNN’s abandonment of news to climb in bed with the tea party has turned into an epic disaster as the network has lost 52% of its viewers.

In a month where all three cable networks had ratings declines, no one did as badly as CNN. The network lost 52% of their total viewers (Run, Anderson, run. Imagine what a Cooper/Maddow primetime could do for MSNBC). Wolf Blitzer’s The Situation Room was down 46% in total viewers and 61% in the demo. How bad for have things gotten for CNN? In my recent travels, I passed through four airports, and not a single one had CNN on. The channel that I have been seeing more public televisions tuned to is The Weather Channel. Yes, even the weather is more interesting than CNN."

And on the "Foxification of CNN":

Hey, so we agree that CNN is a d-bag network!

Now back to Obama. Why not blame Bush a bit....

And the immigration flip flop:

They all lie. But Obama is by far the biggest baddest liar there has ever been in the WH.
Hey, so we agree that CNN is a d-bag network!

Now back to Obama. Why not blame Bush a bit....

And the immigration flip flop:

They all lie. But Obama is by far the biggest baddest liar there has ever been in the WH.

So Obama brought american soldiers into a war started by a lie? "Weapons of mass destruction"... "combat operations are over". Lol. You have a selective memory. it because he's black? Seriously?
So Obama brought american soldiers into a war started by a lie? "Weapons of mass destruction"... "combat operations are over". Lol. You have a selective memory. it because he's black? Seriously?


Those videos are Obama himself lying/flip flopping about EO's and immigration. What exactly does that have to do with him secretly ordering them to stay in the ME?

Before you try and snipe, maybe have a look at what I posted.

And of course, when in deep, the Libs just pull the race card........
Frankly, I think race is a factor.

You said that all politians lie. JC100's point was, i think, that there is no bigger lie than throwing your country into a war using a lie about weapons of mass destruction.
Frankly, I think race is a factor.

You said that all politians lie. JC100's point was, i think, that there is no bigger lie than throwing your country into a war using a lie about weapons of mass destruction.

Of course you think race is a factor. Despite the overwhelming evidence that Obama is running his country over a cliff, is the worst offender of using EO's, is robbing the country blind with Obamacare, has an inordinate number of scandals well beyond lying about WMD's, I guess race is the issue.........barf.

And if Bush is so bad for lying about WMD's, please tell me why Obama (in secret) is keeping them there:

President Obama signed a secret order in recent weeks authorizing a more expansive mission for the military in Afghanistan in 2015 than originally planned, a move that ensures American troops will have a direct role in fighting in the war-ravaged country for at least another year.

Mr. Obama’s order allows American forces to carry out missions against the Taliban and other militant groups threatening American troops or the Afghan government, a broader mission than the president described to the public earlier this year, according to several administration, military and congressional officials with knowledge of the decision. The new authorization also allows American jets, bombers and drones to support Afghan troops on combat missions.

PS, remember this OP for this thread is about Obama the great, not Dem's vs Pubs or Bush or whatever..............
Robbing the country blind with a national health care system which (almost?) every first world country has?


Every first world nation. And yeah do people actually believe what they are saying? Lol. Sounds ridiculous.

Imagine if america had no firemen? No firehalls in the entire country except ones ran by private companies that you had to pay for every month just in case your house caught on fire. $500 or $1000 or $1500 a month. Of course poor people or people with pre existing fire hazards can't afford the fire coverage. Every year has hundreds of thousands houses burn to the ground every year.

Lol. Durrrrr.

Also hilarious that it's the same dumb fucks up in arms about stopping something that hasn't killed a single american yet (ebola) yet don't give a **** that a million people died of heart disease last year. Lol. Too bad scientists couldn't figure out a way to tell the GOP cancer came from a brown country.
Robbing the country blind with a national health care system which (almost?) every first world country has?

Wow. I wonder if all those other FW countries know that they are being robbed blind?

Why did they have to lie to get it passed?
And why is it illegal to not have health insurance?
And why are the costs that were supposed to be affordable turning out very quickly to not be affordable at all?

Please refer to the fun stuff posted in posts 121-123 to help you along.....
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Also: Super smart swipe of a pen and added 4 million democratic voters to the register. Ahahahahahhahahahaha.

You're okay with EO's that make something illegal okay so you can buy votes?

