Petition to Add a "Personals" section to GTAM

Let's 4x4 our way over to that section :p

Can't, there's a gate up now. I'm sad.

Retarded sexual banter is what keeps this place going now.

50/50 with making fun of people for being e-stupid.


And the possibility someone might post hot pics of themselves.

As soon as people stop paying attention to them, the pics might get posted. So long as the leg humping continues at it's current intensity level there will be no pics ;)
What would the be the best backpack to wear while browsing this section though?

And should I risk chewing gum while browsing?
What would the be the best backpack to wear while browsing this section though?

I'm not picky...I'm just looking for any female to tie up and keep in my closet. Anyone?
I will start this off right.

I enjoy long walks on the beach, cuddling, puppy dogs, lollipops, vacations in the tropics, snowball fights, sunny days, sand on my feet.

"you" must send me a picture asap and be into the following;
-having pictures or videos taking of you, dressing up as britney spears, possibly having your mom or sister in a 3 some, know the true meaning of dirty sanchez, --
- know what a "frozen eskimo" is, have watched the movie "2 girls and 1 cup" and not be afraid, have waterproof drapes (explain later), have a good pair of googles for your eyes,
- knows what "ATM" is and no its not a bank machine, be prepared for an "oil rigger" and i aint talking about the ones in the ocean, and top if all off with a "strawberry shortcake" and that isnt no DQ ice cream treat.

( yes this is going straight to trash talk)
Your welcome bitches.

I just skimmed this but I got that you like cuddling puppies and snowballing.
As long as there's an Ashley Madison section too... Just kiddin', honey :D
"Young farmer with 100 acres would be pleased to hear from young lady with tractor. Please send photograph of tractor."
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