Ping Scheller - Let's chat Obama

IMO, and it's not just me, Republicans obstructed bills in Congress to stop Obama's agenda and make him appear inept.

here is someone else's opinion on this:

"The republicans are obstructionists. Obama had advised that he was going to take action if they were not going to deal with it. Then they want to sue him for going ahead without them. Obama is doing his job for Americans. The Republicans are doing their job for republicans. It's a disgrace and yes, it is hurting Americans.
As for Bush, he should be tried for war crimes. He had so much evidence that Sadam did not have weapons of mass destruction. He acted with his cronies despite warnings from various agencies. Isn't that criminal? With strong backing from religious factors, he pretended to embrace being a Born Again Christian, and radical evangelist believes
that America's destiny is ordained by God. And many other scary doctrines. Then after religion in the White House, the radical evangelists took politics to the pulpit.
When asked if George had talked to his father H. Bush about going into Iraq, George W. replied: I don't go to that father for strength, I go to the father at the top.
Now if you look at Muslin - Islamic Doctrine, it should make you loose sleep.
Radical Evangelists and Muslim-Islamic doctrines have some things in common: they hate gays, abortions, blacks, brown, etc., condoms and on and on. And of course to rule the world with their religion doctrin. Of course this is simplified, but it is SCARY.
How can beautiful, wonderful U.S.A. allow so much damage to be done.
Well CNN doesn't help, that's for sure."

The good old boys of the grand ole party went apoplectic with the election of a black president with an Arabic sounding name. With no regard to the harm they inflicted on the country, they simply were not going to work with him, even though he was democratically elected by the population twice. The republicans thumbed their noses at democracy in their self-servitude.

Just my admittedly biased political opinion. No one is likely going to change their deeply held political or religious views over the course of an Internet forum discussion. I wouldn't mind having a beer with almost anyone though.
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Not that bush!

History will be kind to Obama. He's working in almost impossible circumstances. I'm pretty sure about that. And Shrub Jr. was a buffoon like Southern racist sheriff treating the Arab world like black people.
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I ask you again Mike, if republican style low taxes government is the road to riches, why are republican governed states among the poorest and least educated in the USA?

Wyoming is one of the most right state & it's not poor. It is not in debt & actually has surplus. There goes your theory out the window.

Alberta also does pretty well. Not poor at all

Edit: I have another point to add, Detroit was very liberal with their Unions & food stamps, look where that led them.
Took $$ out of hard working people so they left, who's working now?
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Oh yeah, another point to add. I keep typing as I keep thinking. With the wait times we have over here to see a doctor I'd rather oay for it. I takes me 2 damn hours to see my doctor with an appointment. If I was at work & wasn't taxed for it I could've saved that money & already paid for it.

I wonder what is the wait times for surgeries?
Oh yeah, another point to add. I keep typing as I keep thinking. With the wait times we have over here to see a doctor I'd rather oay for it. I takes me 2 damn hours to see my doctor with an appointment. If I was at work & wasn't taxed for it I could've saved that money & already paid for it.

I wonder what is the wait times for surgeries?

More importantly, what would be the cost for surgeries paid out of pocket.
I wonder what is the wait times for surgeries?

I think Canada is pretty good for emergency care. Routine surgery wait is a lot longer than anyone wants. Heaven help you with serious medical concerns. Once you decide you might have an issue and get the ball rolling....Dr. appointment...refferal to specialist....wait for testing....wait for lab results.....schedule treatment you could be dead by then. Do we expect too much from a system that uses a vast chunk of our tax $$? It's not efficient according to studies, but just chugs along like any tax funded monopoly. The bad part is, is that for the most part you cannot choose to opt out and drive your own agenda with your own $$. It's illegal! We're living in a broken commune. Didn't work for the hippies in the '60's, why should it work today? Are we all high?
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More importantly, what would be the cost for surgeries paid out of pocket.

Well, you're not going to get a reasonable deal. That would be out of the question. Can't have that. Even seen a Leafs ticket? That's the way it has to be. No work around.
Reading the news today from the US is very amusing.

