Ping Scheller - Let's chat Obama

If he didn't walk into the great George's mess it would be totally different. There was no avoidong the disaster that captain retard war mo ger left for him or whoever was elected. You may put your head back in the sand now.

If the war is all Bush's fault and it's so wrong, please explain why Obama just signed on to stay in the dust bowl? (have a read at post 187 if you're in the dark on this one)
Maybe Justin can do the same up here. I mean, why protect real Americans when you can use illegals to vote you in:

Obamacare offers firms $3,000 incentive to hire illegals over native-born workers

Under the president’s new amnesty, businesses will have a $3,000-per-employee incentive to hire illegal immigrants over native-born workers because of a quirk of Obamacare.

President Obama’s temporary amnesty, which lasts three years, declares up to 5 million illegal immigrants to be lawfully in the country and eligible for work permits, but it still deems them ineligible for public benefits such as buying insurance on Obamacare’s health exchanges.

Under the Affordable Care Act, that means businesses who hire them won’t have to pay a penalty for not providing them health coverage — making them $3,000 more attractive than a similar native-born worker, whom the business by law would have to cover.

PHOTOS: Best handguns ever made

The loophole was confirmed by congressional aides and drew condemnation from those who said it put illegal immigrants ahead of Americans in the job market.

“If it is true that the president’s actions give employers a $3,000 incentive to hire those who came here illegally, he has added insult to injury,” said Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican. “The president’s actions would have just moved those who came here illegally to the front of the line, ahead of unemployed and underemployed Americans.”

A Department of Homeland Security official confirmed that the newly legalized immigrants won’t have access to Obamacare, which opens up the loophole for employers looking to avoid the penalty.

PHOTOS: Conservatives in Hollywood: Celebrities who lean right

The Health and Human Services Department, which oversees Obamacare, referred questions to the White House, which didn’t reply to a request for comment.

But Mr. Obama, traveling in Chicago Tuesday to defend his immigration plans, said his moves would boost the economy and vowed they wouldn’t hurt American workers’ wages.

“Immigrants are good for the economy. We keep on hearing that they’re bad, but a report by my Council of Economic Advisers put out last week shows how the actions we’re taking will grow our economy for everybody,” he said.

This isn’t the first time the Obamacare loophole has popped up on immigration. The overhaul bill that passed the Senate on a bipartisan vote last year created the same situation, granting illegal immigrants a long probationary period where they could legally work but weren’t eligible for public benefits such as Obamacare.

At the time, Arizona Sen. John McCain, one of the bill’s GOP authors, acknowledged the problem and vowed to change it before it became law. Despite passing the Senate, the bill has stalled, with Democratic leaders refusing to send it to the House for further action.

Brian Rogers, a spokesman for Mr. McCain, said Tuesday the solution to the loophole is to get rid of Obamacare’s employer mandate, “which would eliminate the incentive to hire people who are ineligible for Obamacare subsidies.” Mr. Rogers said the Republican majority that takes control of Congress next year should vote on that proposal.

Under Obamacare, businesses with 50 or more employees are supposed to provide insurance coverage to their full-time workers. If they refuse, they are assessed a penalty for every employee who receives subsidies to sign up for coverage on the health exchanges. But because the newly legalized illegal immigrants covered by Mr. Obama’s order can’t sign up for the exchanges or receive subsidies, employers aren’t penalized for hiring them.

Employers take notice

Some employers have already taken notice, and Dennis Michael Lynch, a documentary filmmaker, raised the issue on political strategist Dick Morris’s radio show in Philadelphia over the weekend.

“The dimensions of this problem are enormous. One wonders if any of Obama’s crew spotted it during the run-up to his executive order. It is hard to imagine former President Clinton failing to notice such a conflict between his two major programs,” Mr. Morris said in an op-ed Tuesday in The Hill, a Capitol Hill newspaper.

The Obama administration has delayed the employer mandate penalty for some businesses, but it is slated to take full effect in a year.

The public is split on Mr. Obama’s latest immigration move. A new Quinnipiac University Poll released Tuesday showed slightly more people opposed the president taking unilateral action than supported him.

