Petition to Add a "Personals" section to GTAM

Rode home wirhout a jacket today. All the men looked at my boobs. Why am I not in the "seen you" thread? Thought for sure that'd let me skip the hook up section and get down to business.

If that was you just riding down Steeles, east of Mavis about 30min ago (blue bike, white tight top...thankfully, rider didn't believe in ATGATT...), if it makes you feel better/violated - I was looking at your boobs.
Rode home wirhout a jacket today. All the men looked at my boobs. Why am I not in the "seen you" thread? Thought for sure that'd let me skip the hook up section and get down to business.

I didn't get to see you but would like to... come over!
i'm all for it, POF is restricted at my work and craigslist is full of homos and socially inept rhinos
I vote for a "Rides and Special Hook Ups" section.
Rode home wirhout a jacket today. All the men looked at my boobs. Why am I not in the "seen you" thread? Thought for sure that'd let me skip the hook up section and get down to business.

That's because you don't work at Boston Pizza :cool:
Have you seen the selection on POF? It ain't much better.

well, its been a while but every now and then you come across a diamond in the rough...the hard part is cutting through the 9000 messages a day they receive, and the 'holier-than-thou' attitude that comes along with being a good-looking chick on the internet
I joined the a few months back when it was brought up on the forum just to see if I got it. Didn't check it for a while until today, I got about 200 messages, not that I can check them anyways. Doesn't matter anyways, 'cause as much as Gtam isn't a dating site, without it I wouldn't be with my current BF.
Those are very realistic expectations for a Cpl who pays rent. :)

Here's the best you can hope for Banger....

Salary must be over PTE 4
Must be good at ordering from Pizza Pizza
Daily sock changes a necessity
Won't hit every valley skank he can buy a beer for while I'm away on tour
Must have a jacked truck on 35's
Bike must be at least one month from being repo'ed
Every day I demand something you stole from work the moment you get in from work
Must love pitbulls and rottweilers and call all other dogs fagdogs
If you still live in the shacks, don't bother replying to this.
Prefer a PMQ but I suppose a base appt. will do

And that ladies and gentleman, is how to shut me up.
Well played. Well played.
For the record. MAYBE I could do a tad better. I mean, RCR? Geez man just feed me to the wolves.
I like the truck thing!

"Won't hit every valley skank he can buy a beer for while I'm away on tour"
HEAR! HEAR! .... oh wait .... that already happened :(
Those are very realistic expectations for a Cpl who pays rent. :)

Here's the best you can hope for Banger....

Salary must be over PTE 4
Must be good at ordering from Pizza Pizza
Daily sock changes a necessity
Won't hit every valley skank he can buy a beer for while I'm away on tour
Must have a jacked truck on 35's
Bike must be at least one month from being repo'ed
Every day I demand something you stole from work the moment you get in from work
Must love pitbulls and rottweilers and call all other dogs fagdogs
If you still live in the shacks, don't bother replying to this.
Prefer a PMQ but I suppose a base appt. will do

Holy crap dude, funniest, most realistic post in this thread... I wish the rest could understand the genious behind this one... The typical girl requesting this is a 200lb lazy, uneducated skank with 2 kids from different dads... And that's the average girl up there! FML this is why I'm single lol.
Holy crap dude, funniest, most realistic post in this thread... I wish the rest could understand the genious behind this one... The typical girl requesting this is a 200lb lazy, uneducated skank with 2 kids from different dads... And that's the average girl up there! FML this is why I'm single lol.

I am not .... hahahaha
Based on this crowd perhaps it should be called "Hook Ups & Special Rides With Happy Endings":sex: ......:lmao:

Corrected :D
Based on this crowd perhaps it should be called "Hook Ups & Special Rides":sex: ......:lmao:


.....I would have chimed in earlier but I have been busy going on dates with bikers :agave:
I will start this off right.

I enjoy long walks on the beach, cuddling, puppy dogs, lollipops, vacations in the tropics, snowball fights, sunny days, sand on my feet.

"you" must send me a picture asap and be into the following;
-having pictures or videos taking of you, dressing up as britney spears, possibly having your mom or sister in a 3 some, know the true meaning of dirty sanchez, --
- know what a "frozen eskimo" is, have watched the movie "2 girls and 1 cup" and not be afraid, have waterproof drapes (explain later), have a good pair of googles for your eyes,
- knows what "ATM" is and no its not a bank machine, be prepared for an "oil rigger" and i aint talking about the ones in the ocean, and top if all off with a "strawberry shortcake" and that isnt no DQ ice cream treat.

( yes this is going straight to trash talk)
Your welcome bitches.

English Jay matches that perfectly, and you live around the corner from him, he said he leaves the bedroom window unlocked for you, and a ladder outside. ;)
Based on this crowd perhaps it should be called "Hook Ups & Special Rides":sex: ......:lmao:

I'm voting for "trash talk rides and hook ups" it just feels like it suits it best.
'cause as much as Gtam isn't a dating site, without it I wouldn't be with my current BF.
Gilligan and I met on a group ride organized off this site.
You guys might find it shocking but I haven't actually dated or banged anyone from this site but I'd be lying if I said I didn't flirt with a few chickas from here over PM/facebook message/text. What can I say though, I'm a vagina tease. :cool:

lucky Guy i don't even get a simple Pm......... i suck :(
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