Republicans: "Obama is acting like an emperor....this should be something both parties can work on so eventually we can stonewall it so nothing gets done"
Obama: "**** you, you obstinate ********, I'm doing it anyway, go away and call a wahmbulance"

Also: Super smart swipe of a pen and added 4 million democratic voters to the register. Ahahahahahhahahahaha.
Your points are not really points.
There is a lot more to take into consideration on a state's economy than political preference. It is mostly to do with resources and industry and not politics, now of course taxation policy helps but if there is no money being produced due to lack or resources there isn't much a taxation policy will do.

The demise of Detroit had to do with their economy depended mostly on the Auto Industry, once gas prices went through the roof and the big 3 fail to adapt to the times and maintain the Big Horse Power and ****** car production mentality, they went down and took the city with them.

It amazes me how people can't see what has and is happening in the US, Clinton left the country with a surplus, the Idiot Bush left the country in some serious economic problems, Obama is fixing it and the country will be in much better shape. Compare all economic indicators from 2008 and 2014.

Wyoming is one of the most right state & it's not poor. It is not in debt & actually has surplus. There goes your theory out the window.

Alberta also does pretty well. Not poor at all

Edit: I have another point to add, Detroit was very liberal with their Unions & food stamps, look where that led them.
Took $$ out of hard working people so they left, who's working now?

Oh yeah, another point to add. I keep typing as I keep thinking. With the wait times we have over here to see a doctor I'd rather oay for it. I takes me 2 damn hours to see my doctor with an appointment. If I was at work & wasn't taxed for it I could've saved that money & already paid for it.

I wonder what is the wait times for surgeries?

This is what the Republicans priority are, not the people they represent, not the economic prosperity of their people, but this

Let the new elected leader of the republican party tell you on his own words

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Your points are not really points.
There is a lot more to take into consideration on a state's economy than political preference. It is mostly to do with resources and industry and not politics, now of course taxation policy helps but if there is no money being produced due to lack or resources there isn't much a taxation policy will do.


I was pointing out the weakness in his argument by painting it with one brush.

With Detroit, i don't see how that can be the case people still buy cars regardless of the price of oil
May be, but there is a reason why many people here return to South Korea, Thailand, Singapore, India, etc, if they have something they want looked at immediately: much shorter or no wait times, and much more affordable than American medicine.

Just watching Global tv news. There was a story about international patients coming to Toronto, paying out of pocket and cue jumping ontario patients. Apparently, it is a money-making activity for the hospitals involved.

i imagine that pro sport athletes get immediate MRI's and such, this way as well.
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Just watching Global tv news. There was a story about international patients coming to Toronto, paying out of pocket and cue jumping ontario patients. Apparently, it is a money-making activity for the hospitals involved.

i imagine that pro sport athletes get immediate MRI's and such, this way as well.

go to medcan or cleveland clinic in toronto like I do and you will jump the lines too
Plebeians like me are generally happy to make due with OHIP. No, it's not perfect, but one simply needs to be a citizen to have access to health care. This is what the republicans are obstructing Obama from attempting to do.

As for Mexico being a first world developed country, there are riots happening right now in response to government/police corruption. Mexicans are forced to break the law to own a gun in order to protect themselves because they have lost trust in their lawmakers. It is definitely and understandably an outlier in the correlation between loose gun controls and a high gun homicide rate.
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Obama is fixing it and the country will be in much better shape. Compare all economic indicators from 2008 and 2014. Here you can watch him fix it in real time.
More importantly, what would be the cost for surgeries paid out of pocket.

If I weren't already taxed for it, I would've bought health insurance from a private company. But being Ontario, it will probably be rediculously expensive.

It's funny how in a Liberal society how things are ridiculously expensive.

Oh yeah, my brother just texted me...apparently Wyoming has a 2 Billion dollar surplus budget. There goes your theory of poor Republican states.
A state rich with mining and oil and gas has a budget surplus?
How many more/other republican leaning states do you think there may be in the United States of America?
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