Just as striking, however, is that overall support for illegal immigrants in America is at an all-time low in the Quinnipiac survey, with 35 percent now saying they should all be pushed out of the country — up from 26 percent just a year ago.
Mr. Obama created the Obamacare loophole incentive in a 2012 Homeland Security decision.

Until August of that year, those granted “deferred action” — the power Mr. Obama also used in his new temporary amnesty — were eligible for public benefits, including Obamacare. But just two months earlier, Mr. Obama had announced a massive expansion of deferred action for hundreds of thousands of “dreamers,” or young illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, and in order to prevent them from getting public benefits, Homeland Security officials issued a new policy giving the dreamers a new category of legal status that left them outside of Obamacare.

Immigrant rights groups protested the move at the time, arguing it left the newly legal dreamers without coverage. The National Immigration Law Center said excluding dreamers from Obamacare amounted to discrimination against tax-paying immigrants who are following the rules, and set up a new second-class status for some immigrants.

The NILC didn’t respond to a request for comment on Mr. Obama’s latest move.

I mean really GTA Liberals, doesn't this just make you say WTH????
Maybe Justin can do the same up here. I mean, why protect real Americans when you can use illegals to vote you in:

I mean really GTA Liberals, doesn't this just make you say WTH????

404 ridiculous article not found. But judging by the captions to the photos,

PHOTOS: Best handguns ever made
PHOTOS: Conservatives in Hollywood: Celebrities who lean right

sounds like a smart reliable source for news.
If the war is all Bush's fault and it's so wrong, please explain why Obama just signed on to stay in the dust bowl? (have a read at post 187 if you're in the dark on this one)
Oh I see. You're one of the pull everyone out and hope it's like the war never happened people. Cool.

So I suppose Bush was good for starting a war to go after all the weapons of mass destruction that they didn't find. Or maybe the death of the most troops since Vietnam. I guess that's ok, it must be Obama's fault. People screwing their way into giving the republicans control over the house of representatives so they could block basically anything he wanted done. His fault too right?

Bush lost more jobs annually for the usa than they did in 1945. Don't forget his bailouts. Good one with the car dealers. Causes the worst financial times in history, one of the highest unemployment rates they've ever seen and someone new gets voted in and everyone thinks it should be fixed in a day. Like I said before please go stick your head back in the sand because your vision of politics is a tad blurred.
I mean really GTA Liberals, doesn't this just make you say WTH????

I think the Liberals are saying WTH ... but to the stars lining up for DoFo nomination to run the Ontario PC party ... they are loving their chances even more and are genuinely shocked that they have been handed this unexpected gift.
Oh I see. You're one of the pull everyone out and hope it's like the war never happened people. Cool.

Nope, never said that. But since your team blames bush for getting into the war, why exactly must he stay??

So I suppose Bush was good for starting a war to go after all the weapons of mass destruction that they didn't find. Or maybe the death of the most troops since Vietnam. I guess that's ok, it must be Obama's fault.

Nice strawman argument.

People screwing their way into giving the republicans control over the house of representatives so they could block basically anything he wanted done. His fault too right?

Oh I see, stopping Obama is somehow bad because voters put Pubs in the house. Isn't the government supposed to do the will of the people? If so why so many EO's?

And nice try, the vast majority of the voter fraud is on the Dem side. Add Obama screwing americans by making illegals somehow legal is just vote buying from foreign countries.

Bush lost more jobs annually for the usa than they did in 1945. Don't forget his bailouts. Good one with the car dealers. Causes the worst financial times in history, one of the highest unemployment rates they've ever seen and someone new gets voted in and everyone thinks it should be fixed in a day.

How long exactly does Obama need to fix it? And please tell me how printing money like a drunken fool is the way to fix it?

Like I said before please go stick your head back in the sand because your vision of politics is a tad blurred.

How so? Because I stand against the Libtard craziness?
Da fuq??
Why do liberals keep bringing up the racist card? Is that the best they got?

