Pay before you pump coming to Ontario?

Without thinking about it, I have done this countless times at gas stations and banks.

I have too, because I'm only going to be a second and dont want to bother taking off the helmet just to put it back on two seconds later.

Most pumps have always had a pre-pay policy in effect in any event, especially if you're filling up at night or after a certain time. I don't really see this as a huge deal personally.

As for cops not caring, one time my brother accidentally forgot to pay, or maybe his card didn't go through at the pump and he didn't realize before he rode off on his bike. The cops were at the door in less then an hour. It was a 12 dollar fill up for his bike.
If someone really wants to steal gas he easily can.

My mom's got a 2003 silver civic which is one of the most common cars... a few years back, we realise a plate is missing.

We report it stolent right away.

The day after, we get a call from the cops saying we "stole gas" at such and such spot. We told them we reported it stolen and what not, but i would doubt that they caught the thief. So prolly the store didnt get their money back!
IMHO I think it's a stupid idea.
It's hard to tell the exact amount you need.
It's a pain to pump at night, but now all the time?
Imagine all the line up too.

The worker who ran took his choice he left and chased the theif.

Like people have said, when you're on the job, would you rather be safe, or would you go and risk your safety.
IMHO I think it's a stupid idea.
It's hard to tell the exact amount you need.
It's a pain to pump at night, but now all the time?
Imagine all the line up too.

The worker who ran took his choice he left and chased the theif.

Like people have said, when you're on the job, would you rather be safe, or would you go and risk your safety.

Really, you have a hard time knowing approximately how much gas you need? If I'm filling up the bike I just select $25 and fill 'er up. You only get charged the amount you've pumped. And as for a line up - the few times I do go in to pay at the cashier, I get stuck behind some loser who wants to buy a dozen lotto tickets and 5 cartons of smokes. It's much faster imo to pay at the pump and be free to go.

I'm not sure why some people think this is such a hassle.
I don't know about you but in Toronto, depending on what time, people are retarded lining up for the pumps.
Inside and out.

I know how much I need, it's the times when sometimes you want to fill it to the top before gas went up to 1.36.
Not only that, I don't want to pay them more then I need in my tank, or pay and not have enough to get from point A to B. Then the hassle comes when you got to pump again because you don't have enough.
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I don't know about you but in Toronto, depending on what time, people are retarded lining up for the pumps.
Inside and out.

I know how much I need, it's the times when sometimes you want to fill it to the top before gas went up to 1.36.
Not only that, I don't want to pay them more then I need in my tank, or pay and not have enough to get from point A to B. Then the hassle comes when you got to pump again because you don't have enough.
At my gas station
By default it asks "pay up to 120"
I say yes, choose which account
I enter pin
I fill up, and it will charge only what ive gassed up, not the 120.

That works for debit and credit cards. So you can put more and then keep your receipt if you dont trust em but i ve never had an issue
Only bad thing about prepay on your credit card is they hold $125 for 5 business days everytime you fill up.
Found that out when I filled up 4 times ($18 bike fill-ups) in 5 days and tried to make a purchase and they said the CC was maxed when I clearly had room, Went to the bank and thats what they told me.

In Aus they wont even release the pump until you take your helmet off even if you try paying at the pump. Also ive never been asked for zip code when fueling up in USA with my Aus credit cards/amex. I refueled in Ohio at the start of the year twice in 1 day as I was going across the state and my bank in Aus called me to see whats going on as the gas stations bill you $100 each time even if you only fill up $20. so 2 $100 gas bills on the same day set off their alarms.
More retarded Ontario potential law.

This province never ceases to amaze me.

My heart goes out to the victim and the family.

Next.... pay before you go get your food at the supermarket, and before you order your next meal at the restaurant!

Oh, and on your next trip to Canadian Tire, leave $100 with the cashier, so that if you steal and run..... the cashier girl wont risk her life!
I've had my Debit and Credit cards pin yanked and money stolen (fully recovered) enough times that I only pay with cash.

I've made every single payment that I can by credit or as a backup debit for probably the past ten years.

My credit card was copied only once in that time frame, about six years ago. Was pretty painless to get the charges reversed once I found out.
Then you were taken advantage of.

Many kids and recent immigrants (those most likely to pump gas) don't know their rights while the employers are convinced that the theft is a result of his employee not guarding his assets diligently or just plain ol' crooks. So they can get taken advantage of very easily.

Well I guess I was lucky that my boss wasn't a crook.

When the choice is between working for a crook or starving, people will just choose working for a crook until something better comes along.
When I worked at a gas station I had to pay for runners if I didn't get a plate. I got plates before releasing the pump

Legally they can't do that. All they can do is write you up or fire you for repeat offenses, but it's illegal to dock pay.
I never had a drive off come out of my pay. I worked at a Sunoco during highschool for a few years.

I have never heard of any minimum wage employee having a drive off taken out of their pay. I don't know where people get the idea that it does.

If someone robs a bank does it come out of the teller's pay??

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2

on gtam it does


caboose and kellen have never heard of it = never happend lol
I can't even fathom being ready to kill a person, and become a fugitive and/or a convicted killer, and changing my life, my loved one's lives, and the lives of the victim's and his family's, just for $100. Awful.

If indeed his employer had deducted pay from him in the past from drive-offs, then they indeed implemented a situation where the employee would also need to become a security guard. It is their fault that he had to leave his kiosk at all. All financial stress related to this should be absorbed by Shell.
I can't even fathom being ready to kill a person, and become a fugitive and/or a convicted killer, and changing my life, my loved one's lives, and the lives of the victim's and his family's, just for $100. Awful.

It would be nice if TV characters like Dexter actually existed.
This happened to me too a few months ago when I waitressed, was waiting a table and a fight broke out everyone ran away and I was stuck paying the bill.

As for the topic, the few extra steps and time to pay beforehand is a pain, yes. But at least it is one less thing these crooks can steal if the pay before you pump plan is implemented. I hate thieves and any kind of measure that makes it more difficult for them to take something makes me happier.

When he was waiting on a table did a runner on my son. It came out of his money. I think that over the years things may have changed Caboose. I have no supporting stats but I can imagine drive aways are way more common than when you were in high school.
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