Thank you for yet again proving that Liberals are so morally depraved that no matter what it takes to get back into power you do it including voter fraud and granting illegals amnesty. Yep, Bush was the bad guy........

I wonder how you'd love that if we imported a few million extra illegals here in Canada to ensure that Justin gets in. I mean, as long as it's paid for through social programs everything is honky dory.

I wonder where all the money comes from to pay for all of this?
Why did they have to lie to get it passed?
maybe because hey believed the lies the republicans told them about the dangers of socialist medicine. Example: Senator Jeff Sessions' (R-Ala.) statement that Obamacare is destroying “the greatest health care system the world has ever known.” Anyone believing this must be stupid. It may be a great system for the well off who can afford private insurance, but it sucks for the 15-20% who can't afford a private plan, or who are rejected due to a pre-existing condition, it kind of sucks.
And why is it illegal to not have health insurance
because what's going to happen to someone without health care who gets sick?
And why are the costs that were supposed to be affordable turning out very quickly to not be affordable at all?
How can universal health care not be affordable when people who couldn't afford private insurance, now have insurance under obamacare?
Please refer to the fun stuff posted in posts 121-123 to help you along.....

I think we're at an impasse here, Mike. We can agree to disagree.

Oh, and I'm voting Trudeau, in case you missed that. Harper makes my skin crawl.
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You're okay with EO's that make something illegal okay so you can buy votes?

Thank you for yet again proving that Liberals are so morally depraved that no matter what it takes to get back into power you do it including voter fraud and granting illegals amnesty. Yep, Bush was the bad guy........

I wonder how you'd love that if we imported a few million extra illegals here in Canada to ensure that Justin gets in. I mean, as long as it's paid for through social programs everything is honky dory.

I wonder where all the money comes from to pay for all of this?

I'm over the moon when reactionary colour biased neocons get all hot under the collar just because their tactic of trying to block anything the president does (which is their only tactic) fails and they start crying. At least someone is trying to run the country according to some semblance of common sense rather than a childish tantrum like way of saying "well if we can't have our way, no one has any way so we'll block and stall".

As for running his country off a cliff you might like to check out that letter sent by a Canadian to the US public that went viral. By any standard outside the US Obama is doing a perfectly OK job under the circumstances. Certainly leagues better than the last joker in office that started an illegal war and in turn sent Americans to their deaths needlessly. Lets also conveniently forget what happened in Florida too with the "hanging chads" episode too eh?

So in short:

1. You don't like Obama because he introduced a basic minimum standard of care to the country that most other developed nations already have.
2. You seem more angry about that than the previous guy who cheated his way to an election victory and started an illegal war it because he's .....not white?
So in short:

1. You don't like Obama because he introduced a basic minimum standard of care to the country that most other developed nations already have.
2. You seem more angry about that than the previous guy who cheated his way to an election victory and started an illegal war it because he's .....not white?

This isn't about Bush. This thread is about the Great Obama.

I guess when all else fails in supporting your man, pull the race card.

Let me guess, you're a civil servant..........
This isn't about Bush. This thread is about the Great Obama.

I guess when all else fails in supporting your man, pull the race card.

Let me guess, you're a civil servant..........

No, I just read a little more widely than you do and look at everything in context instead of through blinkers of bias.

Is it because he's not a combination of all primary colours?
This isn't about Bush. This thread is about the Great Obama.

If he didn't walk into the great George's mess it would be totally different. There was no avoidong the disaster that captain retard war mo ger left for him or whoever was elected. You may put your head back in the sand now.

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If he didn't walk into the great George's mess it would be totally different. There was no avoidong the disaster that captain retard war mo ger left for him or whoever was elected. You may put your head back in the sand now.

The other thing to consider is if Bush had done a great job then obama would probably not be president or even have been in the running.
Quite possible but to blame everything on Obama is just dumb. Some people can't seem to comprehend that however.
Quite possible but to blame everything on Obama is just dumb. Some people can't seem to comprehend that however.

You mean like all the Obama lovers continue to do to Bush?

Pray tell me, after 6 years is it still all Bush's fault?

Is there anything that the great Obama has done that isn't just a teeny weeny bit wrong?

Waiting for something other than people don't like him because he's black deflection.......
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