I know of a Black Republican who wants to run for Governor in Wyoming

A quick google reveal lots of Republican Black folks
In the US and other developed countries in the world, some level of government administers law enforcement, fire protection, education, transportation, and old age security. In these countries, but excluding the US, government is also responsible for health care.

So why is government administered health care socialist (in a bad way) while these other services are okay?

Or is it in the republicans' plans to completely privatize these services as well? After all, we don't want to live in a nanny state, right?

Here's a site that weighs pros and cons of obamacare.
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I wonder just how much makeup this white guy put on before creating this:

In case you miss the real message, it's about "personal accountability". Which is the opposite of the Liberal way.

Interesting. Please explain how liberals absolve the citizen of personal responsibility and conservatives encourage it. While you're at it, when the Wall St fatcats were getting fatter under chummy Bush please show me the personal accountability for ****ing the world that they showed?
This is like watching the Titanic set sail.
The end result does not change.

America's economy is based on war.
Name a 10 year time period that the US was not in a war? I will make it easier...when they were not DIRECTLY involved.
This is for the libertarian/conservatives here. Liberals need not read, you already know all of this because it's right out of your playbook. (PS, note I didn't say republicans or CPC because that's one of the default deflectionary "its Bush's fault really" tactics).

20 Signs You Are Living in a Progressive Utopia

It can be said that progressivism at its core seeks to turn the world upside down.

It is an ideology and a tactic of modern-day Sophists who seek to replace facts with narrative, justice with injustice, morality with immorality and virtue with vice — but it does so with a smile on its face.

Consequently, in order to identify whether one is in fact living in a progressive Utopia, one merely needs to identify instances in one’s society, economy and political system, themselves a natural outgrowth of the culture (itself an outgrowth of the ideas that a people has imbibed), in which facts, logic and history have been shoved aside in favor of the whims of the wise collective.

Here are 20 signs that you might be living in such a blissful place:

1) When the executive branch has effectively become the legislative branch

President Obama has been pushing executive actions as a means of working around Congress in 2014. (Image Source:

2) When the notions of secure borders and national sovereignty are considered thinly-veiled euphemisms for racial hatred

3) When justice means determining a person is guilty before seeing any evidence, then rioting, looting and destroying property when said person does not even make it to trial

4) When those who riot, loot and destroy property are considered freedom-fighters, and those who peacefully assemble are considered radical extremists

In this June 19, 2013, photo, Tea Party activists attend a rally on the grounds of the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, June 19, 2013. (Image Source: AP)

5) When criminals advise law enforcement on how to do its job

6) When those who see every issue through the prism of race, sex and class are considered paragons of tolerance, and those who see people as individuals are racist, sexist bigots

7) When illegal immigrants are granted equal if not greater ”rights” and benefits than law abiding citizens

8) When instead of targeting the jihadists responsible for committing the murders of thousands of innocents, the government targets the counter-jihadists

9) When the leaders of your Republic defend to the death those who wish to destroy her, while deriding those who wish to save her

10) When countries like Egypt and the United Arab Emirates designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, but yours does not

11) When Christianity and Judaism can be unmercifully attacked, yet Islam and sharia law may not even be critically examined

12) When the people overwhelmingly despise and distrust its leaders, yet continually votes to cede more and more of its rights to said leaders

13) When a person commits a crime or act of violence, and the first question asked is what society did to make that person commit the act of crime or violence

14) When wealth redistribution is considered moral, and wealth creation is considered immoral

15) When protecting, and thereby creating favored groups of people by law is considered equality

15a) When the government groups individuals by race, class, sex and religion, in and of itself

16) When you cannot discern where government ends and the media begins

Republican aide Elizabeth Lauten was fired over comments she made about President Obama’s daughters, while the mainstream media has largely ignored stories about Jonathan Gruber, a Democratic staffer recently laid off after pleading guilty to sexual assault charges, and stories of a large Obama bundler accused of child rape. (Image Source: New York Daily News/Facebook)

17) When facts and logic are considered secondary to narrative, lest they be considered at all

18) When the people believe that Western civilization is inherently evil, and its enemies inherently good and worthy of coddling

19) When the people believe that government, not the Creator, grants them rights

19a) When the people believe that entitlements are rights in and of themselves

20) When breaking the Ten Commandments is considered the rule, and following them the exception

Follow Ben Weingarten (@bhweingarten) and TheBlazeBooks on Twitter and Facebook.

Be sure to check out Ben’s Blaze Books podcast, consisting of interviews with leading conservative and libertarian thinkers, which you can find on iTunes, Soundcloud, and Stitcher.

TheBlaze contributor channel supports an open discourse on a range of views. The opinions expressed in this channel are solely those of each individual author.
Obamacare was supposed to be cheeeep no?

February 12, 2015

From Today's Rush Limbaugh Show...


RUSH: I love the Staples story. Staples announces that because of Obamacare they're having to make some changes in the structure of their employees, and Obama does not like it and he takes out after them. "Obama Slams Staples for Reducing Hours to Avoid Obamacare," and Staples responded.


RUSH: "President Obama lashed out against CEO’s and business leaders who have cut hours in response to costly Affordable Care Act mandates which would force them to provide insurance for employees working more than 30 hours a week." Now, I know that that aspect of Obamacare is not news to you because you are regular listeners here, but for those of you who may be new and may have come to us from what we call the low-information crowd, the aspect of Obamacare that this story's about is this. Obamacare, national health care requires businesses to provide health insurance for employees who work more than 30 hours a week.

So what's happening is that employers, because they can't afford this. I mean, health insurance is getting more expensive for everybody, including bulk buyers, including people that buy a lot of policies for a lot of people, a big group. Health insurance costs are skyrocketing because Obamacare doesn't do one thing to lower their cost because there's nothing in Obamacare that establishes an economic relationship between the consumer and the provider. And until that happens, there's never gonna be any cost control in health care.

In virtually everything else you buy, be it a car, be it a house, renting an apartment, television set, hotel rooms, those prices, those commodities, those units are priced at various price points so that anybody can afford one. You may not be able to afford a 100-thousand-dollar car, but you might be able to afford a 40-thousand-dollar car. The market takes care of providing you both your needs and wants, usually at a price point that's within your ability to afford it. Hotel rooms. You can stay at a five-star Ritz or you can stay at the local 12-room motel down at the end of town. Whatever you want to spend, whatever you can afford to spend, there's a hotel room priced for you.

But in health care, no such thing exists. The patient's ability to pay is not a factor whatsoever in the cost of medical care. And as long as that remains true there is no way the costs of health care are going to come down. If you can't afford it and you can still have it, how does that work, economically? If you can't afford the medical care that you're at present getting, but yet you're getting it, it means somebody else is paying for it. You may not know who, you may not know the pathway, but you do know it's being paid for. It's just not being paid for by you because you probably can't afford it. And the reason that you can't afford it is precisely because you don't have to pay for it.

If the providers of health care's only source of revenue was what people could afford, what do you think would happen to prices? They'd come down. It's called supply, demand, and market forces, and for the most part, markets work. But going back to the, oh, you could even say fifties, but let's peg it to the sixties and the advent of Medicare and Medicaid, maybe even World War II with employee-provided health care. Back then they needed employees and it was a benefit, a perk. That established that somebody else is gonna pay for it for you. Except that you were. You just didn't know it.

If you have health care as a benefit at work, and whether you pay nothing or whether you have to pay part of a copay, whether you have to pay deductible or whatever, let's say that you earn $80,000 a year, and you've got dental and health care and whatever other benefits, sick pay, time to visit the vet day, whatever, it probably is costing the employer, including Social Security, probably costing the employer -- I'll just make up a number -- it's gonna be close to a hundred thousand dollars to pay you 80. You are getting the hundred thousand dollars; you just don't see $20,000 of it. It's in the form of your health care benefit or whatever benefit that you have, but that's the cost of employing you. And as those benefits, particularly health care, continues to skyrocket in cost, the employer simply can't afford it.

Then along came Obamacare mandating that the employer provide health insurance for everybody working full-time, which they define as working 30 hours a week, and the idiots that designed it did not dynamically factor human behavior. They just sat there and said, stupid idiot CEOs will just pay the increased price. And what the CEOs did, they said, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, we can avoid this if we just convert some full-time people to part-time?" Yep, that's what the law says. And so that's what's happened.

If your job is one, if you used to be full time 40 hours, wherever you work, and sometime in the last 12 months you've been cut back to 30 or fewer, the answer is Obamacare. The president of the United States is costing you work, costing you money, costing you income. Now, you're blaming it on your boss, but your boss or your company is only acting as responsible CEOs would. Spend as little as you can in the process of making a profit off whatever you do, service or product. So a lot of people that used to work full time are now working part time. They don't have to be provided health care. It's right there in Obamacare.

Well, Staples pointed this out. The CEO at Staples explained that the reason there are so many new people at his company working 30 hours is because of Obamacare. They cut the number of hours, many employers, so that they would not have to provide health insurance for as many people who work for them. The CEO at Staples spoke up, and Obama was not happy. You do not expose the Dear Leader like this. This is called embarrassing. This is called sticking up. This is insolence. You are not to expose the Dear Leader this way. You're supposed to sit there and take it.

"More than 300 major businesses have made cutbacks in response to such mandates. While more than 5.6 million small businesses have incurred additional costs due to the ACA." So when Staples spoke up and explained to everybody why so many of their employees cut back to 30 hours, Obama spoke up, singled 'em out. He said, "I haven’t looked at Staples stock lately or what the compensation of the CEO is, but I suspect that they could well afford to treat their workers favorably and give them some basic financial security and if they can’t, then they should be willing to allow those workers to get the Affordable Care Act without cutting wages."

Well, normally when this happens, most CEOs in this day and age would cower in fear, head to the corner and shut up and send the PR guy out to make an apologetic statement of some kind. That is not what happened here. Staples has fired back at our Dear Leader. A Staples spokesman, Kirk Saville, said, "The initial story," which came from BuzzFeed, which can be dubious -- "The initial story was misleading as our policy regarding hours for part-time employees is more than a decade old. It’s unfortunate that the president is attacking a company that provides more than 85,000 jobs and is a major taxpayer."

So what Obama did was go out and accuse Staples of acting stupidly. So now it's not just white cops that act stupidly. Now it's Staples CEO. It's not just Republicans who act stupidly. It's not just Israel who's stupid, and it's not just doctors who are greedy and doing unnecessary amputations to get the extra bucks. It's anyone on any given day. Could be me, could be Fox News, could be white cops. Today it's Staples CEO is stupid. Attack, divide, smear, denigrate.

I'm sorry for speaking factually about Jon Stewart's favorite politician, President Obama, but it is what it is. And remember guys like David Brooks and all these, Obama was predicted to be a great president due to his temperament. Yes, he was not prone, he was not given to wild emotional displays and fluctuations. And he's as petulant as a six-year-old who doesn't get his way. Anyway, the Staples people are not taking it. They pay through the nose on taxes, they have 85,000 employees, and here comes Obama saying (imitating Obama), "Well, you know what? They ought to be willing to allow those workers --" Workers? It's not workers. That's what you call communist employees. They're not workers. They're employees. They're business associates.

"Ought to be able to allow those workers to get affordable health care without cutting wages." Sorry, it doesn't work that way, Mr. President. You don't even know your own law if you think that. Cutting wages, they're cutting hours. They're trying to escape the albatross that you've put around everybody's neck, and it's built into the law, how to escape it. Dynamic scoring. Anyway, back to the central point. The central point, folks, is none of this is gonna get fixed until there is an economic relationship between patient and provider, be it a doctor, hospital, clinic, whatever it is.

If you're able to get medical care that you can't afford, the system -- you may not like hearing this -- the system is broken. That's not how things work. Because if you're not paying for it, somebody else is. Have you seen the national debt? Have you seen the annual deficit? They are skyrocketing. We don't have the money for all of this stuff that we're providing for people.


RUSH: Here is Obama. This was on the BuzzFeed website, editor-in-chief there is a guy named Ben Smith. He used to be at Politico and started his own website called BuzzFeed, and he's talking to Obama -- and, you know, by the way, this is a little side observation. You know, Obama goes out and talks to his little buddies at Vox. This former Washington Post guy, Ezra Klein, sets it up. And it really is a bunch of kids, ultra-extremist left-wing kids, young Millennials. I mean, they are the young leftist idealists, and they're talking to Obama, and Obama thinks he's at home in the family room, which he is.

The last thing that's gonna happen when he talks, either BuzzFeed or Vox or pretty much any of them, but, I mean, this is hero worship time. And when he was talking to Vox, that interview at Vox is what's gotten him into all this trouble with ISIS. A bunch of different guys conducted the interview at Vox. I think is was Matt Yglesias. No relationship to Enrique. Who, by the way, did you see the Grammys? Enrique Iglesias showed up and was not wearing the stocking cap. First time in I've never seen him not wearing a stocking cap. The guy wears a stocking cap in the clubs. He wears it on stage. Probably wears it in bed with Anna Kournikova, whatever her name is. He actually has hair. Anyway, not related to him.

It was Yglesias who asked him about ISIS and Obama thinks he's totally at home and he's relaxed and that's when he came out with all the (paraphrasing), "You know, they're not really terrorists. They're just a bunch of folks out there that are backyard criminals and side street criminals," and so forth. It was an interview with a friendly place that blew up. And of course the guys at Vox, they're happy as they can be that it caused Obama a little trouble 'cause this is attention for them, but they got the answer they wanted.

The point is these are ultra-left-wing little idealists, and Obama gave them what they wanted to hear on a number of issues, about Republicans, about conservatives, and about ISIS and about Islam. No big deal. They're not really that big a threat. Global warming's a bigger threat. It was that interview where he said this. And these guys think they've hit a home run here because Obama articulated exactly what they believe, but in the process Obama actually stepped in some quicksand in a friendly interview. I find that delicious.

And the same here with BuzzFeed. They're not quite the devotees that the little guys at Vox are, but nevertheless it was at BuzzFeed where Obama decided to take out after the Staples CEO. BuzzFeed editor Ben Smith said, "We reported yesterday the office supply store Staples is telling its workers it's gonna fire them if they work more than 25 hours a week. A manager has told a worker that we talked to that Obama is responsible for this policy. I wonder what you say to the CEO of Staples about their policy there."

OBAMA: I haven’t looked at Staples stock lately or what the compensation of the CEO is --

RUSH: Stop the tape. What does that have to do with anything? What's the stock price got to do -- he's trying to run it down here. What's the CEO's pay have to do with anything? I mean, in terms of Obamacare, nothing. Anyway, here's the rest of it.

OBAMA: -- but I suspect that they could well afford to treat their workers favorably and give them some basic financial security, and if they can’t, then they should be willing to allow those workers to get the Affordable Care Act without cutting wages. ... When I hear large corporations that make billions of dollars in profits trying to blame our interest in providing health insurance as an excuse for cutting back workers’ wages, shame on them.

RUSH: Where's this billions of dollars in profit, A? Where is that, Staples billions of dollars in profit? What is this, "Should be able to afford to treat their workers favorably and give them some basic financial security." That's not what the purpose of a business is. The worker -- and I know this is gonna sound harsh. I'm sorry. This is old school harsh. It's up to the worker to provide his financial security. Do you think that's too harsh? (interruption) Do you think I'm in trouble saying that? (interruption) Mr. Snerdley thinks that the 20-something Millennials may be profoundly offended by what I said and that I need to explain what I mean by it's up to the worker -- a word I detest, by the way.

It's up to the employee, it's up to the individual to earn his financial security. Is that the responsibility of the company you work for, to provide you financial security? And how do you define that? What is financial security? Never having to work another day in your life? Never having to worry about paying the bills? What is financial security? Whatever it is, it's an individual thing and it's up to you to earn it. Anyway, Obama thinks pass a law, Obamacare, everybody gets free health care, businesses pay for it and everything's fine, and they think that's how the world works. The private sector's a bottomless pit of endless money, too much money, and they just don't get it at all.

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